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Pendolino | cold start

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Started driving the Pendo today, thanks for the video link. I've read elsewhere on this forum from SimRail staff that there will be a tutorial for each locomotive eventually.

And here's a flight sim style checklist for the Pendolino 😃 

The following keys do not work in current early access version: [B] [C] [R] [F] [M] *

SimRail Pendolino Quick Start

1.  Battery switch..................... ON           [B]
2.  Activate Cabin switch.............. 1            [C]
3.  SHP button......................... Press        [Spacebar]
4.  Control Circuits switch............ ON
5.  Back or Front Pantograph switch.... Raise        [R] [F]

        Verify 3300.0 v on left display

6.  Main Switch ON button.............. Press        [M]

        Verify green boxes on right display

7.  Service Brake lever................ Running      [Num 3] [Num 9]
8.  Direction Control selector......... Forward      [↑] [↓]
9.  Spring Brake switch................ Disabled
10. Drive handle....................... 0%           [Num +] [Num -]
Edited by weezzah
Keys should be fixed now
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