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General situation on ETCS?

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Are there any updates on ETCS? SimRail team is working on it, but obviously with no real timeline to give (as the ETCS-System on the route Warszawa-Katowice isn't even in operation IRL until late 2023 as far as I know).

Also the only vehicles to be able to make use of the ETCS-System that are currently in the game would be the ED250 and the Traxx (where the Traxx will only have L0 available, so I personally wouldn't reaaally call that ETCS integration).



Am 5.4.2023 um 10:50 schrieb inomushis:

Posiadamy oprogramowanie będące symulatorem ETCS poziomu 1 i 2, które współpracuje z SimRailem jako zewnętrzna aplikacja używana podczas szkoleń na fizycznych symulatorach. Kiedy tylko zakończą się nasze testy zgodności z wytycznymi Biura Automatyki i Telekomunikacji PKP PLK, przystąpimy do integracji tego rozwiązania w SR, będzie to ekran osadzony in-game w modelu lokomotywy.

So apparently internally there is already a system finished to simulate ETCS in SimRail, just not implemented in a version ready for shipping to public yet. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that though.

So I'd like to ask if anyone (maybe from the SimRail team 😇) could at this stage, or maybe later on, shed some light on

  • which ETCS-Modes will be implemented (!)
  • how ETCS interacts with polish national signalling, for example substitute signals (Sz). Will it require a change to mode OS in that case?
  • will the interaction with the ETCS equipment also be available in english for foreign players (PKP Ir-1a §3 (8): "All communication in the ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 system is in Polish.")
  • will there be tutorials or a Manual for different situations and specifics like ETCS-Modes or the Override function for example.

Maybe someone else from the communty has got some more questions I didn't think of.

I'm stoked for ETCS in SimRail and as there wasn't much talk about it yet I think many of us, just as me, would like to know what extend of it's simulation we can expect in SR 🙂


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vor 39 Minuten schrieb SugaCane:

ETCS Level 2 will be implemented I think because ETCS signs Level 2 are on the CMK.

What I meant was the modes, Full Supervision, Staff Responsible, Shunting, Trip, Post Trip, etc. which is the mode of supervision (or not-supervision 😄) the ETCS computer provides. Therefore would be a good indication as to how in-depth the implementation of ETCS into SR would become.

I believe PL only has routes up to Level 2 anyway.

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