alegalga98 Posted December 24, 2022 Posted December 24, 2022 (edited) Hello First try of the italian translation, here's some improvements with more adequate and technical terms, based on my studies to become a driver On the role choice on the multiplayer menu: Controllore > Regolatore della circolazione > Gestisci il traffico ferroviario. Note. " Regolatore della circolazione " apply also on the screen of dispatcher computer equipment next to player name. Macchinista > Conduci il treno rispettando il regolamento e gli ordini impartiti dai regolatori della circolazione. On the electrical device dispatcher screen, when moving mouse on shunting signal Itinerario di manovra is incorrect. Itinerary is only used for train movement, not for shunting movement. Correct term: Istradamento di manovra > tasto sinistro del mouse - Imposta istradamento di manovra When moving mouse on the bottom to allow the departure on the left track: Partenza da binario illegale, is incorrect. This railway term is only used in Italy and it reefer when trains drive on the right track for an abnormal situation. And only when the line is not equipped with signals in both tracks for the same direction of travel. Otherwise is simply called "binario di destra." In poland, trains normally runs on the right, and this term can't be used. ( The normal direction of travel in italy is left ) The correct term is: Partenza dal binario di sinistra > Tasto sinistro del mouse - Concedi l'uso del binario di sinistra. When moving mouse over the main switch: Interruttore principale > Interruttore extrarapido > chiudi l'interruttore extrarapido / apri l'interruttore extrarapido When moving mouse on cruise control lever: Manetta cruise control > Leva velocità impostata, it can be omitted to repeat " velocità impostata " in the lever option, leaving only: Disattiva, Riduci velocità, Mantieni velocità, Aumenta velocità, Velocità massima When moving mouse over Radio Stop This is an emergency button who immediately put the train and other trains in the radio range to a complete stop. Radio offline is incorrect. The correct term is: Pulsante chiamata di emergenza On Menu settings Volume del sistema di vigilanza > Volume dispositivo vigilante When moving mouse in the local brake Freno di servizio > Rubinetto freno continuo > Disattivato ( There is a writing error right now on this word ), Ricarica, Marcia, Iniziale, Pieno servizio, Ri-applica, Frenatura di emergenza Freno locale > Rubinetto freno diretto When moving mouse on the dimmer allerter/Shp switch of Eu07: Riduzione luminosità SHP, Riduzione luminosità vigilante Brake timings impostazioni ritardo del freno > Selettore ritardo del freno R: Rapido, P, Passeggeri, T, (R) Merci Brake wheel / buttons in modern locomotives Rilascia il freno di stazionamento (brake released) Inserisci il freno di stazionamento (brake active) Sunblind Avvolgibile > Parasole Drive handle (this only apply on eu07) Manetta di guida > Maniglione esclusione reostato Main switch EU07 Disattiva l'interruttore principale > Apertura interruttore extrarapido Attiva l'interruttore principale > Chiusura interruttore extrarapido Light dimming (Eu07) Luci anteriori > Riduzione luminosità fanali Light selector switch on EN76/96 The same error of "binario illegale" is present here, the correction is the same " Guida su binario di sinistra " Inactivity detector screen Giocatore inattivo, is correct, but it's better: Inattività rilevata Part of english translation left on Katovice - Varsavia line description: " La linea ferroviaria n. 1 è lunga 316,00 km, da Varsavia a Katovice. La velocità massima su questa linea è 160km/h. " Scenario description of tutorial EU07, English translation left Conduci un treno viaggiatori da Zawiercie a Katovice. Home screen Macchinista > Siedi ai comandi di un veicolo riprodotto realisticamente Various tweaks: Since I prefer the word "game" to be left for other software's and not for Simrail: Multiplayer > Simula con altre persone Do you know that Sapevi che La maggior parte dei veicoli ferroviari utilizza ruote composte da due parti: Il centro ruota e il cerchione, che è l'elemento di usura. Questo serve a ridurre i costi di manutenzione, in caso di usura, viene sostitutito solo il cerchione, non l'intera ruota. Le strisce bianche consentono di rilevare il disallineamento del cerchione, che è molto pericoloso e richiede l'immediato fermo del veicolo e l'intervento della manutenzione per la riparazione. Esc key, options ( options non mentioned are correct ) Menu di simulazione: Riprendi la simulazione Esci dalla simulazione Opzioni > Impostazioni di accessibilità Controlli semplici (Disattiva il dispositivo vigilante) Graphics setting > car limit: Limite vagoni > Limite veicoli stradali Default states for HUD elements Tabella di marcia / Pannello del regolatore della circolazione Contachilometri > Tachimetro Devia sotto > Aumenta shunt Devia sopra >Diminuisci shunt Cicalino porta > Avvisatore acustico Graphics settings Modo di ampliamento > Modalità di upscaling Qualità superiore > Qualità di upscaling Thanks for the translator that have done the work, will follow other tweaks when I notice them. Edited December 24, 2022 by alegalga98
