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SimRail supports TrackIr already.


The way you operate the levers in the trains is how a real driver operates them... and this being a simulator, that is simulated,
The 'ELF' and 'traxx's' levers are spring loaded in places,  they are not like the standard German levers where you just move the lever to a position and leave it, and that sets the power / braking amount,

On these Polish trains, you set the power and braking with a joystick type lever,   i agree they are awkward for someone coming from playing German train driving games,

I find i prefer to use my mouses scroll wheel to operate those levers, left click on the control lever in the train, then move your moses scroll wheel up or down a notch or 2, and the lever moves in sync with it,  i find this a much nicer way to drive.... of course one day i will make a replica lever with those movements on it, but for now the mouse scroll wheel is much nicer than key presses i find.

I even use 'autoHotKey' to bind a keyboard key to be my left mouse button, so i hover the mouse pointer over the power or brake lever, 
then press '\' (the key i chose) and that is the same as holding down the left mouse button, it keeps the lever in the train active, and i just move the scroll wheel on the mouse up and down and the lever follows.


Re: the EU07's 'extra throttle positions'
If you hold 'Left Shift' and then press the key to increase throttle, it will wind the wheel round fast to notch 28,  repeat that and it'll wind it fast to notch 43, 
hold 'Left Shift' and press the key to decrease the throttle, and it will fast wind the wheel to notch 28, repeat to get to notch zero,  takes about 2 seconds to wind all the way around,
Remember tho, when increasing the throttle, you need to pause in notch 1 for the 'starting contractors' to engage (blue light on the dash goes out) then you can fast wind to notch 28 or 43,

Edited by Gazz292
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well, there's always going to be a problem using a keyboard with digital inputs to move a control lever that is analog in real life,

same with the brake lever in the EU07, the best you can do is make it move around the axis slowly as the relevant keys are held down, and have a key to jump the lever back to the released position quickly.


When i've played the Zusi Simulator, i found the keys worked the same as most other train driving games (except tsw, which made the PC controls mimic the console ones, so how fast the lever moves and what notch it goes into depends on how long you hold the button / control down for.... i.e. to get into emergency brake position, you need to hold the button for moving the brake lever backwards down for a few seconds before it will jump past that notch... pressing the button repeatedly to get it to move a notch dosent work.. i hate that)

But, AFAIK there are no German trains in zusi with the kind of levers Polish trains use,
i know there was an attempt to create a universal european wide train control system using joystick like levers, but this was dismissed by Germany as being unsatisfactory compared to their current system of linear levers, which have loads of standards rules, so getting in different trains feels similar to the driver, same as how they did it with local buses, in the 80's it was the VöV dashboard, in the 90's it was the DVD dashboard layout etc.

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5 hours ago, Gazz292 said:

SimRail supports TrackIr already.

The way you operate the levers in the trains is how a real driver operates them... and this being a simulator, that is simulated,
The 'ELF' and 'traxx's' levers are spring loaded in places,  they are not like the standard German levers where you just move the lever to a position and leave it, and that sets the power / braking amount,

On these Polish trains, you set the power and braking with a joystick type lever,   i agree they are awkward for someone coming from playing German train driving games,

I find i prefer to use my mouses scroll wheel to operate those levers, left click on the control lever in the train, then move your moses scroll wheel up or down a notch or 2, and the lever moves in sync with it,  i find this a much nicer way to drive.... of course one day i will make a replica lever with those movements on it, but for now the mouse scroll wheel is much nicer than key presses i find.

I even use 'autoHotKey' to bind a keyboard key to be my left mouse button, so i hover the mouse pointer over the power or brake lever, 
then press '\' (the key i chose) and that is the same as holding down the left mouse button, it keeps the lever in the train active, and i just move the scroll wheel on the mouse up and down and the lever follows.

Re: the EU07's 'extra throttle positions'
If you hold 'Left Shift' and then press the key to increase throttle, it will wind the wheel round fast to notch 28,  repeat that and it'll wind it fast to notch 43, 
hold 'Left Shift' and press the key to decrease the throttle, and it will fast wind the wheel to notch 28, repeat to get to notch zero,  takes about 2 seconds to wind all the way around,
Remember tho, when increasing the throttle, you need to pause in notch 1 for the 'starting contractors' to engage (blue light on the dash goes out) then you can fast wind to notch 28 or 43,

There is no point... yet another deleted comment from me. 

This time I promise it's the last time you'll see this profile here

Sorry again everyone for wasting your time with my useless idiotic suggestions made by a gamer that plays train games

Edited by FD1003
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