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Just completed the EN57 tutorial and what can I say, you guys have done us proud.

The graphic improvements particularly the trees and vegetation are superb and at the same time performance seems better.

The EN57 is paradise on wheels, a great train to drive (slightly tricky braking) looking forward to spending a lot of time in the cab on that. And all for the original price - DTG would have charged us £12 for a DLC of half the quality.

So much more to explore.

Well done and thank you.

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I'm quite enjoying the update, though it'd be nice if we got the seasons applied to the online servers. Or one or two 😛 Also I've noticed I've lost fine control of the braking lever in the Pendolino. I can now only jump between the presets (Min Electric/Max Electric/Initial/Full Service). I can't seem to apply braking power between these levels. Also have to say that I love the E57. I just don't like that pressing the button 'holds' the brake application. That thing goes to 100% in no time.

Otherwise I'm having an absolutely fantastic time and I'm really glad we finally got a major update. Can't wait to see what's coming next!

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Posted (edited)

It's a fantastic update indeed!

I am not surprised at all that the same amazing studio is making a new Warsaw metro simulator, plus the city bus simulator which was announced before. Warsaw metro simulator trailer has been published on YouTube today.

Back to topic now. EN57 is a joy to drive and the breaking is a bit tricky in the beginning. After practice, smooth stops are easy to do. Liveries are stunning! New green and yellow plus black locomotive liveries look awesome too.

Lots of annoying bugs were resolved and the new vegetation looks splendid.

Not sure about the seasons....Are they single player only or multiplayer as well? I can understand if they are for single player only.

Keep up the fantastic work developers!

Edited by Zulnex

Unable to find the electrical cabinet in EN57 tutuorial Help please

also is there an actual manual for this sim

  On 11/22/2023 at 5:34 AM, Raknal said:

Unable to find the electrical cabinet in EN57 tutuorial Help please

also is there an actual manual for this sim


It's in the middle car. You have to leave the cab and walk inside the train to get there.

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  On 11/22/2023 at 12:08 AM, Lawliet said:

I just don't like that pressing the button 'holds' the brake application.


It is not realistic that way unfortunately and makes the EN57 quite annoying to drive. As a reference here is a cab ride video, where you can cleary see, that the brake lever is spring loaded into the intermediate EP position in both directions:

  • I agree 2
  On 11/22/2023 at 8:07 AM, Jonne said:

It is not realistic that way unfortunately and makes the EN57 quite annoying to drive


There are many many different Kibel, almost every Kibel is different. I would not say that this is unrealistic when you only have one video for evidence.


do we have the cab sway simulated?  

i've only driven with TrackIr active, and it seems to remove the head bob bits with that active (or the way i have to do it it does, my Tobii eye tracker web cam has to go through  FaceTrackNoIr to produce the TrackIr 'signal' that SimRail works with (would be really nice to have native Tobii support in SimRail)

  On 11/22/2023 at 9:47 AM, Moooritz said:

There are many many different Kibel, almost every Kibel is different. I would not say that this is unrealistic when you only have one video for evidence.


All of the ones in game appear to have the same Oerlikon FVel6 controller thought, BUT it appears I was wrong on the movement. Another video from the same guy and on the same unit:

  On 11/22/2023 at 7:52 AM, Angelo said:

It's in the middle car. You have to leave the cab and walk inside the train to get there.


Actually that threw me a bit, actually had to do some lateral thinking (quite hard at my age!). The on screen direction probably needs to be a bit bolder. Also the instruction to "Go to second cabin" is a bit contradictory when you have gone to the rear cab then get the message to return to the front. Should probably say "Go to ther cab", as otherwise my thought was, I'm already here.

Of course the tutorial is a bit moot until we get a more extended single player experience as in MP will be taking over a train in service, not cold and dark and if you get stuck, 10 seconds of bot normally puts everything back as it should be.

Anyhow about to dive in and see if I can find an available EN57 on one of the servers.

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Posted (edited)

I don't know, after all the wait this comes off to me as a bit of a disappointing update. The game is now nearly unplayable in MP for me. I've tried running two trains yesterday and both times at some point I've become invisible to the dispatchers, couldn't type in chat, and just sat at red lights as the controllers couldn't see me. Other drivers could see me, strangely enough. Today tried running another one - and got randomly disconnected "for an unknown reason" after 10 minutes, with someone immediately hijacking my train. The rest of the server remained working just fine.

The weather, lighting and seasons is great, and the one single player run I did was pretty. The EN57 is a lot of fun. But - my two biggest gripes with this sim, the lack of cab sway and the almost total absence of passengers, were not addressed at all, and there is not one single mention of either on any roadmap or stream that I've seen as of yet. If anything, the EN57 feels even more glued to the track then the older trains, and these old trains are quite bouncy irrc...

Of course I'm still happy there is progress, but as it stands it is very hard to enjoy the sim now. MP is pretty buggy and inconsistent, and the game also became quite laggy in MP, with voice messages being very choppy and difficult to understand. Maybe it's just strain due to the influx of players, but the servers have been pretty full before and I don't remember it being this bad.

Edited by jayzhead

Great update, but unable to find an EN57 on the english servers. As i don't intend talking to anyone, does it matter which server i run on ?