GeeForge Posted December 24, 2022 Posted December 24, 2022 Hey, first of that, thank you for the tips. 1 hour ago, alegalga98 said: Regolatore della circolazione You're right. 1 hour ago, alegalga98 said: Itinerario I will change "Itinerario" in "Instadamento" 1 hour ago, alegalga98 said: Partenza da binario illegale Debated term, because italian player who know italian terms, should use "illegale" instead of left/right track. The fact that in Poland the running route is on right is just a Polish rule. Apparently, the "illegale" would also mean that you've to drive on a route "out of the normal rules". This would be debated with the community. 1 hour ago, alegalga98 said: Interruttore extrarapido Updated 1 hour ago, alegalga98 said: Leva velocità impostata Would be good but I bet "Manetta" instead of "Leva" 2 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Pulsante chiamata di emergenza Updated. 2 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Volume dispositivo vigilante Updated. 2 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Rubinetto freno continuo Updated to "Freno continuo" 2 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Frenatura di emergenza Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Freno di servizio > Rubinetto freno continuo > Disattivato ( There is a writing error right now on this word ), Ricarica, Marcia, Iniziale, Pieno servizio, Ri-applica, Frenatura di emergenza Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Freno locale > Rubinetto freno diretto Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Riduzione luminosità SHP, Riduzione luminosità vigilante Updated with "Attenuazione SHP" 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: impostazioni ritardo del freno > Selettore ritardo del freno Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Avvolgibile > Parasole Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Manetta di guida > Maniglione esclusione reostato Debated term: I would use better the term "Reostato corsa" because it step change the rheostat position. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Disattiva l'interruttore principale > Apertura interruttore extrarapido Attiva l'interruttore principale > Chiusura interruttore extrarapido Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Luci anteriori > Riduzione luminosità fanali Updated with "Attenuazione fanali" 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: The same error of "binario illegale" is present here, the correction is the same " Guida su binario di sinistra " Debated above. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Inattività rilevata Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: " La linea ferroviaria n. 1 è lunga 316,00 km, da Varsavia a Katovice. La velocità massima su questa linea è 160km/h. " Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Conduci un treno viaggiatori da Zawiercie a Katovice. Already notified to DEVs, the string is missing. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Siedi ai comandi di un veicolo riprodotto realisticamente Updated. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Multiplayer > Simula con altre persone In today's slang, Multiplayer is already a common term also in italian. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Graphics setting > car limit: Limite vagoni > Limite veicoli stradali Debated because the limit of 25 is meant to wagons on freight train. I don't think is meant 25 car vehicles around the visual. 3 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Contachilometri > Tachimetro Devia sotto > Aumenta shunt Devia sopra >Diminuisci shunt Cicalino porta > Avvisatore acustico Updated. 4 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Modo di ampliamento > Modalità di upscaling Is better like "Modalità di miglioramento" 4 hours ago, alegalga98 said: ualità superiore > Qualità di upscaling Is better like "Migliore qualità" 1
