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Everything posted by Friedjof

  1. But you can send the train on left side track to make an overtake happen.
  2. It is allready planned to give the control of signal boxes such as Pilichowice to other signal boxes. But that is a topic for future update and is not of a high priority right now.
  3. This also was a problem on DE, EN and PL. DE1, EN1 and PL1 are servers where you should try to keep trains rolling as the timetable says. The other severs are open for all other things you wanted to do.
  4. Yes, I am aware of the fact that the servers are the same and they shut down some servers for cost reasons. It is just a psychological thing. But why work against the "normal" psyche instead working with it? As long as it is not too much effort on the developers side why not just change some names? Maybe we will get back some activity of those "lazy" players.
  5. As most of you might have noticed. Moste of the servers are getting more and more empty. I often heard the reason that the XX1 servers ar boring, because you can´t do small fun stuff like track closings and so on. So they don´t play on these servers. I can hear you ask: "So why don´t they just play on the other servers?" Good question. Glad you saked. The reason then is that other servers (XX2 in particular) are not populated enough and they are not online throughout the night and the early hours of the day. Some people are saying they would play more if the XX2 would be online more so they could some smal fun some stuff as mentioned aboth. It is not the big fun stuff the unmoderated servers are for, so it might be helpful to for example shut down DE4 instead of DE2 or just change their names, so they get more attention. If that al is doable or even of any interest right now.
  6. That´s not completely right. First of all is Simrail a piece of software published on Steam. So for some degree it is in fact a game. But it´s not only that. Tha game has a system to level up. I don´t think any company would need such an feature. And i think it is not too far fetched that people want to have some fun in this game called Simrail. And there are ways to have fun. The polish community did a big event on one of there less crowded servers. If there are people who know what they are doing that can be a very intense and to some extend a fun experience. Maybe in the future we will have more such events to have fun while waiting fore more, awesome content in this game.
  7. I think it is not about the activation of the horns for their respective single action. It´s about activating both together. You can´t activate them both at the same time because the associated control element is not bound to any key. And at the moment all control elements for horns in the cabins are lever that activate the low pitch horn in one direction and the high pitch horn in the opposite direction.
  8. Mir hat man mal gesagt man müsse 60 Zeichen eingeben. Da kann man dann auch einfach nen kurzen Satz schreiben und mit Leerzeichen auffüllen. Weiß nicht ob das so beabsichtigt ist oder eigentlich anders funktionieren sollte.
  9. It´s still the same. But like many other things, this will be changed with the patch. I remember reading that they want to implement one level system for dispatchers and one for train drivers. The signal boxes then will be unlocked by level.
  10. I don´t see the problem in the actions of the train driver. He is not doing harm to annyone while he is not holding up traffic. I think there is a big misunderstanding by the playerbase what "no track closing" ("keine Gleisstörungen") realy means. It does not mean that you can´t do some fun scenarios. It just means that you are not allowed to close tracks. The reason being: Closing tracks is negatively effecting many players at ones. As long as a scenario is not affecting players in a negativ way, just let them do theyr thing and maybe have fun with them instead of being a rulelawyer.
  11. It realy is a centaury. That´s a thing the americans did really early. They even had "automatic" couplers on freight trains very early. I don´t know if it´s just a nerrow gauge thing or if they did/do and standard gauge too. That´s a thing i learned from watching Railroads Online videos mad by Hyce and kAN Gaming. ^^
  12. The light mode is very hard on the eyes. And i think it is not an option to choose the "lesser evil".
  13. As a colorblind person it is very hard to read the red text on dark background. Maybe a lite orange or purple would be more readable.
  14. Google Übersetzer at its finest. XD
  15. I am abit confused why you try to add key via settings.conf and not via buttons.conf. I am i getting something wrong how that works?
  16. There is a buttons.conf file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail (%appdata%\..\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail\) In this file are all actions that could be defined in-game. If we now know what each action of the cockpits is called by the game, we could assign keybinds to those actions. And if we then use the following list of Keys that can be assigned in Unity, we could even assign joypad keys. https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html
  17. Some antivirus software programs are detected Simrail.exe as a threat because the file is not signed. This is happening at least for Kaspersky but some instances norten is affected aswell.
  18. When you click on a dispatcher monitor while calling another dispatcher via the phone, the phone gets hung up. Happens atleast in Pilichowice and Olszamovice on DE1.
  19. The cargo trains from Idzikowice to Wloschowa Polnoc are not selectable to drive. The trains in the opposite direction are selevtable as normal.
  20. I turned on my bluetooth headphones and changed them to be the active audio device in Windows.
  21. After i changed my audio output while running the game, the game audio disapeared from audio settings in Windows and i get no ingame sounds. All other applications on my pc are running as normal. Changing back to the original output while still in game doesn´t return the ingame audio.
  22. Thank you for tip. The progress is back after the data check from steam (1 file was corrupted) and a restart.
  23. Just after a trip 3h trip with the eu7 i did a 1,5h break. (Close the game in that time) After i retured my account was completely reset. No levels and no hours on signal boxes. I can still connect to the Multiplayer though. Can someone help me?
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