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Everything posted by Fightdrug

  1. i would say to the MP stats can just delete a admin because of report reasons or so 😅
  2. dont be afraid to ask ingame for help too that do people way to less 😉 i would suggest to drive firstly with the full HUD activated after a while you learn the track and the signals so you can drive without it 😄
  3. was glaubste wie lange es dauert von lvl 133 auf lvl 134 zu kommen musste katowice - warschau mindestens 2 mal hin und zurück 😅
  4. meine güte die weichen und die signale am anfang sind auch nur noch da zum fotos machen wa ? xD
  5. like uetam sayed you need to actived j2 first here is a video from it how you need to do it 🙂
  6. i think in germany you are allowed to drive backwards but just 10 kmh and just behind the next signal 🤔 but not sure my dispatcher knowlage is a bit 80s
  7. the problem is you dont really know what shunting signals are yours by looking back ;D
  8. lets hope ingame it will be the same way then 😁
  9. not really in topic because of the missing shunting operations but i was thinking on my walk how it will be when you need to change the cabin 🤔 i mean do we need to disable firstly the one cabin and actived the other or is it enough to let one actived 🤔 specialy looking at the EU07/EP08 here
  10. sure here you can see how the intial brake goes from 24%-30% when the compressor is actived 😄
  11. my words when i would drive that train at this point i would notice that something is wrong when i pass the last switch and then you have a emergency brake 🤕 because the signal make you clear that the area till the next signal is free from trains so i dont would check the switches interesting fact here when you do that in real life you can say goodbye to your job as dispatcher and when someone inside the train gets harmed you even can go to prison 😄 alteast in germany
  12. allright i think i know how he did it 😑 i was testing stuff out of EU3 so i dont effect someone and when you take away the way you have set after he pass the signal you can easly lead him to a track were a other train standing 😐
  13. it was DE1 😁 that is the strange thing is when it was a SZ then why the train box show a yellow signal normaly its a white blinking one 🤔 the only thing i would think about is that he let the train in then take fastly his driveway away and switch the switches manually to get around the Sz in the hope no one would see it.
  14. i have see something really strange today zawierce have let a train in the station (73123) but after he pass the signal the next signal have change from H3 to G1 were a other train wait for departure Oo the thing is it wasnt a SZ it was a regulary signal what means he needed to change a switch in a set way 🤔 here a video from it ( look in the train box by the 73123 he switch the signal after passing the entrance one ) : please tell me that is a bug and i can trust the signals anyweres 😞
  15. the EP250 have a large area for each brake leveler position like the initial brake when the leveler is nearly set to the electronic brake you will have 24% when its near the full service brake its by 30% but it looks like you have the compressor disabled maybe possible that it try to spare air 🤔
  16. i think that would be a bad idea anyways you have really much space for trolling there 🤔 i be better alone in my cabin then have the risk to have a other player that find it funny to jump around infront of me like a fool 😅
  17. well you buy a early access title what means it dont have all functions in or complete in exemple would be here shunting,switching cab or prepair a loco and couple it to the train 🙂 when you buy a early access game you need to be aware of that even when it takes years to add otherwise i would suggest to buy it when it leave the early access 👉
  18. mostly in the traxx the brakes show released in the hud while it isnt so you can see that in the traxx on the far right brake needle it goes slowly back to 0 when it reach the 0 you can give power again before that the train brakes are not complete empty, here is a photo from the needle i mean
  19. nicht unbedingt unsere strecke aber da war ne pentolino mit verwickelt 🤕
  20. do you had the speed leveler back to ,,0" after release the brakes 🤔 the traxx and the dragon dont will give any power before the speed leveler is back in neutral positon
  21. ja ich sag ja nur hab mich nur gewundert 😅 wird schon dafür sein dass passagierzüge auf denn bahnsteig kommen zum wenden ohne gleich ne gegengleis fahrt anzumelden 😜
  22. let the people as long drive like they want there are enough servers that are allways empty 🙂 dont understand the long waiting till a signalbox or a train is free anyways, normaly i just take a train that need a driver or a signalbox that is free and when everything is full i go on EU2 or play a other game 😅
  23. ich weiß was du meinst hab mich damals schon gefragt warum die fahrstraße fürs gegengleis nicht ging 😅 hätt genauer hinschauen sollen 🤔 aber wenn ich mich recht erinnere konnt ich auch denn zug nicht auf bahnsteig 2 leiten war wohl echt gut so
  24. dann hätte man auch gleich rangiersignale hinstellen können 😅
  25. mir ist grad mal so aufgefallen dass signal E1 in slawkow nur ne rangierstrassen funktion hat aber keine für reguläre Fahrstraßen 😮 mich würde echt mal interessieren warum, ist nicht so als ob man die nicht fürs gegengleis brauchen würde und ne grün und gelb funktion hats ja auch🤔
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