alegalga98 Posted December 24, 2022 Author Posted December 24, 2022 (edited) Quote Debated term, because italian player who know italian terms, should use "illegale" instead of left/right track. The fact that in Poland the running route is on right is just a Polish rule. Apparently, the "illegale" would also mean that you've to drive on a route "out of the normal rules". This would be debated with the community. No, si può parlare di binario illegale solamente quando stiamo parlando di una linea a doppio binario non banalizzata, questo termine NON va usato quando la circolazione avviene a destra in ogni occasione ma solamente quando la linea non è banalizzata, cioè non è attrezzata per la circolazione promiscua dei treni in entrambi i sensi di marcia. Quando la linea è banalizzata questa 'discriminazione' non esiste proprio perchè non c'è differenza tra un binario e l'altro, pertanto si parla di binario di destra e binario di sinistra. Anzichè binario illegale puoi inserire " Partenza da binario opposto" per far intendere che è una situazione di degrado. Quindi parlare di binario illegale, riferendosi al binario di sinistra nel caso della polonia, e oltre al motivo che ho spiegato prima non è corretto. Quote Would be good but I bet "Manetta" instead of "Leva" "Manetta" è un termine poco professionale. In ferrovia è più corretto " Leva velocità impostata " oppure " Impostatore di velocità " Quote Debated because the limit of 25 is meant to wagons on freight train. I don't think is meant 25 car vehicles around the visual. No, 25 si riferisce solo ai veicoli stradali che possono apparire, prova a impostare il valore minimo con lo scenario della E186 con i carri di carbone. Quote In today's slang, Multiplayer is already a common term also in italian. Spero sia più chiaro. Quote Sapevi che La maggior parte dei veicoli ferroviari utilizza ruote composte da due parti: Il centro ruota e il cerchione, che è l'elemento di usura. Questo serve a ridurre i costi di manutenzione, in caso di usura, viene sostitutito solo il cerchione, non l'intera ruota. Le strisce bianche consentono di rilevare il disallineamento del cerchione, che è molto pericoloso e richiede l'immediato fermo del veicolo e l'intervento della manutenzione per la riparazione. Cerca di inserire anche questo, non ho avuto conferma dal 'quote', è scritto in maniera più comprensibile. Quote Esc key, options ( options non mentioned are correct ) Menu di simulazione: Riprendi la simulazione Esci dalla simulazione Questi è consigliabile cambiarli Per il resto va bene la traduzione che hai messo Edited December 24, 2022 by alegalga98
stronzio Posted December 24, 2022 Posted December 24, 2022 "Binario illegale" is a very VERY specific term in railway language and an enormous quantity of people uses it completely wrong because yeah, it sounds cool but they don't really know what it means. On top of that it's also kinda anachronistic, as it's on the brink of being a relic of the past. From what I know (which might not be much), in Poland/Germany etc., when trains are going to the left track they simply say they're going to the wrong track, irrespective of how such track is equipped. So, since binario sbagliato wouldn't sound that good, to make things easier I'd simply call it "Binario Sinistro" (o di sinistra if you fancy technical terminology) 41 minutes ago, GeeForge said: Manetta di guida > Maniglione esclusione reostato 41 minutes ago, GeeForge said: Debated term: I would use better the term "Reostato corsa" because it step change the rheostat position. I wouldn't use either, the first is "more correct" but that's not a maniglione and I think that most people have no idea about what a reostato is or does in this case. I'd simply translate is with a generic "Controllo trazione" 51 minutes ago, GeeForge said: Debated because the limit of 25 is meant to wagons on freight train. I don't think is meant 25 car vehicles around the visual. I think that setting is actually referring to (street) cars because I also tried translating it from polish and french, but I have no idea about what it actually influences 54 minutes ago, GeeForge said: Disattiva l'interruttore principale > Apertura interruttore extrarapido Attiva l'interruttore principale > Chiusura interruttore extrarapido Personally I'd stay with "interruttore principale", I know it's wrong (IPs are used on AC) but again, try asking your average player what a rapido or extrarapido is and their expression would probably be "WTF are you talking about?" 1 hour ago, GeeForge said: Would be good but I bet "Manetta" instead of "Leva" No @alegalga98 is right, it's a leva, not a manetta. Manette are on planes (or when the police arrests you 😷) 5 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Radio offline is incorrect. The correct term is: Pulsante chiamata di emergenza I don't agree, I'd leave it as "Radiostop". Poland use radios with an open communication where everyone on the same channel will hear each other, they don't have a "chiamata d'emergenza" like with GSM-R, but radiostop which is a very specific function (as you say, will automatically stop al trains receiving it) Regarding Upscaling, I'd leave it as it is because I don't think it has a direct translation 1
