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Everything posted by Fightdrug

  1. yeah i know what you mean have it now sometimes that Psary send speedtrains to my direction that normaly need in the other direction some dont do that on purpose i have ask the last time why train (four numbers) is here he say he read it wrong and say sorry 🙂 would be nice when you can sign the AI that they need to change the direction and need to drive back because then i would as gora just let him drive on the side track and let him change the cockpit and let him drive back
  2. yep they have say at a stream that the finished game will have random events 🙂
  3. i am more happy with medium or small signalboxes 😄 not so much hurry there 😛
  4. i think yes u guess some signalboxes are just for the AI because they wanna see how they work without a player take it over 🙂
  5. ich meinte mehr andersrum 😛 war FDL in gora nur irgendwie hat kein Lokführer drauf reagiert wenn ich was gesagt hab wie z.b dass man auf ne überholung warten soll 🙂 aber warscheinlich sind die meisten einfach nur zu faul zum antworten xD
  6. hm... mal so ne dumme frage sehen die lokführer in der nähe was dass stellwerk schreibt ? hab manchmal das gefühl nicht 😮
  7. achja dass ist ein bug die entwickler versuchen es zu fixen 🙂
  8. and i guess the final release will have mor secure stuff so you cant do stupid stuff 🙂
  9. i think some train models have a electronic system were you can see what the next signal say or how far it is 😄 but i think the signals stay not so near by eachother so you cant break in time you see the yellow signal or atleast the yellow signal let you brake down before like reduce your speed to 100 kmh
  10. klar türlich eigendlich ist es nur erlaubt das signalhorn zu benutzen wenn es die strecke verlangt via P tafel ^^
  11. the idea isnt bad but i can tell you from many MP games that vote players from the server nearly never works ^^ i have some other ideas : - when a dispatch player try to set the signal back to red but the train comes closer and the distance to the signal is shorter then 500 m the dispatch player get auto kicked and the signal stay at the position it was before like green 🙂 - when the dispatch player find it funny to produce a traffic jam the AI dispatcher jump in after a few min and block the dispatch player from do something till the traffic jam is cleared by the AI - when the dispatch player try to lead a other player to a sidding track and he cant reach his destination from there ( like you need to go from Lazy La to Lazy Lc but the track leads just to the depot ) the AI say ,,cant set that route no tracks lead back to the route of the train" so he need to send you atleast to a track were the AI can later or a other player lead you were you need to just that the AI look the players a bit over the shoulder i think that stop many trollers
  12. yeah i know what you mean a few hours ago the dispatcher at Lazy hold it for a funny idea to switch the signal in front of me ( 200m ) to red with a fright train you cant stop even when you go to full service 😕 lucky the signal switch 6 m before to green again
  13. was thinking myself about that with AI timetables that goes 24/7 you could too really much in the SP like let you search a engine and couple random fright trains that need anywere else with a smart dispatch AI and AI that have timetables by themself and they even have portals to add and remove trains with stuff like this should be possible 😄
  14. looks like a function to do something between the engine and the waggons is allready in atleast you can see a yellow border when you get closer to the coupling stuff and at the trailer you can see how a engine couple cars too ^^
  15. dass machen die meisten eh schon 😄 alternative kann man immer auf TAB schauen ob wer drin sitzt aber so ne option wäre schon gut wäre leichter
  16. i like it when its not so busy, you can take your time with a train or maybe chat with other dispatchers or read a book 😄
  17. i guess thats thats not so difficult just making a black screen while the game change stuff ^^ like WOS 4 have make it
  18. yeah or maybe at the release that you can take the train back so you need to change the cockpit 😄
  19. i think the AI dispatcher at Lazy Lc is still bugged when the player leave the control room because i was standing at the entrance signal Y for nearly a half hour till a other player take over again 🙂 whats maybe importent is that the dispatcher player have change 2 times before i reach Lazy Lc and the AI take over the station
  20. maybe not now for the playtest but would be nice to have at the release game more freeroom at the MP so you dont need to connect allways new for a new train, like spawm at a station and have a list there about trains that come in and you can take over or take the next drive from the train that have ended at the station 😄
  21. would be nice too when you need to wait at the next station for the train and take it over 😄
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