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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Hopefully it also applies to the servers when people enter the server to respect the language of the server also, today with a simple translator is fixed. even you yourself could have made that addition to the translation. should not be so strict to put another language especially in a forum. The theme of the servers leaves much to be desired, people enter to annoy the games the other day a German player, had no better idea than to put two trains, facing the entrance of Katowice, to force me out of the game and enter, do you have any measure to prevent this kind of thing from happening? And another question, should the inactivity option be disabled and managed by a boot, because by that rule of three, I can go to take a nap and when I come back from the nap I can have the dispatcher for myself.
  2. If you already close the only server, which we Spanish-speakers use the most, it starts badly, for your part, apart from the fact that we already have to put up with it when users from different countries enter, and they do not speak at all when they are dispatchers, you would have to take into account the Spanish community, but what is achieved is that people stop playing because of these decision-making, because 95% of this game is online and if we already close ES1, well, we are going badly.
  3. You should turn off the one that has more repeated servers, and less used, we have only the ES1 and ES2 is for the area of South America which has the highest ping, we only have a single server, to leave it off, there will be hours with more people and night hours with few people, but it is not a reason for us to turn it off, besides people from other countries also get in, not being able to enter the Spanish many times to play. We are the community that is always affected by this kind of things, unfortunately.
  4. Darles las gracias a Cesar por las mejoras que ha hecho y por las mejoras al PCR incorporadas.
  5. Esperemos que lo tengan en cuenta para futuras mejoras…
  6. Efectivamente es reportar, y lo que unico que se ha comentado que tenemos un solo servidor para poder acceder y el otro el Latinoamericano, mientras que otros tienen 8 servidores, no es normal todo lleno de alemanes e ingleses y los demas se queden fuera.
  7. Lo tuyo si que es postureo un mensaje solo y para no aportar nada🤷‍♂️eh Javi..., por dos tristes mensajes que he puesto, y encima los pones como negativo por das dos tristes reportes. Javi Gracias por darme negativo que parece que estabas con ganas de ponerlo, sin motivo alguno. A ver si aprendes a diferenciar las cosas, por que he probado el play test., y se perfectamente lo que es un Early Acces, venga el siguiente mensaje espero que sea para que reportes cosas del juego, y dejes de llamar la atención que esto es para reportar temas que nos conciernen.
  8. Tenemos que hacer cola por entrar en servidores Españoles ES1 cuando estan entrando de otros paises, y tienen el doble de servidores que nosotros, espero que pongais servidores privados en el que uno pueda entrar o que pongan mas servidores españoles.
  9. Lo que no me ha gustado que cuando accedes al juego que tengamos que hacer un tutorial de inicio, cuando hemos probado el play test, aparte no puedes acceder a un CTC con ciertas horas de CTC ya de experincia, esa parte por mi parte mal esta echa, capar un multijugador caracteristicas??? cuando adquiere un juego lo adquiere con todo desbloqueado y mas en multijugador esperemos que lo tengais en cuenta para la proxima vez. Por que estamos jugando lo mismo sin poder acceder a los nuevos puestos.
  10. El simulador en si promete, pero el sistema de puntuacion asi, desde mi punto de visto no lo veo util, por que te resta puntos si llegar tarde a una estacion, muchas veces por causa de gestion de la IA, por que te quita puntos por llegar tarde cuando, realmente intentas llegar la hora, pero a veces te para dar prioridad como me paso a mi a dos intercitis durante 15 minutos, la espera no es el problema, el problema esta en que por ese retraso ya te por si te ha quitado puntos.
  11. Another suggestion would be to be able to take control of other dispatchers that are assigned by AI, through a type of remote control in case the AI cannot effectively manage its dispatcher, in which you can change the screen to said dispatcher, it would also be good a central dispatcher to be able to manage certain areas with more ease. Another question would be the issue of trains that pass through your area and you do not know where to send said train, since said train is not assigned to your dispatcher, there is no option either, to give a specific order to the trains driven by the AI .
  12. One option that they could put is that you can remotely manage the dispatchers that you have around you.
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