alegalga98 Posted December 24, 2022 Author Posted December 24, 2022 Quote "Binario illegale" is a very VERY specific term in railway language and an enormous quantity of people uses it completely wrong because yeah, it sounds cool but they don't really know what it means. On top of that it's also kinda anachronistic, as it's on the brink of being a relic of the past. From what I know (which might not be much), in Poland/Germany etc., when trains are going to the left track they simply say they're going to the wrong track, irrespective of how such track is equipped. So, since binario sbagliato wouldn't sound that good, to make things easier I'd simply call it "Binario Sinistro" (o di sinistra if you fancy technical terminology) Exactly this, you explained perfectly what the issue is. Quote I wouldn't use either, the first is "more correct" but that's not a maniglione and I think that most people have no idea about what a reostato is or does in this case. I'd simply translate is with a generic "Controllo trazione" Approved👍 Quote I don't agree, I'd leave it as "Radiostop". Poland use radios with an open communication where everyone on the same channel will hear each other, they don't have a "chiamata d'emergenza" like with GSM-R, but radiostop which is a very specific function (as you say, will automatically stop al trains receiving it) Regarding Upscaling, I'd leave it as it is because I don't think it has a direct translation Agree with Radiostop.
alegalga98 Posted December 25, 2022 Author Posted December 25, 2022 Trains have no name. They have a number: ' numero del treno '
GeeForge Posted December 26, 2022 Posted December 26, 2022 First, I wish community had a merry christmas! I appreciate this debating thread that will improve the game language differently from other titles. Let's talk about correction. On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: No, si può parlare di binario illegale solamente quando stiamo parlando di una linea a doppio binario non banalizzata, questo termine NON va usato quando la circolazione avviene a destra in ogni occasione ma solamente quando la linea non è banalizzata, cioè non è attrezzata per la circolazione promiscua dei treni in entrambi i sensi di marcia. Quando la linea è banalizzata questa 'discriminazione' non esiste proprio perchè non c'è differenza tra un binario e l'altro, pertanto si parla di binario di destra e binario di sinistra. Anzichè binario illegale puoi inserire " Partenza da binario opposto" per far intendere che è una situazione di degrado. Quindi parlare di binario illegale, riferendosi al binario di sinistra nel caso della polonia, e oltre al motivo che ho spiegato prima non è corretto. On 12/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, stronzio said: "Binario illegale" is a very VERY specific term in railway language and an enormous quantity of people uses it completely wrong because yeah, it sounds cool but they don't really know what it means. On top of that it's also kinda anachronistic, as it's on the brink of being a relic of the past. From what I know (which might not be much), in Poland/Germany etc., when trains are going to the left track they simply say they're going to the wrong track, irrespective of how such track is equipped. So, since binario sbagliato wouldn't sound that good, to make things easier I'd simply call it "Binario Sinistro" (o di sinistra if you fancy technical terminology) Treno655 which can't post messages in the forum for unknown reason that is under investigation from the forum Admin, wrote me about this argument and this is what he suggest Quote Binario illegale:Binario utilizzato nel senso inverso al normale senso di marcia. Viene utilizzato nelle linee a doppio binario quando il binario del normale senso di marcia (Binario di sinistra) è fuori servizio. Se la linea è banalizzata o gestita in Bca allora di può parlare di binario di sinistra. Nulla che mi sto inventando, basta leggere la RTC ,DSDC, DET, DELB... Ma c'è da dire che probabilmente tale terminologia non è attuabile al 100% in un simulatore dove si sta cercando di adeguare il linguaggio tecnico di