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Driving without the HUD - Audio alert when passengers have loaded

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Issue: Currently in multiplayer there are no indications that the passengers have loaded when driving without the HUD. This means that you have to toggle the HUD on to check if you're ready to go on each stop. It would be great to have an audio alert play when the timer reaches 0:00

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21 hours ago, Skully said:

Have we not been here before?

Yep, the train conductor/guard suggestion for immersion is almost the same. The audio alert suggestion aims at achieving 100% HUD-less driving, no train crew needed for that to happen 🙂

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Where there's a will there's a way, but there's also convenience 😄

I'm also thinking if the SDK is going to give us programming access to data like the state of passenger loading then why not make it ourselves. Could even make a train conductor plugin maybe? We'll see what the future brings.

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 When you are on time, you have the departure time on a timetable ( found in the community mods section) and when you are running late your stopping time is usually 20 seconds. On modern Trains you can see the time on the radio device. The problem with the eu7 is, that you dont have a clock. So a whistle would be a nice idea in this case

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1 hour ago, sf_giants15 said:

 [...]On modern Trains you can see the time on the radio device. The problem with the eu7 is, that you dont have a clock. [...]

An Irl clock or watch would do the trick as well, if you're playing on a server of your own time zone. Alternatively, you could set the watch to the in-game time.

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There is a clock in the EU07... it's an analog clock in the Hassler tachometer, 
ok you need to zoom in a fair bit to read the time on it, but it does work!

As people are noticing,  trains don't often depart on the minute, as shown in a portion of a real drivers schedule / timetable below... some stops can be as little as 20 seconds in real life.. that's when running on time:

The column with 2 rows after the arrival and departure time is the time allowed to travel between sections / posts, upper one is when running on time, lower one is when running late.

You'll notice these times have their last digit in superscript (halfway above normal text)  that is decimal seconds, where :
1 Decimal second = 6 normal / UTC seconds.......... 2=12, 3=18, 4=24, 5=30, 6=36, 7=42, 8=48, 9=54 (no need for 10 decimal seconds to be shown, that's shown as no superscript number as in the time to arrive at the stop above)
so it's a Base10 system.. mixed with a Base60 system.

But as mentioned in a post above, if you look at the time to depart part of the HUD when you are in a station, it'll tell you that you have say 50 seconds left before departure, but the timetable panel says you depart at 18:25. as it doesn't show seconds. 


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vor 17 Stunden schrieb weezzah:


Just an observation, with a 2 min delay this stop gave me a departure time at 13:46:55

With running late i mean stopping at a station after the departure time

but i noticed this too -> the times in the timetable are actually +55s 

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  • 8 months later...

Only played tutorial so far- Thought I needed to report the missing hud during the tutorial as a bug at first but read you can toggle it on off with G?
In any case,also in the tutorial ;It is unclear when all passengers have boarded - So maybe a train conductor blowning the whistle to signal you can close doors would be good or some other indication yesh

Maybe train conductor could be another interesting role for players in multiplayer ,come to think of it -2 players managing the passenger train-could be nice with friends

Edited by Tipsytoo
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