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Everything posted by 1814

  1. To nie do końca prawda, ujawniłem to wczoraj, a wczoraj były wiadomości po mojej, nawet dzisiaj. Również w poprzednich dniach zamieściłem post z pytaniami, a nawet wysłałem Ci prywatną wiadomość i ani moje posty nie zostały opublikowane, ani nie odpowiedziałeś na moją prywatną wiadomość
  2. I dlaczego moje posty nie są publikowane? Złożyłem wczoraj konstruktywną krytykę w sekcji anglojęzycznej i nadal oczekuje ona na zatwierdzenie.
  3. This suggestion is for both multiplayer and single. After going through the route in single with the dragon, I have seen details along the route that I have not liked and I explain why: 1- the vegetation is excessively repetitive, I don't know that country, and it may be a country or the area represented with a lot of vegetation, but the vegetation that we find is 3 types of trees, 3 types of shrubs, wheat, and one species yellow blooming set that basically boils down to a single preset shape that reminds me of some very basic low quality vegetation that Train simulator had. 1 type of flower. And three deer seen at the end of that path. The cars have no variety and are translated into three colors, red, blue, and white. Two types of trucks. 2- Cities and especially smaller populations do not take care of the most basic details. It seems as if there are no lawn mowers, all the house grounds are flooded with vegetation, for example. In what are supposed to be recreational parks, just a kind of booth that is repeated in various parts of the town. Please, even if it is a train simulator, at least the crossing points and the closest areas have a little more love and better represent the closest environment, because it seems that everything that comes out has been thrown away. There are level crossings that the vehicles cross without stopping, getting to cross the train. Vehicles that approach the level crossing and arrive at high speed and stop suddenly without a minimum smoothness. I do not want to extend much more, but please a little more love and creativity when representing the nearby landscapes. Take it as a constructive criticism that will help improve the simulator in that sense. regards
  4. Entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch, ich benutze den Übersetzer. Gestern ist mir das eingangs aufgedeckte Problem passiert. Auf dem ES1-Server gibt es eine Gruppe von 3 oder 4 Personen, die Tests für sich selbst durchführen und den Datenverkehr in eine Richtung unterbrechen. mit zwei Kompositionen, die das Gleis besetzen, und durchgehend die Signale in Rot. Ich war auf der nächsten Station und habe die Kompositionen von der Station in Sosnowiec nicht bekommen. Ich habe sie mehrmals gemeldet, aber anscheinend funktioniert das Meldesystem des Spiels nicht.
  5. El sonido de la lluvia dentro del dispensador sigue siendo horrible, suena como si tuviera fugas cayendo en un cubo, por favor arréglalo, no quiero imaginar el ruido que debe hacer en temporada de invierno
  6. I don't know if you have wondered but... how many players can be hosted on each server? Because, for example, in the English server there are 30 free slots for the controller and there are 500 connected and those 30 controller slots are occupied... I hope there are more servers so I don't have to wait for a free slot
  7. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's really like that. The skies at night look like it's dawn, the shot was taken at 3:43 am.
  8. A mí me pasó lo mismo, nivel 8, penúltima actualización y bajé al nivel 1, hoy con la nueva actualización aún no he probado.
  9. Hello, it turns out that today I have been driving trains, but the problem seems to me that I drive very little time, I cannot find trains that do the complete route of the playtest, I have only been driving for a maximum of 20 minutes, at other times 45 seconds, and all the trains that appear to me They have very little driving time left. Is there any solution to be able to find trains with a longer drive?
  10. ok then, because yesterday i ran into that problem. So I have to suppose that at the launch of the game there will be more lines, and more stations to be able to control them?
  11. lacy tc no train in the ctc table marks two compositions in siding but there are no such compositions. In the photo you can see 3 compositions in the panel, the one above is correct but the other two are not displayed
  12. He observado en lacy tc como se adjunta en la foto que dos líneas ocupadas aparecen en rojo en los apartaderos pero no hay tren
  13. Hello, very excited yesterday. I tried the ctc control in a simple station to learn. My first impression was very good. In fact it is a guaranteed purchase. Yes, I would like the simulator to be translated into Spanish, English. Well, in Polish it has been very difficult for me, despite the translator, to start using the ctc, because the drop-down options in the box when you click on a signal, some are complete words and can be translated, but others appear simplified, for example ZW and that does not have translation. Another thing to note is that the servers in Spain, for example, which is the one I use, have a very high ping. I also suffered some server outages, I suppose that being in tests and being the first day it is something normal, or it could be due to the high ping. A manual in several languages would be good or a tutorial. Even so, I really liked the simulator. Today we will continue, greetings. // Styles removed // @inomushis
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