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Short dispatcher station briefing when joining

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Hello community,

just an idea:
Can you add a short briefing popup for all stations?

I think it would be great to have a short overview about the station you joined. Information about neighbor stations, radio channel, specials of the station, and more if needed.
This makes it a lot easier to learn the station and give you a better overview.

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vor 35 Minuten schrieb weezzah:

For drivers it would also be nice to know if the dispatcher is AI or human. Great suggestion btw 🙂

for that you can press TAB you will see there if a signalbox is used by a player (station is showing) or by AI (station isnt showing) ^^

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2 hours ago, weezzah said:

For drivers it would also be nice to know if the dispatcher is AI or human. Great suggestion btw 🙂

i always drive with the live map running on a tablet mounted next to my laptop's screen,  then i can see all the AI trains and signal boxes around me as they have a 'bot' icon.

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Have had SimRail.fr open sometimes, great option for situational awareness, and I didn't think of the Tab key, thanks for the tips!

It could be nice have it shown next to the station name HUD element as well when thinking about it. Or maybe make the HUD station name blue if human, like it's done on the dispatchers speed dial buttons on their telephones? Anyways 😄

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44 minutes ago, MalzbierMan said:

I already thought about doing something similar to the "local knowledge" stuff Signalsoft did for their simulators (Duisburg Hbf for reference: https://railsignalling.org/signalwiki/index.php?title=Dispatching_in_Zentralstellwerk_Duisburg_Hbf).

Well do it, would be great. 

I'd like to see some history of the line too, hopefully a knowledgeable Polish player will do a summary of the 2 routes.

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