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Being able to dispatch several post at a time

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Hi everyone,

I would like to have your opinion on this. I find that the smaller dispatcher post like Pilichowice, Gora Wlodowska, Knapowka, Olzsamowice, and others are rarely used. I play on FR1 and thoses posts are rarely occupied.

I think it would be a good idea if we're be able to control one or more of those dispatchs form a bigger one like IRL. But at the same time if a player wants to play Pilichowice for example and the post is remotly controlled by an other player, the game will simply remove the control and give the post to the player that wants Pilichowice so that nobody is penalized.

I think it could bring a new dimension to these posts because one dispatcher will have a better view and a better knowledge of what actions need to be taken and so on.

Have a great day !

Robi (Brion_GE)

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