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Background sound when driving


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I have noticed recently that when driving after a while I start to hear background sounds of people talking, it seems to be a sort of sound you would hear at stations maybe? I drive with headphones and can just about hear this over the noise from the train. I heard it in pendo and EU07, the windows were open.

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Yes it environmental sounds as I can hear the same sounds outside some of the dispatch posts(even in middle of no where with nothing around yet hear people talking). 
I was driving at speed in middle of nowhere so should not hear these sounds unless at a stand in a built up area. I have turned environmental sounds right down in sound settings.

Also regarding sounds they still travel too far as I am at Opoczno Poludnie dispatching and can hear train doors closing from the platform which you would not hear from that distance.(feel free to move this comment as maybe should not post this under different topic).

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