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Everything posted by franky83

  1. Have you tried lowering all graphics to the minimum possible and enabling AMD FRS3? Could it be caused by poor internet connection or hard drive issues? Do you use SSD or HDD? I have an i7 13700K with 64Gb DDR5 and a 4080 Super and some days I get some lag, and it's because of internet lag...
  2. I guess it will be a matter of resolutions (1080p, 1440p, 2160, ...) and types of antialiasing, in summary it would be: - TAA good results but requires hardware power and loses some image detail - FXAA requires less hardware resources but is the least efficient - SMAA is an intermediate between both - DLSS If you have an Nvidia RTX and can use it, it is the best, plus you can set different levels of quality or if you prefer performance (more FPS) Depending on what GPU you have, you can set DLSS High quality or performance - FSR Similar to DLSS but from AMD We are missing DLAA for Nvidia RTX but SimRail does not have it If you also have an RTX and configure some things in the Nvidia control panel, you can gain quality. There may also be some quality improvements in the captures with editing programs, in my case I upload them as I capture them, but I do not criticize anyone who improves the image, I do not do it out of laziness. 😪
  3. If only that were the only problem with the sounds... In the en57 I always have a cricket inside the cabin. The traxx doesn't have any noise from the traction fans or electric brake (and they are louder than any other) the sound doesn't change if you open or close the doors or windows... etc etc
  4. I think it’s time to comment on another issue, related to this. And that is, when the SimRail team asked for groups that wanted to collaborate to make DLC, routes, material and so on from different countries, a group of Spanish developers offered themselves, a brief contact was maintained, a project was made, the route, rolling stock were planned… a very well planned project by very good people with script programmers and creators of material and other things that you surely use in TS classic… it was presented to them… and we didn’t even get an answer. Just silence. They must have realized the sad reality, and that is that a route from Spain, with the few users here, was not of interest (Attitude that sounds like DTG to me). Nothing happens, you will have it for free when the SimRail tools come out (if they do). I am going to encourage these people to create a thread like the colleagues from Sweden are doing, showing things that they are making ready to export and implement, let’s see if they are encouraged. If they do, you'll see who they are, and then we'll be able to cry even more.
  5. Nothing stops it, it's correct. But it is a detail of removing the only dedicated Spanish-speaking one. I repeat, an ugly detail.
  6. At this point I am going to say that all the arguments that the team was giving us are somewhat shameful, and they have only changed the name, to continue having empty servers? It is a bit sad, isn't it? I am going to allow myself to recommend that you change your public relations and marketing team, because you have lost the communication and argumentation issues.
  7. What did I miss? Yes, everything. Well, seriously, you are all partly right, my Spanish colleagues and the game moderators. It is true that ES1 has the least number of regular users, but not the one with the least. Reorganizing several sparsely populated servers into 1 makes sense, but it is true that there are some with fewer people. I don't want to think about things like some of you are saying about racism or hating Spaniards, I think you are exaggerating out of anger at losing the server. I have played in PL, DE, EN and I have never felt disrespected or had anything strange done to me. What I do find ugly is that you do not clearly say how you have done now that it is closed due to few users from the beginning, or look for an alternative solution such as offering to rent servers, which I do not think is unreasonable. XX€ per month to have a server open on demand. You don't want to implement private servers, you close servers for small communities, you don't give options, you don't speak clearly... come on guys, there might be a solution!
  8. Have you tried opening a specific port on your router for the game?
  9. Hello, why do the 1320XX trains no longer come out with the traxx as traction after the recent update?
  10. I have played on Polish servers and others and have had no problems at all.
  11. Aimavi08 me parece que este no es el sitio donde encontrar esa ayuda. Deberias probar en foros como Railsim y similares.
  12. Oczywiście, że jest to uzasadnione. Czasami jednak mówi się, że rzeczy bezsensowne bolą i na Facebooku często się to zdarza.
  13. Na Facebooku jest tylko toksyczność. Ja i moi przyjaciele jesteśmy zakochani w SIMRail. Pozdrowienia z Hiszpanii, korzystam z Tłumacza Google, przepraszam za błędy w tekście.
  14. Yo le habria dicho que es por que no funciona el aire 😂
  15. That's great. Keep up the good work.
  16. I don't know what it is like in Poland, but in Spain under ETCS the light signals are ignored. The ETCS should have indicated 0 kmh or start a braking curve
  17. Don't worry until the time comes. I assume they have already thought about it. Sometimes it is not even necessary to speak the language. I respect the signs as a driver, you as a dispatcher do your job. all happy, all friends. Easy.
  18. Buen sesion hoy chicos, muchas gracias por participar, a sido muy divertida. Feliz año
  19. That scared me. For a moment I thought we were left without a server at Christmas...
  20. Bua.. ni idea ☹️ no se si lo soporta aun el Simrail estas cosas de hecho.
  21. Today I went to play and I saw that the ES1 server was closed, is it a temporary problem or is it going to be permanent?
  22. Hola, me dirigo a los que no tengais o esteis en el discord que lo estamos preguntando, la idea es saber disponibilidad de la gente a una partida el 29 o el 30 (segun mayoria) Seria juntarnos el maximo de personas y montar una partida enorme donde todos disfrutemos poder organizar algunos eventos como cierres de via o cosas asi. Los que quieran ser conductores no hay mas problema, incluso si son no hispanohablantes y se limitan a seguir señales luminosas, para ser controlador si hay preferencia de que hablen español (texto o voz). Podeis dejarme vuestras opiniones ideas por aqui, un saludo.
  23. No conozco mas casos. Mira en el foro general en ingles o a ver si algun miembro del equipo lo lee te responde. o lo desinstalaria y lo reinstalaria de nuevo a ver
  24. Why does the AI always make me enter the secondary track when I come at 200km/h and make me lose time?
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