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Simrail routes - the history thread.

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With so much SimKol effort having gone into the frankly brilliant Polish routes, it would be great to learn more about this railway, how it was built the locos that are in sim etc., and the rationale for choosing the route.

I know Wiki is there, but an 'in house' sim history would be awesome. I'm viewing this with the editor in mind also.  

My crystal ball can see threads for route building projects, with history and periods, with volunteer programs making track, assets etc. Project contributors giving updates on blender tips, reasons why etc. Much the same as the awesome SimKol team has done in building the route we now love.

What are your thoughts on learning more about the railway we are driving on? In the future, would you like to see collaborative threads / projects? 

p.s Can someone translate and post in the PL section please?

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On 2/1/2023 at 12:49 AM, Aldarion said:

I'd say  that learning more...learning the history of a route only improves the immersion feeling. It helps, IMO, to apreciate certain details, that otherwise may be missed or pass unnoticed.

Yes indeed @Aldarion.

We must have all noticed something interesting, no matter how grand or mundane. Personally, I'd like to know more about the tower at Katowice, when and why it took that form. And then there is the large set of stairs over the railway somewhere out of Warsaw (can't remember exactly). Took some time to model, but what function do they serve IRL?

Also modelled but perhaps rarely noticed, are the Katowice and Lazy engine shed and turntables...the history there must be interesting too!

Edited by giBBer8
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