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Ghost train on track causes blockage of the line

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On EN1 there is a train (40192) standing on track 2 of DG according to the dispatchers view, yet this train is not actually there in reality. This causes the AI to not let any trains through as it thinks the section is occupied. The only way to let trains through is a human dispatcher that enables the substitute signal on signal P and D. Resetting the Axle counters did not work, it was also not possible to see which trains were in that section as it always showed 40192.

This is on the 5/01 update




Edited by Jesitim
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I did that with 644050, did reset axle counters first and then gave 644050 a substitute signal. The ghost train remained there and after a while an AI train got stuck there as it did not want to move under substitute signal in that block.

More then likely a one time only bug, which gave a very nice session in the end.

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