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Achievement "On Time" non achieved arriving and departing actually on time at any station

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I can't figure out why I didn't achieved the Steam achievement "On time" since:

1) the popup box on the left of the screen never show minutes delay or early after stopping and departing from any station

2) I followed this guide and correctly performed instructions displayed, for every stop of the timetable:  https://steamcommunity.com/app/1803190/discussions/0/3762228679801476879/

3) on-time departures and arrivals are confirmed by the screenshoot attached.


I attach also the log, so you can investigate about.


thanks in advance!



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I did it a long time ago. What I remember, I managed by setting the cruise control acceleration of the EN76 to 90% (instead of 50%), braking uncomfortably hard and late, and arriving before the planned arrival time (stop at 11:04 means arrival and opening doors at 11:03:59 the latest). 

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