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[EN] Alternative fictional modern EDR (Displays delays/early, ETA, position, Max Speed, etc...)


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I am working on an alternative EDR display for SimRail. This EDR aims to enahnce the game's interface on such aspects:

  • More modern design
  • Remove non used fields and condense some fields
  • Give more informations (current delay, early, train type, ETA, max speed for train type)
  • Merge timetables for stations with multiple posts (Sosnowiec)
  • Fade out train that have passed the station
  • Filter only trains that are on the train line
  • "Live" status update (train informations are updated every 5-10s)
  • Dark mode

For now, the EDR is only on closed beta on french servers and is only available in french. I am working on an english translation of the EDR and I am looking for international beta testers and translators. Please hit me up on Discord (DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294) if you want to help me !

I would like to make a mod to replace the in game EDR by my EDR for more immersion, but given the rule of not modifying any game files I have not tried yet, so its only available as a web interface for now.

Changelog and issues are located here: https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues

Finally, here is a video that shows a few minutes a Katowice to see the EDR in live action.


Note for SimRail team. All requests are CDN cached and avg RPS is around 1/5. However, if for any reason you need to filter the traffic or slow down the RPS of the UI all requests include the following headers:

"User-Agent": "Custom EDR vDEV",
"xx-client": "Custom EDR",
"xx-maintainer": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja",
"xx-contact": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294",
"xx-executor": "outbound.gcp.infra.deadlykungfu.ninja",


Edited by DeadlyKungFu.Ninja
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Great news, the EDR is now available in English and in Czech ! 🥳
Many thanks to Howky (OFPMafia) Jason_ (SimRail Global Community Server) !!

Alongisde the update more servers are now open:

  • CZ1
  • PL1
  • PL2
  • ES1
  • ES2
  • DE2

There is only 3 closed beta keys left

I want to thank all the SimRail community for their involvment in helping me making the EDR better from a day to anorther, this could not have been possible without you.

Full changelog is available on the Github 🙂

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10 hours ago, Lawliet said:

This looks absolutely gorgeous! I'd love to be able to help out if possible.

Hi, Thanks ! That would be great 🙂
Apoligises for the late reply, I don't monitor the forum often.

Awesome ! Can you please contact me on Discord ? 
There are no beta keys left for now, I have some bugs to fix before being able to do anorther release. But I will get back to you as soon as I have released the next version ! 🙂 

I am also trying a lot of different network configurations in orther to balance cost effectiveness and more frequent updates. The problem with such tries, is that, if something is misconfigured by mistakes, it can send all the requests down to the SimRail game servers. It is rare, but it can happend. That is one of the main reason I limit beta keys atm, if a fuse is shorting with 20 persons online its not much an issue for SimRail servers, but 100 is anorther story 😅

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Hi, a new version is now live !

Version 0.5






  • NGINX reverse proxies add a layer of cache
  • CDN bypass for train queries because of some network problems (cached by NGINX)



Thanks all beta testers for testing and reporting bugs, suggesting ideas and see you soon ! 🙂


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Looks very clean and sleek, really like the appearance of the tool! Pretty good job!

Are there any plans for it to also include the german language? If so I'd really like to help in the translation process and maybe help overall with testing and so on.

Have a nice day and don't drop this, it has a big potential I guess!



Edited by Flows
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2 hours ago, Flows said:

Looks very clean and sleek, really like the appearance of the tool! Pretty good job!

Are there any plans for it to also include the german language? If so I'd really like to help in the translation process and maybe help overall with testing and so on.

Have a nice day and don't drop this, it has a big potential I guess!


Hi, Thank you very much!

Indeed we plan to implement as much languages as possible ! I'll be very interested by a German translation. Can you DM me on Discord or via this Forum please ?

I'll publish a changelog and an annoucement this evening with the 0.7 version 🙂

(Spoiler: I said we 😄)

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Hey !

Three orther developpers have now joined the project ! 🥳

That means, when you report a bug or suggest an idea, I won't be the only one to respond 🙂

Thanks to their contributions this changelog is quite massive! And the open beta is getting really close. Also the project is going to be open source after the open beta. That means everyone that wants to help in the code, make their own versions or learn more about the SimRail internals will be about to do so! The project is under the GNU GPL3 licence.

### 0.7

#### Features
- Search multiple trains (separated by a comma , ) https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/26
- The steam avatar and player name is displayed. Steam was implemented on the backend. https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/33
- HU language is now available ! -no issue-
- Some railway symbols that are not normalized across countries are now localized https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/43
- Server name is now displayed -no issue-

#### Fixes

- MASSIVE performance gain. The UI was becoming laggy. Thread code (web workers) was optimized, React optimizations were implemented. RAM usage will be higher but CPU usage was divided by 7. -internal issue-
- 24hrs format as the norm, as it seems to be the norm in the industry https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/50
- Correctly format hour https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/44

### 0.6

#### Features

- Long calculations are offloaded in a background thread using WebWorkers -internal issue-
- Server timezone is now taken into account. All game servers are now open ! https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/39 
- Station name is now displayed https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/37
- Posts images are now optimized https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/36

#### Fixes
- Some clients have a slower refresh rate of 1mn instead of 5-10s https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/31
- Servers are ordered depending on locale choices https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues/issues/28

Also, the logo has been changed. Thanks AlexisG
Since this project is now a global community project and not much so a french only project, the logo does not display the French Flag anymore to accuratly represent every contributor.



Thanks all for youir ideas and bug reports and see you soon !
(for the open beta 😄)

Edited by DeadlyKungFu.Ninja
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