regolamenti diversi. In Polonia lo chiamano binario irregolare.. anche sulle linee a Bca ... Da noi sarebbe impensabile! Comunque, grazie a prescindere per il lavoro che stai facendo.. dopo un po' di lavoro si arriverà ad avere una traduzione perfetta! This is one of the polish in-game translation command for dispatcher panel Przyjmij pociąg z toru niewłaściwego / wyślij pociąg na tor niewłaściwy That translated (I know google sometime sucks at that) means Accetta il treno dal binario sbagliato / invia il treno al binario sbagliato So, I could change the "illegale" term in "sinistro" or "sbagliato" but I would also see what features of the editor in game we will see. E.g.: If there will be possibility to build different sceneries (like germany routes or italian ones) could the term be appropriate with "sinistro"? On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: Manetta" è un termine poco professionale. In ferrovia è più corretto " Leva velocità impostata " oppure " Impostatore di velocità " Updated in "impostatore di velocità" On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: No, 25 si riferisce solo ai veicoli stradali che possono apparire, prova a impostare il valore minimo con lo scenario della E186 con i carri di carbone. Updated in "Limite visualizzazione automobili" On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: Spero sia più chiaro. Updated. On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: La maggior parte dei veicoli ferroviari utilizza ruote composte da due parti: Il centro ruota e il cerchione, che è l'elemento di usura. Questo serve a ridurre i costi di manutenzione, in caso di usura, viene sostitutito solo il cerchione, non l'intera ruota. Le strisce bianche consentono di rilevare il disallineamento del cerchione, che è molto pericoloso e richiede l'immediato fermo del veicolo e l'intervento della manutenzione per la riparazione. Updated. On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: Menu di simulazione: Updated. On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: Riprendi la simulazione Updated. On 12/24/2022 at 4:51 PM, alegalga98 said: Esci dalla simulazione The term is meant to go back to main menu, many many games have the function translated like that. (Exit to the main menu) On 12/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, stronzio said: On 12/24/2022 at 3:40 PM, GeeForge said: Manetta di guida > Maniglione esclusione reostato On 12/24/2022 at 3:40 PM, GeeForge said: Debated term: I would use better the term "Reostato corsa" because it step change the rheostat position. I wouldn't use either, the first is "more correct" but that's not a maniglione and I think that most people have no idea about what a reostato is or does in this case. I'd simply translate is with a generic "Controllo trazione" The same command is used in the 34WE and the 4E, so I think is better to be translated as "Maniglione di guida / esclusione reostato" On 12/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, stronzio said: On 12/24/2022 at 3:40 PM, GeeForge said: Disattiva l'interruttore principale > Apertura interruttore extrarapido Attiva l'interruttore principale > Chiusura interruttore extrarapido Personally I'd stay with "interruttore principale", I know it's wrong (IPs are used on AC) but again, try asking your average player what a rapido or extrarapido is and their expression would probably be "WTF are you talking about?" I would also agree your opinion but let see. Now I changed in "extrarapido" but would be changed again if needed. On 12/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, stronzio said: On 12/24/2022 at 3:40 PM, GeeForge said: Would be good but I bet "Manetta" instead of "Leva" No @alegalga98 is right, it's a leva, not a manetta. Manette are on planes (or when the police arrests you 😷) Manetta is also used on boats and ferries but, ok to change them in "leva". Updated. On 12/24/2022 at 5:10 PM, alegalga98 said: Quote I don't agree, I'd leave it as "Radiostop". Poland use radios with an open communication where everyone on the same channel will hear each other, they don't have a "chiamata d'emergenza" like with GSM-R, but radiostop which is a very specific function (as you say, will automatically stop al trains receiving it) Agree with Radiostop. No, checking the strings, would be a correlation with the Radiostop with a message "Send an emergency signal to all nearby trains". What's the way to send the emergency signal? With the Radiostop i guess. 23 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Trains have no name. They have a number: ' numero del treno ' Updated.
