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SimRail Playtests Early Access

giBBer8 last won the day on August 22 2023

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  1. I was surprised at the general lack of understanding of how much time, effort, and knowledge it takes to make a route in TSW, or to use the UE engine. I really hope that there is a lot of humble pie being eaten over in the forums. The difficulty with releasing an editor is that of deciding what to release first - publish tutorials without the editor being released...and be damned for it, or release the editor before tutorials....and be damned for it. There was a 3rd option of releasing them concurrently, but that would most likely lead to the confusion seen now, with people missing steps, and not reading or researching the engine. SimKol will be in the same boat when the SimRail editor releases. Unity's Bolt is less powerful and (arguably) less intuitive than UE's Blueprint system and I personally find UE engine UI to be easier to work with. That is just me though, YMMV. Having said that, SimRail is the better product and I enjoy all aspects of the sim. The updates look fantastic. long may it continue.
  2. Try asking on Discord, usually someone on there 24/7 who could help or have the same issue.
  3. Yes, AI is prone to mistakes, no company has tried to program this before, let's take a breath. Thinking this new challenge through, it's staggering that the team has got even most of it working as it should, given humans can alter, stop, and delay timetables as they see fit.
  4. Ah yes, the youtube "mugging for attention" pose displayed by any preserved loco running in the UK, whenever within 500m of a camera. 😄
  5. I'm not going to argue a 'video clip' versus reality point, but to answer @GreatLeviathan, hell yes. Sometimes the loco jumps like going over a 1 metre speed bump. My legs are a testament to many a hot cup of tea sloshing upon them. The main suspension on a loco is vertical, lateral play gets worse as floats and wear plates wear out. Every loco is different on every piece of track, every train brakes differently from the last.
  6. Reflecting on 5 months of using the systems as given to us, I'd say that 85% of my driving experience has been enjoyable. Signalling wise, the MP experience is great, you can not beat that feeling of keeping the players and AI moving through problems (be they AI or human), and the 3D "puzzle solving" aspect to dispatching. Let's make no mistake though, much is made of the AI's inability to do the job. However, just one person can mess up the entire server with 2 clicks of a mouse. And be gone before anyone sees. 90% of all blockages, trains buffer to buffer, and associated '🤣wtf simrail' posts are entirely human error. As @noirceursays, a "pro level" server would be great, locked behind 100 hours driving, or 100 Hours dispatch etc etc, for example. Something to work towards, leaving 'biGGusDikUZ1337' far behind. I'm all in.
  7. Les canaux radio changent automatiquement. Vous pouvez le désactiver dans le menu Paramètres - Simulation si vous le souhaitez, puis cliquer avec le bouton gauche et faire glisser le bouton de sélection de canal pour changer de canal. Google translated...☺️
  8. Not to be "that guy", but the bump over pointwork is pretty realistic to be fair. No two sets ride the same though depending on the unit or loco spring/damper wear, packing of the point ends, etc. But I think it's replicated well in Sim.
  9. Don't worry, there are Discord users pinging the devs constantly, like clicking of fingers for service.
  10. We still use triple valves but that's no matter, some Euro stuff came across the Channel in the 90s too which had them. I noticed the empty coal hoppers EU07 loco is set to Pass timings, but as I say, the freight really seems way too fast to release in general.
  11. ¿Habéis notado que han reducido el número de servidores? Se volverá más silencioso a medida que la exageración disminuya, como de costumbre Google translated
  12. The latest patch has brought new freight services and loco variants and I have to say that the brakes are releasing way too quickly on freight. The feeling of momentum is pretty good, but the brakes should be binding on the wagons (progressively releasing from front to rear) far slower than currently, perhaps up to 45 to 50 seconds from full release in the cab. This is regardless of the brake timing set in the loco. The loaded wagons should all have goods timings set in the distributors. If the Polish railways use triple valves, then it should be similar, but with the ability to 'throw away the air' with fanning the brake. This is my opinion of course, what do you all feel?
  13. Suggested in mid-January - Hopefully soon...
  14. Just from my experience, 75 to 80% of all the "AI has stopped working 🤣" and "Nothing moving between xxx and yyy 🤣" issues are entirely human in origin. There are too many players who try to game their way through and have no patience with the new long block sections and timetabling and can't look ahead to read the overall picture. Also sending services on substitute signals and left track seems to be the norm to some. We need a far more stringent tutorial/grading/leveling up system allowing access to more complex dispatch boxes, and I'd even go so far as to include a "performance review per session", or at least a kick-out system in the interim. For a box like the new Katowice main, perhaps only unlocks after a player has had 2 hours in every other dispatch box? I hate the idea of private servers so a good solution to 'running before walking' is needed. What are your thoughts?
  15. No, sorry Gazz. I agree with 99% of your posts but not this 1% sorry mate. Wheel slip is an uphill condition, (too much tractive effort), and is easily detected by the relays or computer and is countered by closing throttle or creep control, supplemented by some loco brake application and/or sanding. It takes a lot of practice and mess-ups to master. Very basic (and applicable to old BR locos or 'modern' DC traction motor locos). This is expected by the driver and their route knowledge/season/training. It manifests itself in a wheel slip light/creep screech/loss of speed. Not a juddering mess by any means, more a 'slow grind to a late finish' thing at worst. 🙂 Wheel slide is where a loco has too much brake force for the local adhesion conditions, and can't grip the railhead. Usually found on speedy light consists, or light locos, without the rest of the train to drag speed down. Silent and very alarming, but quickly rectified with a firm 'feathering' of the independent brake (straight air for UK chaps). Now a whole train slide is something I have suffered twice. I hope SimRail may model it, but both are events I can recall with clarity today, 22 years later, with horrified angst. The only shake you get, be it 08, 66, 47, 92 is the track. Nothing violent about brake, dynamic or otherwise.
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