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Everything posted by Fightdrug

  1. its hard without a camera Perspektive were you can look out of the window to say if the doors are clear to move on like the EMU have it would be nice to add a perspektive for that 🙂
  2. yeah thats strange sometimes the one time no one enters the train and the platforms are empty and in the next one you have this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920341087
  3. by me they do that all the time they normaly just open when a passanger wanna enter or leave the train ^^
  4. thats a bug normaly you just need to wait when the dispatcher say it ^^
  5. not really normaly you need to look if the train is a bot or a driver when its a bot you can let him wait to get him back in time but when its a player then it is normaly usefull to ask him if he wanna make a break or if he wanna just pass trough 🙂
  6. i had yesterday a whole football fanclub sound there xD
  7. bin mir nicht sicher ob dass ein bug ist oder was anderes jedenfalls ist der eine block da dauerweiß hatte dass schonmal jemand =?
  8. i done this one time as a player trolling via blocking the exit switches and nothing happens he just leave later because he see i send the trains just over the left track ^^
  9. and whats later =? right now the game is new so they can focus on be at the servers but what is later when they done with simrail and get over to simbus ? do you think they have the time then to take care live about trollers and programming a new game ? with the AI system that handle trollers they can focusing other things as watch for kids 🙂
  10. du machst garnix verkehrt die ist grad etwas verbuggt um genauer zu sein übernimmt man die mit neutralem richtungswender und da man wärend der fahrt nicht die richtung ändern kann muss man erst anhalten dann solltes gehen 🙂
  11. jup wär schön wenns sowas dann auch im SP gäbe so dass man auch die zeit einstellen kann um mal um 3 uhr zu fahren 😄
  12. dass ist aber auch versteckt hab denn zug 5 mal durchsucht 😄 danke dir
  13. hat jemand ne idee wie man dass füherstandslicht bei der EMU ausmacht =? bei mir sieht dass bis jetzt leider so aus bei nacht
  14. i would like to unload and load cars to or atleast deliever cars and take others with me 🙂 but not a system that says we need steel to make steelplates ( like trainz have it ) i guess that would be to much just a bit simulation that you finish a drive and not just get kicked from the server
  15. like it was in chivalry medieval warfare or rightnow it is in chivalry 2 the half server dont vote or vote no even when they see right now that the TD is over 400 or you have that dudes that even write in the chat ,,go get him boys" and you get kicked for nothing
  16. and what do you do when a troller and his gang abuse this system to kick and ban player that did nothing wrong ? i see that often in other games stuff like this can ruin your game more as a trolling dispatcher at all trust me what we need is a AI system that figure out someone troll like when train 24xxx dont leave the station after 10 min of reaching the entrance signal the first time when that happens the AI take care of that train and set a route for it and warn the dispatcher when that happens the second time with a other train the dispatcher get a ban for 1 day 🙂
  17. dont look bad but i hope then just the first picture of paint come in 😅
  18. ja dass vermiss ich auch am besten noch mit EC lackierung 😄
  19. ich bin froh wenn meine mühle jedesmal anspringt xD
  20. whats maybe importent too is we try on DE5 do derail the trains that were standing on that one track to Poludniowy but when you do that Poludniowy will not clean the red arrow that shows to him so things will stuck forever 🙂
  21. ich hoffe die fixen auch irgendwann dass die AI stellwerke einfach so die pausenzeiten ignorieren
  22. not right now but some functions at the dispatcher pc are disabled like make a route out of the depot i guess that comes later ^^
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