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Everything posted by -1PARA-AlexKall

  1. Hi, I have searched to see if I could find any similar report but found nothing. Whenever I get into the second cab of the ET25, the front display with ETCS works, the 1st (the one to the left of the ETCS screen) and the 3rd screen (right of the ETCS screen) are white, with no information displayed. Even when the locomotive is cold and deactivated it still has two white screens. I've had this issue in both single player and multiplayer. I have verified the game files and it's still the same. The first cab works as intended with both screens working. It's the same if I activate that cab with the white screens and make everything ready for departure. The loco still drives but nothing is displayed on those two screens. Logfile is from multiplayer session I used to take the second screenshot. Regards Alexander Mulitplayer: SimRail_log_2024-05-22_16-03-08.txt
  2. Can be fun but I would of course prefer if the game created these situations eventually, so you have workers on the track or a signal that doesn't work etc 🙂
  3. You can turn those off in the ED250 (which I personally like).
  4. Are we talking about half and full light, if so what countries is that forbidden?
  5. Might have been in the playtest section?
  6. ED250 headlamp button seem to be reversed in function or "tool tip" indication is indicating the wrong aspect.
  7. Yes there are drivable services with Dragon, for example 245051, the picture is a question mark.
  8. I tried this in the prologue missions with the Traxx and wheel slip was modeled already back then. I have experienced it many times, especially on wet tracks and some of the older routes with the freight trains, where there are fairly long inclines, especially with the low blue wagons. But yes, more prevalent on the more modern locomotives; Traxx and Dragon as they can deliver more power.
  9. Shortest tutorial is about 30 min.
  10. You do not need to drive for 6 hours to enter signal boxes. I joined into a signalbox the first thing I did on multiplayer after doing the mandatory 30 min tutorial.
  11. The Tutorial requirement is definitely a very needed part. During the playtest there were constantly drivers who knew nothing about driving a train in the simulator (no shadow falls on them as there was no tutorial) and we dispatchers constantly had to teach drivers how to get going and drive the train and figure out problems, I didn't mind this but during high traffic this will cause massive problems on the servers. It's a good thing many of us dispatchers knew how to drive so we could help new drivers. Yes, basic mandatory diving tutorial is a great addition in my opinion, it certainly is not 'dumb' in my opinion. As for the dispatchers, you benefit from knowing how a train works, function and moves. I don't doubt that dispatchers in real life would benefit from getting a ride along in a train before dispatching, and the opposite, drivers would benefit from tagging along a dispatcher before driving, there would be a lot more understanding if that was the case. I admit that I was also a bit "annoyed" about having to do a tutorial before going in to play, but seeing how it has positively benefitted multiplayer I'm all for it even if I have to redo it when the sim goes out of early access.
  12. I agree, the team has done a great job and I'm really looking forward to the early access, my finger is ready to click buy as soon as the buy button comes up!
  13. Have you enabled TrackIr (if you are emulating TrackIR) in the settings?
  14. Could also be the "shunting operation" of the dispatcher, setting dispatching routes which was previously removed. So I'll keep my hopes to a lower level until I know what it entails 🙂 I do hope it will have shunting operation in multiplayer eventually, where a player can drive a shunting locomotive (f.ex SM42) to do shunting movements on the yards to get train sets together but I think such be far into the future if ever implemented. I think it might be more towards the reimplementation of shubt routing for dispatch than actual driving since right now we do not as far as I know have any diesel locomotive in the sim.
  15. You have the choice, you can walk up to the cab and enter the cab, or you can press 1. Choice is good and 1 is very much needed in multiplayer in my opinion.
  16. You could make it permission based. I do agree that it would be beneficial in shunting to have an extra person if you don't have Radio control of the locomotive (which I'm not sure Poland utilize?). If you have to give permissions I don't see the issue, it would make griefing a lot harder, but add a lot towards gameplay.
  17. SM42 for shunting operations would indeed be a nice addition 👍
  18. Think that depends on the country, some Swedish locomotives do have built in "car stereo" so you can listen to radio, use usb or Bluetooth to listen to for example an audio book. Do not know what it's like in Poland. EDIT: Built in was the wrong use of words from me, basically it is a car stereo fitted to the locomotive, it's not fitted from factory.
  19. The question is what that actually mean, practically.
  20. Yep have that too, thought it was just me.
  21. Had a crash on the EU07 tutorial, probably around Lazy Lc (I think, I have a memory worse than a grain of rice) and got a small rectangle grayish/white crash screen in the middle, shortly after it crashed to desktop. Did not have time to take a screen. Sorry for the lack of information but hopefully the log and crash dump will give you more information. SimRail_log_2023-01-01_17-28-32.zip crash.zip
  22. I hope it's just a playtest thing to limit potential problems caused by joysticks in the bug finding mission and it will be added to full game. I use my Hotas Warthog throttle in Zusi 3 which works really well and would love to use that in Simrail as well. Really like your controller you made, well done, looks brilliant! Looks to be way higher quality compared to the Raildriver which I've never liked the looks of, looks very cheaply made but cost quite a bit, and as you say more aimed at US train driving which I'm not much into. And using Arduino to make your own controls with an interface (made by the community, can't expect that from the developers) to interact with Simrail to make displays etc as well would be awesome.
  23. They did say that there would be joystick support, I understood it as being able to use for example a throttle (think aircraft) to bind an analogue axis to a function (which we so far pretty much only have in Zusi 3). I hope that is still on the table. Although on the steam page it is now listed as "partial controller support", which made me a bit sad.
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