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Industries as in RUN8

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I have been playing a few years in Run8 and this also could be done in Single player. The option to add industries, so transport trains has to carry their goods and return their empty cars to them, there there could be local and long trains, that has to be composed in railyards.

This would give a meaning to playability and not only travel from A to B.

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My guess would be that the upcoming 'shunting' feature would include something along the lines of servicing industries. Granted, I wouldn't expect something exactly like Run 8, as in Run 8 you are expected to drop off cars, then come back a day later to grab the freshly loaded (or emptied) cars. In SimRail, the servers reset every 6 hours, so having persistence over the course of a day seems unlikely.

There's also the whole thing that a lot of industries on the map lack electrification, and only the Dragon can go on unelectrified tracks, but that's a last-mile thing.

In any case, we'll see what they do about shunting, and hopefully that will serve the purpose of adding gameplay that's not just A-B.

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12 hours ago, Japo32 said:


Or ISDR for that matter.

The server can just spawn in loaded and unloaded cars after restart for us to deal with. Add some services coming from external sources and voila, you're good until the next restart.

But first I would like to have a good shunter (as opposed the Dragon) and have the shunting routes enabled once more.

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i would like to unload and load cars to or atleast deliever cars and take others with me 🙂 but not a system that says we need steel to make steelplates ( like trainz have it ) i guess that would be to much just a bit simulation that you finish a drive and not just get kicked from the server

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With the servers resetting and being public I'm not sure how they are going to achieve this.  In Run8 for example you would actually do a save before any boot.  The reboots here (unlike Run8) are to clear out issues in traffic where in Run8 it's to reset the CPU due to simply needing a reboot from time to time.

If the servers can eventually save their status I would like to see some kind of feature work.  AI shunting would be incredible but I haven't witnessed it on any sim to my knowledge (Trainz is scripted).  It would have to be an on demand based system.



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W dniu 17.01.2023 o 10:56, Skully napisał(a):

Or ISDR for that matter.

The server can just spawn in loaded and unloaded cars after restart for us to deal with. Add some services coming from external sources and voila, you're good until the next restart.

But first I would like to have a good shunter (as opposed the Dragon) and have the shunting routes enabled once more.

On the chat it was said that there will be SM42 aviable some time in the future. Industries and cargo would be great, but it.looks more feasable on artificial maps, not real life. Also added passanger count would be nice for statistical reasons :)

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