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Cold start in multiplayer

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47 minutes ago, Sajmon said:

Unfortunately there is no option 

Then there was no point in me studying so much.

Then it's not a simulator.

At least one server could have been started this way.


Ps:Unfortunately, I can no longer request a refund.

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If you are in the EU07 loco, there's a panel on the desk way over on the left,
Lift that up and inside you find a big knife switch, with positions that you can change it to for where the batteries get charged from, internal from the converter, or external.

Could the external position be for plugging into a battery charger at the shed/depot? maybe you could find your loco with dead batteries, and need to plug it in to 'jump start' it (as you need air pressure and battery power to raise the pantograph)

This is all speculation by me, but having that big knife switch modeled and animated kinda makes me wonder why 🤔

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Being teleported into a moving train is about the best way you can do it in multiplayer,
The alternative would be to have to wait for the train to stop at a station so you can take over, but that's only good if the train makes station stops, and you are prepared to wait for that to happen, then how do we do things, is the spot on the server / train reserved for the 40 minutes you have to wait etc.

Maybe we could be teleported into the second mans seat in the train when we load into it, and there be a virtual driver at the controls, and when you press 'drive this train' s/he gets up and you swap positions.

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Maybe you like flying, but it's ridiculous in a simulator. Especially since getting on and off the train is done.

The tutorial makes no sense that way. Because you don't have to use what you learned there.

If anything happens while driving (MP), people will have no idea what to do.

Hopefully, they will create a service for it that starts with a cold start. Then, everyone decides what to choose.

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I think we can have a booking list with depart time that shows the train will depart from depot or some side tracks that stopped train for night? So you can have some place and some trains to cold start. Then if time is up the train will takeover by AI as same as now. One place that possible for now is that coal mine.

I also think it can only be available after AI been fixed and timetable adjusted.

Edited by KagurazakaYukari
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5 hours ago, KagurazakaYukari said:

I think we can have a booking list with depart time that shows the train will depart from depot or some side tracks that stopped train for night? So you can have some place and some trains to cold start. Then if time is up the train will takeover by AI as same as now. One place that possible for now is that coal mine.

I also think it can only be available after AI been fixed and timetable adjusted.

Good idea.

Casual and beginner players are currently given everything (MP). HUD, a train that starts by itself :D, shorter sections etc.

The driving experience is too good to be a casual game.

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The issue is with MP what if someone is leaving, do they have to call ahead to get a crew change.  What about if you want to take a train, do you have to wait at a crew change point.  Is a crew change point at every location?

As mentioned it's the best option for MP.  People have real jobs and busy lives.  I'm all for better simulation, but that is why it's a simulation this isn't reality.



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4 hours ago, SurvivorSean said:

The issue is with MP what if someone is leaving, do they have to call ahead to get a crew change.  What about if you want to take a train, do you have to wait at a crew change point.  Is a crew change point at every location?

As mentioned it's the best option for MP.  People have real jobs and busy lives.  I'm all for better simulation, but that is why it's a simulation this isn't reality.



There's no need to overcomplicate.

A train from a siding will absolutely do. If they are planning a train depot, then they can start from there.

If the player quits, the AI takes over (like now).

The old services would remain, only new ones would be added. Everyone would choose what they want.

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3 hours ago, Flasssssss said:

It kinda links with the topic I made during playtest : 

 I think that it could definitely be a great thing to implement ! 

The idea is good, but I think it is more difficult to implement than starting from the siding.

This is also why I hate teleporting onto a train.. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1422130/discussions/0/6722219408344659427/

Then, when the error is corrected, if the player does not react in time, problems arise. It is not normal to occupy a moving train.

In principle, there are trains that leave from the starting station, but I don't know which they are yet. I met one, but I don't know which one it was.

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I think the option is plausible.  For me personally it doesn't take away the emmursion.  So what you're suggesting then is something where you want to start at a certain location, and take the next train, service type, or a certain train?  I am curious as I think it would be an interesting option.

I know in Run8 they have to click on the train to get it to relinquish AI which means the train comes to a stop (which I do like).  A passenger in the middle of no place suddenly coming to a stop is a bit strange especially for passenger equipment running on time.  But it is common and possible in say North America when a crew is running out of time and needs a recrew.



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I'm thinking of a solution like the one in single-player mode (scenario,tutorial). It's basically in the game.

Later, then the train depot etc.

The current solution, that you suddenly take over the train somewhere, is nonsense. People don't even know where they are, what kind of signal it was, what they should react to suddenly, etc. Even a train driver would need a second or two to think about what is happening now.

Thus, the entire section cannot be learned properly.

In addition to the current solution, we definitely need a normal one.

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19 minutes ago, Ricqs said:

The current solution, that you suddenly take over the train somewhere, is nonsense. People don't even know where they are, what kind of signal it was, what they should react to suddenly, etc. Even a train driver would need a second or two to think about what is happening now.

It sounds to me you haven't even tried it. You don't need to suddenly react because you dictate when you take over from the AI.

While the AI drives you can orient yourself by simple looking at the distance indicator and schedule. Once we have proper schedules you can sync the kilometer posts with that schedule and you know exactly where you are.

Your point is valid to want a cold start but don't resort to false arguments.

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7 hours ago, Skully said:

It sounds to me you haven't even tried it. You don't need to suddenly react because you dictate when you take over from the AI.

While the AI drives you can orient yourself by simple looking at the distance indicator and schedule. Once we have proper schedules you can sync the kilometer posts with that schedule and you know exactly where you are.

What is this? Mobile game or simulator?:D

This is not how trains work for any railway company.

Even WOS 1,2,3,4, TramSim, Diesel Railcar Simulator,  TSC and TSW have such a services (cold start etc.).

7 hours ago, Skully said:

Your point is valid to want a cold start but don't resort to false arguments.

False?:D So far approx. I have 30 hours in the game. I became level 35 in two and a half days . I've seen quite a few things. 

After I completed the last tutorial, he wrote: achievement: 0.1% of them have it.:D

I don't want anything. Just an advice and comment.
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  • SIMRAIL Team

Simple question - how many trains would we need to spawn on the side tracks to allow everybody experience cold starting? 5? 20? 50?

We can't spawn trains on view while the simulation is running because it will disrupt imersion for both drivers and dispatchers.

I'm not saying that cold start in multiplayer wont happen in the future but for now we are focused on fixing bugs.

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3 godziny temu, uetam napisał(a):

Simple question - how many trains would we need to spawn on the side tracks to allow everybody experience cold starting? 5? 20? 50?


I don't think it's that hard to do, and it would be very helpful to the game. Now the session ends when we reach the end of the map. It would be enough after the last station to take the exit to the side tracks, disconnect from the wagons and exit to the side track. There, the locomotive that would be turned off and the session would end. The next player can get on this locomotive, start it and wait up to an hour for maneuvers, connection to the train and return journey according to the timetable. Of course, such a situation would not apply to all trains, but those that end their route in Katowice or Warsaw

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