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SimRail Early Access


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  1. After shortly logging into Dispatch Station, Opoczno Poludnie on server EN1, I kept getting a warning message about accepting line block request: 5251_Zs_Abl, I only had one train in area and the route for that train had been set before I had logged into session. There were no other trains in the area or no notifications from either of the Dispatch Station either side of Opoczno Poludnie informing me of approaching trains. NB I also kept getting same warning on a different dispatch station, Zastow, again on EN1 server, although there were 3 trains in area but again routes had been set.
  2. Beaten to an answer 🤣 Many thanks to @0x8000ffff and @SugaCane for pointing the OP to the ED250 start up guide, glad the pdf is helping.
  3. @DazT Yeah, I realised after I posted that you'd had already explained 😀 Note to self: must spend more time reading WONs/PONs/Late Notices more carefully 🤣
  4. The UK does have this rule for Trains between midnight and 6AM, This ONLY applies to where whistle boards are situated, but the use of train horns is still permitted for safety reasons, for example approaching / passing Engineering Possessions in place
  5. Wow, Level Crossing abuse even portrayed in Simulation 😂. SimRail has pulled out all the stops. 😄
  6. On the Dispatcher Screen only half of the Action buttons at the top of the screen have been translated into English when you hover the mouse over them, (these are SWZ, OSWZ, OSWZP, OSZ & ODS). Hovering the mouse over the rest of the buttons (which are ZPO, OZPO, OPO, APO & APOP) the Polish Name / meaning is given. This is the same on both EN3 (UTC -8) and EN8 (UTC +11) and on the same date 03/04/2023 (3rd April 2023) I am not sure about the other EN Servers as I have not been on them for Katowice Zawodzie Dispatch SimRail_log_2023-04-03_19-29-59.txt
  7. Hi, If you mean on the Screen with the 3 Digital Dials just to the left of the Blank screen, A rough Translation of the boxes above the large Centre Dial is : 1: NAPIĘCIE LINII. 3300.0v = Line Voltage. 3300.0v 2: PRĄD ZADANY. 1200A = Current Reference. 1200A 3: PRĄD POBRANY. 14A = Current Consumed. 14A Not sure whether the "Current Reference" indication actually does anything in Sim or whether it is just for Information purposes only. Hopefully Someone more Knowledgeable on the ED250 might see this post and elaborate for us. ;
  8. " -- Possibility that the switchers can change the speed limit in their township. " If switchers refers to the Dispatcher / Signaller, then surely that means trains would only go slower, because they would only be able to apply a speed as a temporary / emergency restriction to the tracks / lines due to safety reasons as after all it is Simulating Real Life within the Rail Industry. " -- Add a probability system for the passenger traffic, which is almost non-existent. One wonders if one is not driving empty sometimes. " In my honest opinion I can say that there has been many a time in real life, I have driven a train and not been able to feel any difference between a train that is empty coaching stock or carrying passengers on board. " --I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not, and I'm sure it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not. " Hopefully I am not the only one that is totally confused by this one 🤔, not sure if the "death button" sounds a good idea for either Train Drivers or Dispatchers / Signallers. " -- Add an option to disable speeding or when it is a player who has the station to catch up that we can discuss with him so he can make us go faster by managing our speed. " Wouldn't adding an option to disable speeding, take away the realism of Simulating Railway Rules and Regulations and Safety Procedures. " -- Regarding the passenger trains there are some screens that are not used put the schedules on these screens, regarding the mirrors removed and put cameras that will work with the screens. " There are probably a few Countries that have trains running around where not every item of equipment in a Drivers Cab is live and active, for example - there are plenty of trains in the UK where the trains are fitted in preparation for ETCS / ERTMS, but as the system has not been Nationally implemented as yet ( still currently in testing in the UK I believe ), those screens are currently switched off and remain blank. SimRail has simulated the Train Drivers and Dispatchers / Signallers roles very realistically and this means not only in the physical manual labour way but also in how Rules, Regulations, Safety procedures play a major part of the Industry as well as the way things like deactivated / Inactive systems and equipment are seen.
  9. I just recreated the "Emergency Stop" by doing as you explained, Apologies if you've already tried this, step 3 Seems to be the crucial part) After the train comes to a stand make sure: 1 - "Service brake" handle is in the "Running" position, 2 - "Drive Handle" is in the 0 position (pulled all the way back towards Driver, may need to move it forwards a bit and then back and listen out for the "Click"), 3 - Click on the Round Red "Emergency brake" button below the Service brake handle ( or press Numpad 1 key ) To release the Emergency brake. Hope this helps
  10. Ooops Sorry, that bit slipped my mind. I'll try and remember for next time and hopefully the Dispatchers will feel sorry for me and NOT hold me in every loop along the way..😂
  11. I had to laugh to myself when reading this post especially for point number 1, because as a real life train driver in the UK with over 30 years of driving experience, one of the reasons that was stated by the OP Quote "- I can't choose the time, consist, weather and location and direction where I am heading ....... ......?.The scenarios I don't really like them because they are built on how they want it, not myself." Unquote in my view is very realistic to the job and simulated as true as can be, because this is exactly how the job goes, If we could do this in real life then half of the train services probably would not run because there would be no drivers to drive the trains due to the fact that things are not the way the drivers want it to be. As stated on the Steam Store page the SimRail is in early access. Therefore complete features should not be expected from the start and with an understanding and patience that it may take sometime for more and new things to be implemented, also what we have been given for release should be appreciated.
  12. The ability to be able to click and drag chat boxes to position of choice on the screen or even as a pop-out window to move on to second monitor.
  13. A quick guide tutorial with images I created to help with starting up the ED250 - EIP, hope it is of some help to people SimRail_ED250_EIP_StartUp.pdf
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