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SimRail Playtests Early Access

schmusegewürzkatze621 last won the day on May 28 2023

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  1. Driving 239xx into Kraków with a double EN57, I stopped at Słomniki Miasto somewhere in the centre of the platform and opened the doors. Using the ‘6’ rear camera I confirmed that the train was standing fully at the platform, well clear of the opposite-direction W4 marker. However, the game did not recognise the stop until I had closed the doors, pulled forward ~10 more metres, and opened them again. I understand that a stop should not be ‘valid’ if the train is not fully at the platform, or has not reached its appropriate W32, or has not cleared W4 or a signal in the opposite direction. However, if all of these conditions are met, I don’t understand why the stop should not be recognised.
  2. I’m not sure, but I think that this only started happening after I once put the shovel away while it had coal on it. I’ll try to reproduce this when I have time these days.
  3. When playing as fireman on the Ty2, it seems the coal on shovel graphical model is scaled in the vertical axis a little bit further every time I shovel coal into the firebox. The attached screenshots were taken about a minute apart after I had already shovelled a decent amount.
  4. Yep, the fireman calls out signals. In Polish, without subtitles. I’ve understood at least Stój (‘Stop’/‘Danger’) and Wolna droga (‘Clear’).
  5. When playing the Ty2 tutorial in the role of fireman, after the introduction part of the tutorial ends (‘Your train will depart soon’), the driver releases the train brake. I expect the departure signal to be given very soon after this (at least if the departure time is reached) since there’s no point in delaying the scenario artificially. However, I have attempted this three times and every time, the signal has stayed red after introduction was done and departure time was reached.
  6. Momentan nicht, aber das haben schon einige Leute angesprochen im englischen Forum und ich meine, die Entwickler haben das Feedback zumindest aufgenommen. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das im nächsten oder übernächsten Update verbessert wird.
  7. Agreeing on the seconds. In multiplayer I tend to resort to my own wristwatch for that.
  8. Nope! pronounce with <ou> is correct. However, its nominalisation, pronunciation, is spelt with <u> and pronounced accordingly.
  9. Mind you, it’s not that landlines can’t also be used to call more signal boxes than just adjacent ones …
  10. Still happened to me today.
  11. In what way does a combination of lower voltage and lower current – with an Ohmic resistive load – ‘overload’ the system? I think what actually happens is that the carriages have electronic converters on board so that they can charge their batteries and run their heating, AC, and other electrical systems at a variety of voltages and AC frequencies. So they have a target heating power, and if the train supply line voltage drops, they’ll respond by simply pulling more current (i.e. decreasing their apparent resistance). Maybe the EP07/EP08 is simply not built for train supply current draw higher than, I dunno, 100 A or 200 A or something …
  12. Also ich hab nichts dergleichen festgestellt. Was ist es denn, was träge reagiert? Reagiert der Zug träge auf die Stellung des Führerbremsventils bzw. Fahrschalters, oder reagieren die Schalter langsam auf deine Tastatur-/Mauseingaben?
  13. fxn02 redet von der echten Bahn in Deutschland. „Die 2“ ist Jargon für den Knopf aufm GSM-R-Zugfunkgerät, der den zuständigen Fahrdienstleiter anruft.
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