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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. In track no 22 of station Warszawa Zachodnia there are W32 indicators placed, when reaching the platform coming from W'wa Ursus. The signs are turned around, so that they would be valid for the WKD and not for a train bound from Ursus.
  2. The developers refer to a state of infrastructure from around 2018, I heard. Numerous things changed since then, but are not covered due to said reference.
  3. Hallo, mit dem letzten Update wurden Merkhinweise für die Relaisstellwerke hinzugefügt. Dazu habe ich ein paar Vorschläge: Hilfs-Overlay an den Tasten: bisher: "Textplatte hinzufügen / entfernen" Vorschlag: "Merkhinweis anbringen/entfernen" Auswahlfenster für Merkhinweise: bisher -> Vorschlag Gleis geschlossen -> Gleis gesperrt Elektrolokomotiven verboten -> elektrische Traktion verboten telefonische Durchsage -> Rückmelden Achtung! Arbeiter auf den Gleisen! -> Arbeitsstelle (DE) oder gefährdete Rotte (AT) Schranke außer Betrieb -> Schranke beschädigt
  4. Es kann auch gut möglich sein, dass im Stellwerk ein kleiner Gleisbildtisch vorhanden ist, um Ersatz- und/oder Rangiersignale zu bedienen. Selbsttätige Gleisfreimeldeanlage (falls vorhanden) und Streckenblock Eap/Eac können da auch vorhanden sein. Der klassische Felderblock Bauform C kann auch über den herkömmlichen Blockkasten bedient werden. https://www.bsk.isdr.pl/srk_scentr.php (siehe Absatz Współpraca z sygnalizacją świetlną) Ich bin gespannt, ob es Bahnhofsblock und dann entsprechend auch ein besetzbares Weichenwärterstellwerk geben wird.
  5. Another option might be to apply a new timetable to a train. This would allow to let a train terminate and change to the following service a few station prior to the usual terminus station in order to make it depart on time again.
  6. The graphical timetable is a really nice addition! Is it possible to switch the x- and y-axis? Because in some usecases the places are aligned left-to-right and the time runs top-to-bottom.
  7. At some point in the forum I have seen that it is meant to happen in the future.
  8. Hello, with introduction of the Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia station I took opportunity to update this post. I added pictures and descriptions for both C type line block (arrival procedure) and Eap type line block (departure procedure). I also added a little bit of information regarding the tail lamps/tail boards used to check for train integrity and line clearance.
  9. Hi there, in some places there are short sections between the stations with only one or even no block signals in between. For example between Sosnowiec and Bedzin or Lazy Lc and Lb. In theory it should be possible to report an expected train departure time to give the neighbouring signaller enough time to set the signals. Until now I just type in the expected departure and hope the neighbouring AI (especially in Lazy) clears the signal in time.
      • 1
      • I agree
  10. But to be honest, something on a freight car from time to time would be a nice variation though.
  11. When taking over the ED250 from the AI, the white arrow next to the speed in the overlay GUI stays neutral, although the "LINV" selector is forward. Traction power is unable to be built up. Workaround is to stop the train, bring "LINV" to neutral, put it to forward again. After this it works. Mistake appears not to happen when manually giving and taking control to/from AI. SimRail_log_2023-01-17_17-40-45.txt
  12. The brake manometers went white after I used the PTT button for radio communication. The key was on default bind, I was not able to reproduce it after server restart. SimRail_log_2023-01-17_17-40-45.txt
  13. On the line from Szeligi to Biała Rawska SBL-Signal 307 was dark. The previous signal did not show stop signal. It was clear as usual. The SBL-Signal on the left track however showed a clear aspect, while the other signals on that line were dark.
  14. One of the station signs at platform 3 in Warzsawa Zachodnia didn't get its name. It still says "Nazwa Stacji"
  15. Is there any chance Zawodzie will get trains bound for LK138 so that there is a bit more action?
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