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Everything posted by RubeRenfe

  1. It will be difficult but the best thing before trying it will be to wait for the publication of the creation and export tools in addition to the routes and creation editor
  2. Hello, I would like to know if the content creators for SimRail are going to build the Map of Spain. Without it, I don't think Spanish content can be created in addition to routes.
  3. Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si los creadores de contenido para SimRail van a construir el Mapa de España, sin él no creo que se puedan crear contenido español además de rutas
  4. Sorry, I wanted to say that if it will be possible to add enviromental sounds and programming to the game
  5. Spanish language is possible?
  6. Hello i would like add ambient sounds for stations and Halts, in any route of game, if is possible
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