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EU07 / EP08 cab light switch, changed to the 'overall light' switch


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Noticed that in the EU07 and EP08 locos, the cab light switch no longer turns the cab lights on and off, 
The switch to the left of it 'overall lighting' i think it's called now operates the cab light, 


This means the keybind for the cab light is operating the 'cab light' switch but that switch does nothing now, so i can't flash my cab lights using the keybind to 'wave to other drivers' when i drive in the dark anymore 🙂 

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so... there are supposed to be a left and right hand cab light switches?  

I too wondered about the 'overall lighting' switch that did nothing, thought maybe it was supposed to turn all internal lights off with one switch.

The other switch for the 'high voltage compartment light' i guess is for the 'middle part of the loco' that we don't get to enter (yet?) 


I'm really hoping that one day we will get more keybinds to operate all these switches, maybe using the 'buttons.conf' file to set them up so as not to have a massive list of controls in the settings menu's. 

Could really do with a 'windscreen washers button' keybind...
as we can operate the wipers with a key press, but most of the time we put the wipers on to clear the bugs off the windscreen, and that needs water from the washers, which is a button you need to use the mouse to operate 😞


Edited by Gazz292
wrong name for buttons.conf file
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I noticed that too about the dead flies on the window, more so when it's raining, obviously the wrong sort of wet to clean them off! 🤣

I'm hoping for a mass of keybinds for the EN76/96 cruise control presets, then I can load my Stream Deck up with loads of buttons! 

Edited by DazT
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ahh yeah, i suggested that the flies are wiped off the screen when it's raining a while back... just one of these 'realism things' that most people don't notice or think about, but makes SimRail stand out with realism even more. 


I'd love to be able to add my own keybinds in the buttons.conf file,  

So say i want the washers on a key,  i'd make a new entry that read something like:  'Washers=X' 

This would mean knowing all the possible button / control names in the various trains tho, 
So maybe have the buttons.conf file filled with all possible controls, but list the unassigned ones like : 'Washers=NUL' 
and we replace the 'NUL' with the key of our choice... it's obviously upto us to ensure we don't assign 2 or more controls to the same key. 

Of course we will eventually run out of available keys if we are stuck to the standard keyboard keys (~76 of them) with no modifier keys allowed,
But if 'shift' 'control' and 'alt' can be enabled as modifiers, that's about 300+ possible key combos. 


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