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Crossing a Red Signal is possible


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On 1/18/2023 at 3:50 PM, Smiley said:

Its possible to cross a red signal while driveing backwards. A player abused that and crashed into an other train. He drove a Pendolino, swichted the side and drove backwards. Please fix that.

I registered just to reply to this post.

This is not a bug.  Sometimes, it's possible for a train to be pathed in the wrong direction by accident, possibly missing a platform stop.  Also, there is one time, at Katowice Zawodszie, where a neighbouring controller pathed a train into a platform that the game system was not letting him path it out of.  In both cases, a red signal would have been necessary in combination with a substitute signal to prevent the train being put out of service and permanently blocking a platform for the next five and a half hours.

In other words, using a substitute signal with a red signal is a necessary problem solving tool for a good dispatcher to use.  Trying to report necessary tools that dispatchers need shows a lack of understanding of railroad operations.  Further, if this is "fixed", it shows the developers also have a lack of understanding of railroad operations.  This needs to be left as it is.  It's up to the dispatcher to do their best to prevent collisions, but there also happens to be one case where it might be unavoidable; Sosnowiec Glowny, Line 660.  Which is also the reason that Sosnowiec Poludniowy needs to be populated by a human being immediately, as better communication might make it easier to prevent issues there from starting up in the first place.  And yes, the fix involves a human train driver and a substitute signal in reverse.  There is no other way.  Done properly, the line reopens.  Not done, or "patched", the line is plugged until restart.  Again, this needs to be left alone as it's a necessary problem solving component for dispatchers.


EDIT: I have been told this might be another bug where you can enter a reverse cab and move a train "forward" in reverse by reading a signal behind you.

First of all, the signal behind should usually be red; if it's anything else, that in itself is a bug.  The only way it should be not red is courtesy of a dispatcher.

Second, if a station is fully blocked by an AI, sometimes it's necessary for dispatchers as other stations to figure out the problem.  Sometimes, this might be the way to fix, again, the SG-SP issue.  By getting in the train being requested for access to 660 and pushing it out of the way, it can allow us to manually move trains through a junction where we otherwise have no control over.

So again, until all stations are manned, this might be the only tool dispatchers have to fix problems and needs to stay in place.  If a player uses this to intentionally ruin operations for other players, then that is something that can be reported and acted upon.  Don't ruin the experience for those looking at the overall game map and using it appropriately.  Some of us DO know what we're doing.

Edited by Cyclone
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