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Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia - new station for dispatchers

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  • SIMRAIL Team


Hey, today a new station for dispatchers was added to our servers. Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia at this moment allows you to route trains in three main directions:
- line 62 direction Slawkow
- line 62 direction Dabrowa Gornicza Strzemieszyce
- line 171 direction Dorota
Currently line to Kozioł is blocked and you are not able to route any trains there.

Known bugs:
- The virtual dispatcher on every train outbound from Slawkow and Dorota asks for a clear path
- The virtual disptacher is unable to correctly handle the directions on the C-type line block (direction Dabrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce)

Station is not very demanding because of the small number of trains passing every hour.
We have plans to launch closed line to Kozioł station which should increase the difficulty by a little bit for disptachers.

Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia 1 main.jpgDabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia 2.jpgDabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia 3.jpg


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  • SIMRAIL Team
6 minut temu, jiklobka napisał(a):

Great! Will the route to Koziol also bring some traffic via Przymiarki to Lazy Lc?

Yes. There should be train from Czestochowa through Łazy, Przemiarki, Koziol to Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia in next week.

Of course this train will not be available for drivers in multiplayer on Łazy-Kozioł-Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia line.

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