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AFK Signaller

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Lately, afk dispatchers have been piling up. Would it be possible to implement an afk kick system for dispatchers? Or simply a better reporting system if dispatchers are really afk.

Or you insert a bot activation, as you have it as driver.


Edited by Smiley
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This would be a great improvement. There are lots of Boxes blocked by AFK Dispatchers that just sit there to unlock the next Signal Box doing nothing. I totally agree with the Idea of a better reporting System. I tried to report AFK Dispatchers a few times, but the Report Box didn't work.

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There was something in before but it was very annoying becasue it would activate durring lull times.  I believe they made it smarter for trains, but the DS portion was just discontinued as far as I know.

I think one way to solve this is that AI trains or even player trains contact the tower for a signal.  If the tower doesn't respond in 60 seconds boot them.  Even the busiest desks have lull times that can be used to be AFK for a few minutes.

For players perhaps similar to dispatch you have the option of chat vs command so that when you are in a train you can try a command and it would provide commands for the next signal box you are approaching.  I'm not sure how the 1 and 3 radio keys work in regards to contacting a player in a box.  I guess it just makes that radio noise but I never know if it's for me or somoene nearby.



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