Whoever designed the EN57 real world. Needs shooting putting the battery box in the centre car.

Lovely update though and no asking for more money, unlike N3V & DTG.

Well done to the developers. SP updates and a save in part 2 of the improvements please boys.


My point on the Kibel is that I have to 'press' the Brake Increase bind, and then rapidly press the 'Brake Decrease' bind to keep it from immediately locking up. And then I have to hold the 'Brake Decrease' to actually reduce the braking. I feel like it should be hold to increase, hold to decrease. I mean no disrespect to reality. Just...Keyboard functionality can be a pain by relation.

  • I agree 2
  On 11/22/2023 at 1:04 PM, Gazz292 said:

do we have the cab sway simulated?  

i've only driven with TrackIr active, and it seems to remove the head bob bits with that active (or the way i have to do it it does, my Tobii eye tracker web cam has to go through  FaceTrackNoIr to produce the TrackIr 'signal' that SimRail works with (would be really nice to have native Tobii support in SimRail)


Cab sway is definitely not simulated, unfortunately.

  • I agree 1
  On 11/22/2023 at 7:26 PM, jayzhead said:

I don't know, after all the wait this comes off to me as a bit of a disappointing update. The game is now nearly unplayable in MP for me. I've tried running two trains yesterday and both times at some point I've become invisible to the dispatchers, couldn't type in chat, and just sat at red lights as the controllers couldn't see me. Other drivers could see me, strangely enough. Today tried running another one - and got randomly disconnected "for an unknown reason" after 10 minutes, with someone immediately hijacking my train. The rest of the server remained working just fine.

The weather, lighting and seasons is great, and the one single player run I did was pretty. The EN57 is a lot of fun. But - my two biggest gripes with this sim, the lack of cab sway and the almost total absence of passengers, were not addressed at all, and there is not one single mention of either on any roadmap or stream that I've seen as of yet. If anything, the EN57 feels even more glued to the track then the older trains, and these old trains are quite bouncy irrc...

Of course I'm still happy there is progress, but as it stands it is very hard to enjoy the sim now. MP is pretty buggy and inconsistent, and the game also became quite laggy in MP, with voice messages being very choppy and difficult to understand. Maybe it's just strain due to the influx of players, but the servers have been pretty full before and I don't remember it being this bad.


no worrys that was the same after the early access was released the servers have long time no handle so much players the servers need some adjustment for the new situation 🙂

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  On 11/22/2023 at 7:48 PM, Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:

Great update, but unable to find an EN57 on the english servers. As i don't intend talking to anyone, does it matter which server i run on ?

Whoever designed the EN57 real world. Needs shooting putting the battery box in the centre car.

Lovely update though and no asking for more money, unlike N3V & DTG.

Well done to the developers. SP updates and a save in part 2 of the improvements please boys.


I had trouble finding an EN57 too Mike. Obviously in high demand. First two I looked at only had about five minutes left to run. Third sat at a red signal under AI signalman area for 10 minutes so I gave up. Fourth I finally got going but after running for about 15 minutes the server rebooted.

So a little bit frustrating and I will probably leave it until the player numbers drop back a bit.

Either that or we need more services in the timetable substituted with EN57, maybe some of the longer distance trains too?

And yes I agree. The problem tonight highlights the need for a much expanded single player game, full timetable and a save game.

  • I agree 1

Vern i gave up on MP with the EN57. But did the SP tute with it. Lovely unit to drive, load of messing about running up and down the unit to set the control switches though.

BIG ALSO, it needs cab sway and bounce badly. Just no feed back to it from the track bed, particularly over junctions. With that added this would be my number one class to drive.

Until a main line diesel class is added. As i said before twice, brilliant update and nice to see what the developers are capable of doing.

  • I agree 1
Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2023 at 11:33 PM, Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:

BIG ALSO, it needs cab sway and bounce badly. Just no feed back to it from the track bed, particularly over junctions. With that added this would be my number one class to drive.


Very true. And true for all trains too, but this one especially. This is my #1 issue with this game. I haven't yet heard or read any intention from the devs to add it though.

Edited by jayzhead
  • Like 1

Reading through the server issues, maybe downgrade slightly from fantastic...

And agree about the cab sway, shame the devs seem to have forgotten to include that bit.

Anyhow deep breath and see if I can find a server with an available EN57 that doesn't crash, hang or restart after 15 mins.

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Posted (edited)
  On 11/23/2023 at 6:53 PM, Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:

What is this supposed to do. Clicked mouse wheel and it appears.



I hope this action will be possible to toggle in settings. I loved looking around with middle mouse in external view.

With the quickfix today, I am very happy with the update. EN57 is a very fun ride. 
Colors seems more vibrant in ultra lightning and sounds seems to have gotten an overhaul with less glitching sound like the horns.

The value of simrail basegame is just getting better and better.
1 year ago I would never have thought that I would enjoy driving in virtual Poland so much. Hopefully SDK/route editor will come, so we can expand the world of rails and traction outside Poland as well. 

Is it just a placebo effect of the new vegetation or have scenery clutter been updated in some locations?

Edited by Deadlost

My lord it is indeed an insane update!
I'm completely blown away by the new graphics and performance, and i already love the EN57 😁

Also the new timetable in the cab is a very-very nice and wanted touch.

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