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Flaws with the Regio-Scenario from Sedziszow to Katowice


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I have taken the scenarios for the passenger trains in both ways and noticed a couple of flaws:

1. The Gniewiecin waypoint is faulty causing you to always loose points as it doesn't appear to be properly put on the route as there is no distance indicator provided to this waypoint anyway

2. You successfully implemented the peculiar situation in real life where on a part of the route one track can be used with 100 km/h but the parallel track southbound is restricted for something around 40-60 km/h. I believe that the schedule for the regional train is also correct on the Sedziszow to Katowice scenario, however it seems as if you forgot to put the train on the left, faster,  track on that particular part on that scenario causing the driver to be unable to finish the scenario according to the schedule as the routing over the slow track produces delays of up to 7 minutes

3. At Bukowno at first I had to wait several minutes for the green signal. Only as I decided to try overrunning the red signal it suddenly turns green. There may be an issue over there?

Finally I am pretty certain that the signage on changing the radio frequency to channel 4 is somewhat misplaced, causing me to loose points due to alleged failure of setting the right frequency. Maybe it is my fault but I believe it may have to be looked over again.

Edited by Krtek-JC
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