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Poor regulation of traffic by AI - Sosnowiec Dańdówka (412***/424*** services)


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The AI at Sosnowiec Dańdówka will put the 412*** service onto one of the loops (as booked **:37 to **:46) but once its on there it then becomes the Sosnowiec Dańdówka Bermuda Triangle in that it won't then let you go until the 424*** service has gone past first, even though the block section from Dańdówka to Juliusz is free.

The 424*** service is booked behind the 412*** service up to Juliusz, both of which go two different ways at DGW so not sure why the Dańdówka AI feels the need to hold the 412*** service back for no reason other than to delay it.

As this has happened more than once now (and you lose 20-30 minutes in the process) I'd like to report this as a bug.

(Server N/A | EAB: 17/04/2023 13:28)

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  • SIMRAIL Team
Thank you for reporting this issue. A similar problem has already been reported by other users.
Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie tego problemu. Podobny problem był już zgłaszany przez innych użytkowników.
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