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Everything posted by George

  1. Tohle je sice offtopic, omlouvám se, ale stejně to řeknu - USA/DE obsah v pravděpodobně v podobě DLC??? A začíná se nám to pomalu DTGizovat... Třebaže USA obsah, je pro mě absolutně nezajímavý, neznám jejich poměry, budiž, pro tamní lidi to bude něco místního, to chápu. Začínám být opravdu skeptický, tohle už má nádech TSW od DTG. Ještě jednou sorry, za offtopic, na tohle jsem nemohl nereagovat.
  2. Specifically, these 2 locomotives run in Poland (and a few others), PKP has them on lease, so why not prepare them for the game? Yes, I know, it will still be a while, before the editor/SDK is available, but I'll have less work to do. Various fixes/modifications will still be needed to make the models work in-game. And I'm not talking about wagon models, I have more than 50 of them... 😂 For example, this locomotive (ČD 163.040-9) also runs in Poland, but it already has the current corporate paint "Najbrt", which ČD currently uses. 😉
  3. A little something we might have in the future in the game...😊😊
  4. Je to moc pěkně sepsaný, kluci. Dobrá práce. 😉
  5. I reinstalled the game and everything is fine now, before that the game probably updated incorrectly. 😉
  6. While riding train 14123, the game crashed for no reason. When trying to get back on the same train, the game repeatedly crashed again. It happened, before the Zawiercie station, in the direction from Góra Wlodowska station. Here is a log dump, of what the game probably crashed on. The entire log is attached. [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9F2FFC) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9F2FFC (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9F3B13) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9F3B13 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4CBB8004) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4CBB8004 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4D2DA45C (UnityPlayer) UnityMain [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4CBAD36A) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4CBAD36A (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4CBA35D7) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4CBA35D7 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4CBA1A06) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4CBA1A06 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9E413E) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9E413E (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9E4C79) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9E4C79 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9E4FF8) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9E4FF8 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4C9E5069) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4C9E5069 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Pokus o přístup k nepřípustné adrese.' (Address: 00007FFE4CA9C7D1) [2023-01-22 14:20:02]: 0x00007FFE4CA9C7D1 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) SimRail_log_2023-01-22_14-19-12.txt
  7. That was fast... 😉 Thanks a lot. 😊
  8. Hi there, On the CZ2 server, 2 stations are missing, controlled by the dispatcher/player. SimRail_log_2023-01-19_13-21-56.txt
  9. Hi there... This isn't exactly a bug, but rather a missing feature. Horizontal head movement. Vertical movement is, quite, fine. It's a small thing, but it would be good, if this feature was added. It doesn't look good, when you enter a curve or turn on a switch and the driver doesn't even "move", he just sits there like he's nailed. It's really a small thing, but it would make it look a little better. Thank you very much. 😉 SimRail_log_2023-01-19_10-01-51.txt
      • 5
      • I agree
  10. The same thing is happening to me, in Multiplayer...
  11. I was driving a freight train with locomotive ET25, scenario Sedziszów - KWK Staszic, I reached a signal with a "stop" signal (see picture). I tried to contact the dispatcher but nothing happened at all, he only answered once when I was approaching the signal but it was still a "stop" signal. I stood there for about 20 minutes, still no change.
  12. I can't understand that. Sometimes things just don't go as planned. Since I'm making models for RailWorks myself, I won't be able to make it until Christmas either. I wanted to have some passenger cars ready for Christmas and release them to the public. Unfortunately, they won't. Later.
  13. I do not mind. I'll wait. Let what is in progress be completed rather than move on from the unfinished to the next. This will only cause confusion. I've made such mistakes myself that I've gone from a work-in-progress model to the next project and then made a mess of it.
  14. The developers team, are busy, with multiplayer fixes, so it's understandable, that the release, of the single player version, of playtest, has been delayed. Let's be patient, we will surely see.
  15. Okay, thanks a lot... 😉
  16. That is absolutely true. More than once I have corrected errors, that someone made there. The AI can't deal with it, if there are a lot of errors and no train is running.
  17. AI dispatchers do not build a train path at all, even if the station is completely empty, with no trains. Of course the signal is red. The player dispatcher must be physically present at the station and fix everything. It happens on all trains, not just freight trains. But the problem occurs with stations that the dispatcher player cannot control, such as Lazy and other stations where the player cannot be a dispatcher. This morning I was driving EC, I reached Wolszczova Pólnoc station and the signal was red. I waited 10 minutes and nothing happened. I tried the radio station - nothing. So I switched to the dispatcher, to the station and I look - there was no train anywhere and there were free tracks everywhere.
  18. Hi, There is a problem with AI after the last update. Even if the station is completely empty, with no trains, the AI will not build a train path and not give a clear signal. A player has to be there and fix everything. It doesn't matter, if the station is only controlled by the AI, or where the player can be, it happens everywhere.
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