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Early Access Playtests

BigVern last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. Think this would need to go hand in hand with a save game and checkpoint system, or the ability to jump to where you left off.
  2. I guess your occupancy time might be less if you had a curry the night before... yeesh.
  3. Good for some that they have that amount of time to sit in front of the PC in one go, but most of us don't (or want to). So back to my original assertion that the scenarios could br broken into smaller chunks or, like Zusi and the Japanese video clip sim, allow you to jump forward to a particular station or event.
  4. Agree Mike. And as you say tutorials are no use if you get stuck in the actual game, maybe there needs to be some form of interactive help or manual you can call up to help out in that situation.
  5. Guess that's where a save game or checkpoint would come in handy... 😁
  6. Well I relented and repurchased the ET22 along with a reinstall of SimRail. If the devs are taking their time over the SP and save game still better than the contempt DTG seem to show for the TSW customer base.
  7. Having invested in the ET22 and Cargo Pack, as expected a very elusive item to find on many of the servers. Even the quiet ones (and it doesn't help that some of the servers seem to be permanently offline now). Best I've been able to manage so far is a couple of runs around the Lazy area which is painfully slow and doesn't give any opportunity to use the loco to its full potential. Yesterday evening I managed to cover 15km in 35 minutes, staggering from one signal check or 20km/h goods line to another. So the suggestion is, please increase the percentage of trains worked by the ET22, maybe even consider adding a couple of extra fast freights to the hourly service pattern. This is also why (dare I say it) we need a much improved single player timetable (preferably with the save game 🙂 ) which would avoid this angst. Or the ability to drop a free roam/quick drive consist into the single player game, so we can actually use the content we paid for...
  8. Agree Mike. I bought the ET22 pack to show good faith but I would still like something that improves the SP game. Either as already suggested an easy to use scenario editor (i.e. not scripting) so you can chain the run into smaller sections. Or some sort of Quick Drive or Free Roam mode where you can put down a consist of your choice and drive it as far as you can towards a specific destination. As regards the save game, still can't really understand what the problem is. Apart from Zusi 3 every other train game on the market allows you to save a run in progress even if there is some compromise, like Run 8 having all trains restart from a stand or TSW sometimes not reinitialising the signalling properly. But most of the time it works and that's a chance worth taking.
  9. The devs are still tight lipped about when (or even if) the single player game wil get much needed improvements including a save feature or checkpoints, or an editor to create our own scenarios. However with the update and EN57 etc. we once again get SP scenarios for which the unbroken running time is in excess of two hours. Some of us simply do not have the time to sit at the PC and do that in one hit. So could the devs please look at breaking some or all of the scenarios into multi parts of 30 - 45 minutes or thereabouts so at least we can do the whole run over a few sessions. Obviously the full length scenario can also stay for those who are lucky enough to not have other distractions that require attention.
  10. The one thing puzzling me after the update is what appears to be the little telephone icon next to some (but not all) of the ph station stops. I'm guessing this has something to do with keeping the departure signal at red until ready, but during the little bit of driving I've done so far, whether AI or player despatched the signal has always been cleared without asking.
  11. I do think with the scenarios the train should be "prepped" ready to go, either that or the introduction which tells you to do a radio check should also remind you to bring it up from cold and dark.
  12. It's not obvious how you flip the pages and I only found out by accident that Tab closes it. Cool feature, though.
  13. I thought it was just the EN57 etc that had this feature missed off. Hopefully the devs will add this back in otherwise if I want "bounce" the Class 142 on the TSW Blackpool route will need to be brought out to play!
  14. That I wasn't aware of. Probably explains why a couple of times when I tried that method it didn't work.
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