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Everything posted by Ares28

  1. Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie. Prosimy o dodanie następujących informacji: log symulatora, raport dxdiag z konfiguracją twojego komputera, zrzutu lub opisu ustawień graficznych, jeśli uda Ci się odtworzyć błąd to przydatne będzie także nagranie ukazujące błąd.
  2. Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie. Prosimy o dodanie następujących informacji: raport dxdiag z konfiguracją twojego komputera, zrzutu lub opisu ustawień graficznych, jeśli uda Ci się odtworzyć błąd to przydatne będzie także nagranie ukazujące błąd.
  3. Błąd jest już nam znany, zajmujemy się tym.
  4. Błąd jest już nam znany, zajmujemy się tym.
  5. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/895
  6. Thank you for your report. Please provide us the following: dxdiag report of your PC configuration screenshot or the decription of your graphic settings video showing the flickering effect
  7. Thank you for your report. Please provide us the following: dxdiag report of your PC configuration screenshot or the decription of your graphic settings
  8. Thank you for your report. We are aware of the AI dispatcher issues and will investigate these further.
  9. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/894
  10. Thank you for your report. Have you been running (shift pressed) during walk around the train? The mentioned behaviour of the power wheel is intentional when using the combination including the shift key.
  11. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/887
  12. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/893
  13. Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie. Wewnętrzny ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/892
  14. Błąd jest znany, wewnętrzny ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/890
  15. Thank you for your report. Please check if the servers are working now, and if not ten write us exactly which one causes the trouble.
  16. Thank you for your report. Please check if the servers are working now, and if not ten write us exactly which one causes the trouble.
  17. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/891
  18. Thank you for your report. The train number helper is a temporary solution. We are aware of issues related to it. As such I'm making this thread as a duplicate.
  19. Please notice that this is not the track number but the line id. All of the trains run on the same line, which is Line 4 from Grodzisk Mazowiecki to Zawiercie. Thus the timetable indicates the correct line, while the track field is empty leaving it up to dispatcher which track to choose for each train.
  20. Sorry, but we only accept reports in English and Polish. Please write us again using one of these languages 🙂
  21. Jest to typowa konstrukcja sygnalizatora wychylnego. Tak ten sygnalizator wygląda w rzeczywistości:
  22. Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie. Bardzo prosimy o doprecyzowanie na czym polega błąd w modelu.
  23. The scenario duration is a simple estimate from the timetable. Due to the unexpected behaviour of players and/or randomized AI actions this may not be 100% accurate. The scenario may take longer if your train gets stuck behind another, or shorter if the dispatcher decides to skip or shorten your stop at a station. When choosing a scenario you should always add for example a 10% duration margin. There's also no penalty for leaving early so if you cannot complete your scenario in time you can always leave the game session.
  24. Thank you for your report. I've marked this issue as duplicate, of a similar issue that we're investigating. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/890 Original thread:
  25. Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue further. Here is the link to our internal ticket: https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/890
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