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Can I use polish server even if I don‘t speak polish?

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Hi everybody,

I‘m completely new to this simulator and loving it so far, especially the multiplayer function, driving a long with real people.

In Multiplayer I saw that the Polish server PL2 is always the busiest one with the most action, which I would enjoy the most.
The Problem is that I can’t speak or write a single word in polish. Would this be a problem, especially with the dispatchers?

thanks for clearing this up for me! 🙂


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  • SIMRAIL Team

There is no rule prohibiting you from joining a server located in Poland, however be mindful about other players - as a dispatcher you're expected to inform neighboring stations about train departures (the premade messages are translated automatically), and as a driver you might sometimes want to respond to the dispatcher's calls. If you manage to communicate in English or translate each other's messages to respective language, you're welcome to join any server you like. If the situation goes out of your control, ie. you can't figure out how to undo an interlock deadlock, you always can just leave the server - the Virtual Dispatcher should work things out. Just don't create a situation, where other people's fun is spoiled because of your behavior, like not leaving the dispatching post despite it going very wrong, just because you like the station - it could be viewed as obstructing traffic on purpose.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/07/2024 at 17:01, GoppelPL said:

Non esiste una regola che ti proibisca di unirti a un server situato in Polonia, tuttavia fai attenzione agli altri giocatori: come dispatcher dovresti informare le stazioni vicine delle partenze dei treni (i messaggi predefiniti vengono tradotti automaticamente) e come macchinista potresti a volte voler rispondere alle chiamate del dispatcher. Se riesci a comunicare in inglese o a tradurre i messaggi degli altri nella rispettiva lingua, sei il benvenuto a unirti a qualsiasi server tu voglia. Se la situazione sfugge al tuo controllo, ad esempio non riesci a capire come annullare un deadlock di interblocco, puoi sempre semplicemente lasciare il server: il Virtual Dispatcher dovrebbe risolvere le cose. Non creare una situazione in cui il divertimento degli altri venga rovinato a causa del tuo comportamento, come non lasciare la postazione di dispatcher nonostante le cose vadano molto male, solo perché ti piace la stazione: potrebbe essere visto come un'ostruzione del traffico intenzionale.

Hi, this is unfortunately not true, I was banned because I spoke English (and I wasn't causing problems) now I can't play until August 1st and I'm very disappointed by this.

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