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Carriages on EU07 train have chance refuse to release brake


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There's some minor chance that the last carriage of EU07 cargo train can't release their brake.

I've experience twice while in the Playtest and also there's some same issue been witnessed in EA:

1. Brake regularly with normal pressure at a sideline

2. Release all brakes (brake cylinder released all pressure and got normal pressure in main cylinder) and accelerate as usual

3. Will notice there's some spring effect happens on the train that can feels in the cab

4. The train will be forced to stop or can moving very very slowly when in high current mode

5. Change view to the last carriage, can hear loud braking sounds

6. If stop acceleration the train will become a stop then been pulled back a few distance because the strenth release on buffers

Edited by KagurazakaYukari
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