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Spreadsheet with timetables of trains (Update: 24.01.2023)

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I just get idea to have all trains in one spreadsheet. I started with line S1/S41 to try how it will works. What do you think guys, should I continue or it's completely useless? 馃榾 I would like to continue, so I hope you will like it 馃檪

Soon, I will try to add more timetables, so you can see how everything driving. You can also be prepared a few minutes ahead when the train spawn (you know, sometimes it's hard to choose you favourite train in time). Also, it could be useful handbook for dispatchers. Sometimes you don't know if the passenger train is driving ontime or with delay (out of the station).

Link to Google Spreadsheet: https://bit.ly/simrailtimetables

Available timetables: (Latest update: 24.01.2023)

- ECE Katowice - Warszawa

- EIP Katowice - Warszawa

- EIP Krak贸w G艂贸wny (Tunel) - Warszawa

- S1/S41 Katowice -聽Cz臋stochowa

PS: I added preview into attachments, how it's looking.


Edited by TheFloxiCz
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@hyzwar I can easily implement changes without much work. Once I complete the whole timetable, it's just about to get new start time of the train, if the timetables will be changed in the future. At overall, the biggest time consuming thing is to get data from the game, since you have to join trains. Luckily, right now is all departures same or very similar.

Edited by TheFloxiCz
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After a small break I added another timetables. From now, timetables for ECE Katowice - Warszawa is now available and also for EIP Katowice/Krak贸w - Warszawa. During this week I will add definely more timetables, since I was collecting data during last week聽馃檪

Link is available in the first post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@cptnemo77聽Thank your for positive reaction! Sorry for late reply, I was reading it on mobile and forgot to reply before.聽

I wanted to continue, since I have data for timetables, but since there should be soon completely new timetables, I stopped all my works on it.聽Within new timetable, I will continue 馃檪

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