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Some suggestions

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Hello and good evening!

We had some minor problems in the Spanish server (EU) but I did enjoy the dispatcher mode, the main problem is the lack of knowledge of the line, people would also write in the chat about being stuck at signals so I was wondering, would it be possible to create a simple map to see where is everybody? For both drivers and dispatchers. I don't know if Poland has a CTC but would it be possible for human served stations to open signals to the players from this map so they won't get stuck for ages? Just in case the AI gets stuck, we can help both the system and the trains.


- Pressing a key and showing the names/numbers from dispatchers/trains would be really helpful too.

- I've seen that there's going to be a translation to other languages, but despite doing this, could we get a guide in a .pdf file so we can quick search what does every single button do? Or just grouping the buttons and explaining them in groups... Also in the dispatcher using the computer, I wasn't able to "view" the signals? Maybe I'm more accustomed to the Spanish version of the CTC and I'm really able to identify them, in our CTC if there is no train they're shown as red signals.

(Note: I've just seen the English tutorial and the signals are in "grey", I was going crazy searching them! xD)

- I've seen under some table that there is a radio equipment to contact with the trains? Can the dispatchers contact the trains by introducing the train number and calling them? Or how is that suppose to work?

Overall, maybe a short document explaining the basics of the Polish dispatcher so we could "grasp" how it works the system it would be great, more or less I didn't had that much trouble with the dispatcher in Łazy Łc as it works just like the ones in Spain, but even though some buttons are confusing. I wasn't being able to send routes from right to left at track 4 in Łazy Łc and had to override the signal to let trains pass through... 😅 Also the map would be great to see where the trains are going and see where is that destination...

Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity and for creating the game, it's going to be a must buy when the full game with the tools comes out!




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All the gameplay elements of the driver and dispatcher will be translated into all the languages available in the game. We are working on it.

As for now dispatcher cant change his radio channel but driver can and should be on right channel to talk witch disptacher. We will try to enforce using right channel for drivers in next update.

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10 hours ago, uetam said:

As for now dispatcher cant change his radio channel but driver can and should be on right channel to talk witch dispatcher. We will try to enforce using right channel for drivers in next update.

Thanks Uetam!

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I came through some other suggestions that I think they're useful:

- Possibility of sending more than one window onto another monitor? Would that be possible? That would allow both dispatchers and drivers to check the information anytime without going in our out their main task, in case of the dispatcher, it would be nice to have the possibility to send to that monitor the station's CTC and or the timetable, so you can check it at all times. This will be really useful also for when the new map window comes into action.

- Whilst being in the CTC monitor view, could we have the chats and train information on that view? There's enough space to have them there and in case there isn't maybe the possibility to resize the windows of the chats? 

- Lightning at stations does create some rare shadows or the lighting is simply quite strange.

-Dabrowa Gornicza stn, this station has 2 level crossings and if I try to route a train through track nº2, it won't allow me to enter the train all the way up to the level crossing. Is this due to the safety measure to prevent a train running into the level crossing in case that fails to brake? I mean, there is a signal before the level crossing and enough space between that and the level crossing, plus you have to reduce speed if you don't have a green at the home signal. Btw, people are sometimes seen floating on the tracks at some stations, this happened to me yesterday at this station. 😅

- Let AI load/unload. Trains stop at the stations but they don't open the doors.

- At night is really dark (depends of the station you're at), it would be really nice to have a flashlight option.

- Clouds seems to move really fast?


I was wondering also if it would be possible to skip the animation of not going through the door when leaving/entering the station and just step in? I've checked the interior of the station from the outside before asking me, as I thought it could be a lower 3D model that's loaded when being outside, but it's the same and the monitors still work as if they were being watched from the inside... So could we skip this animation? If this is the same case with trains, could we just have a key to press when close to doors instead of choosing from a menu to click?


Thanks as always!


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Another suggestion would be to be able to take control of other dispatchers that are assigned by AI, through a type of remote control in case the AI cannot effectively manage its dispatcher, in which you can change the screen to said dispatcher, it would also be good a central dispatcher to be able to manage certain areas with more ease.

 Another question would be the issue of trains that pass through your area and you do not know where to send said train, since said train is not assigned to your dispatcher, there is no option either, to give a specific order to the trains driven by the AI .


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12 minutes ago, txus said:

 Another question would be the issue of trains that pass through your area and you do not know where to send said train.

You can check the destination on the timetable monitor, if you have a bifurcation at your station, you can check 1st the timetable and then second your monitor as it shows there more directions. It is quite confusing as we don't know the line/infrastructure but with the map function I think this doubts should be cleared. 🙂 


About being able to take control of other AI controlled stations, I think I've seen similar suggestion on other posts, maybe that could be implemented in the map aswell? Although if the AI gets improved maybe you don't really need it. 

Edited by Kaito Kid
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7 minutes ago, Kaito Kid said:

Вы можете проверить пункт назначения на мониторе расписания, если у вас есть развилка на вашей станции, вы можете сначала проверить расписание, а затем второй монитор, так как он показывает больше направлений. Это довольно запутанно, так как мы не знаем линию / инфраструктуру, но с функцией карты я думаю, что эти сомнения должны быть развеяны. 🙂

All directions are signed on the control panel.
As in the schedule, the direction of the station, the time of passage and the number are written. There is also a search.
Everything is simple and realistic.
But the erroneous direction of the composition by the dispatcher must be excluded, I agree.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was thinking if it's possible to create for both monitors (station and timetable) an option to turn them into a windowed mode, that way we could send one of the windows onto a tablet or a 2nd monitor and stop zooming in and out everytime we wanna check something.

Apart from this suggestion I have another which is more ambitious and I think that it's going to be discarded by developers but here it goes... Could we have groups of CTC stations? Let me explain... At least in our regional railway company the CTC can be "divided" and controlled by several persons, if we take as an example the current line 1, the CTC would be divided as such:

1. Katowice - Katowice Z - All the halts in between

2. Sosnowiec Gw/Pl - Bedzin - All the halts in between - Dabrowa Gornizca

3. All the halts in between - Dabrowa Gornizca Z

4. All the halts in between - Lazy

And so on...

Obviously if the station is served, the CTC dispatcher shouldn't be able to touch nothing without permission of the person in charge of that box/station, but this would come really handy for degraded situations or complications with the AI, be able to overtake an AI controlled station and correct the problem. The way to implement this would be a third monitor with the stations/halts under your control or a window, these "mini CTC" would be found in main stations like Katowice - Sosnowiec Gw/Pl - D.G Zawodzie - etc...


BTW... Do the system in the boxes in real life have a sound for an oncomming train? I do check regularly timetable and such, but sometimes I forget about doing that and suddendly a train pops up without noticing it. 😅

Edited by Kaito Kid
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