stronzio Posted December 26, 2022 Posted December 26, 2022 4 hours ago, GeeForge said: Binario illegale:Binario utilizzato nel senso inverso al normale senso di marcia. Viene utilizzato nelle linee a doppio binario quando il binario del normale senso di marcia (Binario di sinistra) è fuori servizio. Se la linea è banalizzata o gestita in Bca allora di può parlare di binario di sinistra. Nulla che mi sto inventando, basta leggere la RTC ,DSDC, DET, DELB... Ma c'è da dire che probabilmente tale terminologia non è attuabile al 100% in un simulatore dove si sta cercando di adeguare il linguaggio tecnico di regolamenti diversi. In Polonia lo chiamano binario irregolare.. anche sulle linee a Bca ... Da noi sarebbe impensabile! Comunque, grazie a prescindere per il lavoro che stai facendo.. dopo un po' di lavoro si arriverà ad avere una traduzione perfetta! No this definition of when a binario is "illegale" is wrong and @alegalga98 pointed it out correctly earlier. Just for clarification: a binario is illegale only when the right track of a double tracked line doesn't have any equipment (= block system, signals etc.) to let trains run on it and special emergency procedures have to be enforced to do so (blocco telefonico etc.). Stations might not even have entry/exit signals to/from the right track, to give an idea of how bad the situation is. The left track is called "binario legale" instead. Nowadays running on the few remaining binari illegali is practically forbidden: you can do that only if the "legale" track is interrupted due to unexpected reasons i.e. a broken train etc. When both tracks are fully equipped, we have a linea banalizzata and we distinguish between binario di sinistra and destra. Depending on the line, it might allow trains to run to the right only if the left track is put out of service (effectively leaving only one track in operation), others allow marcia parallela (two trains running on the same direction) or even destra contemporanea, where both trains are running on their respective right track. It doesn't matter if it's BCA, BA, whatever, what matters is if the right track is equipped or not. It doesn't seem to me that Poland makes all these distinctions, as I said before they seem to just send trains to the "wrong track" in a generic way and translating it with "binario illegale" doesn't sound that good to me. That's why I said to leave it as Binario Sinistro, at least for now, but I know we're getting into a philosophical and academical discussion now 🙃 5 hours ago, GeeForge said: Updated in "impostatore di velocità" It's better but it still doesn't sound right to me, I assume you're referring to the 186 and on the manuals those levers are officially called Regolatore della velocità programmata if that is of interest 5 hours ago, GeeForge said: The same command is used in the 34WE and the 4E, so I think is better to be translated as "Maniglione di guida / esclusione reostato" If that's so, it's completely wrong then 😁 the ELF doesn't have a rheostat, and again, both haven't maniglioni anyway This is a maniglione, in italian jargon... Just leave it as "controllo trazione" and call it a day (edit: I checked, it's called Drive Handle in game and it is untranslatable in a literal way) 5 hours ago, GeeForge said: No, checking the strings, would be a correlation with the Radiostop with a message "Send an emergency signal to all nearby trains". What's the way to send the emergency signal? With the Radiostop i guess From what I know when someone activates the Radiostop function, the radio of all the locomotives in the area will emit an acoustic warning and will react with an automatic emergency braking application 1
alegalga98 Posted December 26, 2022 Author Posted December 26, 2022 (edited) Quoted from the current regulatory text: IFN LIN Linee : La circolazione ferroviaria si svolge sull'infrastruttura ferroviaria nazionale, costituita dalle linee ( a uno o più binari ), dalle località di servizio e da altri punti caratteristici ubicati in linea. Le linee a semplice binario sono attrezzate per la circolazione dei treni nei due sensi di marcia sull'unico binario disponibile. Nel caso delle linee a doppio binario, ciascun binario è attrezzato per la circolazione dei treni in entrambi i sensi di marcia ( linee a doppio binario banalizzate ) e la circolazione dei treni è normalmente impostata sul binario di sinistra. Le specifiche Istruzioni per l'uso degli impianti sulle linee a doppio binario banalizzate sono riportate nella sezione IFN/BAN ( IFN/BAV linee AC/AV). Alcune linee a doppio binario, definite "non banalizzate", hanno i binari attrezzati solo per la circolazione sul binario di sinistra rispetto al senso di marcia del treno. In tal caso, il binario di sinistra è denominato "legale" mentre il binario di destra è denominato "illegale". As already mentioned by the friend @stronzio, the " Regime di circolazione " in use in that line has nothing to do with it. When the " Regolatore della circolazione " tells you that you have to depart with the signal set at " via impedita " it doesn't tell you " - Viaggiate da .......località A...... a .....località B..... sul binario illegale. Simply he doesn't tick that specific order from the M40 in the case of "linea non banalizzata". ( the term after località B is "sul binario di sinistra/destra". This to be clear ) Quote It's better but it still doesn't sound right to me, I assume you're referring to the 186 and on the manuals those levers are officially called Regolatore della velocità programmata if that is of interest @stronzio have provided an important information here, I don't have the DPC of E186, if this term can be used only for the 186 then we have the official name of that lever, if the command is shared the same with all, then is better to leave it as I said before " Leva velocità impostata ". Quote This is a maniglione, in italian jargon... Just leave it as "controllo trazione" and call it a day Because the Drive Handle in the sim is likely to cannot have different names for each locomotives/Emu's like said before, I agree at all with " Controllo trazione ". Is also more understandable from everybody and is not wrong term to be used with eu07 too. " Maniglione " was in the gold era of rheostatic locomotives in Italy ( Shame, I will not put my foot on the cabin of this kind of locomotive nowadays, maybe one day these glorious machines will live again, on Simrail )😁 For Eu07 I think they call it " Volantino " translated in our language, but I'm not sure what term is in use in poland. Quote No, checking the strings, would be a correlation with the Radiostop with a message "Send an emergency signal to all nearby trains". What's the way to send the emergency signal? With the Radiostop i guess The term "chiamata di emergenza" is applicable with the GSM-R system, The polish radio system for me is a new thing, I point that the two systems have in common this fundamental principle: ' Garantire la sicurezza dell'esercizio. ' To guarantee the safety and because of that I was saying to call it that way at the beginning. As already mentioned, in Poland they use another radio system, I can relate in leave it as it is. ' Radiostop ', both terms tough are not far from each other Edited December 26, 2022 by alegalga98
alegalga98 Posted December 26, 2022 Author Posted December 26, 2022 Quote The term is meant to go back to main menu, many many games have the function translated like that. (Exit to the main menu) I was referring to the 'Exit game' string, this will let you exit directly to desktop
GeeForge Posted December 26, 2022 Posted December 26, 2022 Ok, The info are more clear., thank you. Updated "illegale" to "di sinistra" and in the tutorial "di destra" Updated "Maniglione di guida / esclusione reostato" to "controllo di trazione" so it can be clear for both cabins Updated back to "Radiostop" Updated "Esci dal gioco" with "Esci dal simulatore" [sounds good] Every update we debated here will be released on the next patch 1
alegalga98 Posted January 6, 2023 Author Posted January 6, 2023 Hello I tested the translation update, I found a few discrepancies in the menu translation and for the technical language: Below description in the field 'Macchinista' not updated: Conduci il treno rispettando il regolamento e gli ordini impartiti dai regolatori della circolazione As already said before, a train movement inside stations, is defined with: Itinerario, instradamento is used for shunting movement, is not the same thing and it can't be used for both shunting and train movement. I Highly suggest to change this in Itinerario del treno as it this for real The translation for channel is ' canale +, canale - ' I add a suggestion for the new translation to activate the bot in the " Menu di simulazione " Attiva il bot, oppure "guida automatica" if you prefer Same translation of "rotta" is still present in the scenario tutorial of E186 locomotive The new term added with the update "use chat window" > Utilizza la finestra della chat There is still present " Tubo freni " in the hud window, Tubo freni is 'Condotta generale', which is the official railway term, tubo freni is understandable for most of people because of the word " freni " but I prefer to call things with their adequate name
GeeForge Posted January 7, 2023 Posted January 7, 2023 On 12/27/2022 at 11:39 AM, alegalga98 said: Hello I add these 2 suggestions: "Condotta generale" seems not related to the vocabulary term "Brake hose". Would you mind to change it in "Applicazione freni"? "Rotta" updated with "tratta" On 1/6/2023 at 11:45 AM, alegalga98 said: Conduci il treno rispettando il regolamento e gli ordini impartiti dai regolatori della circolazione Updated. On 1/6/2023 at 11:45 AM, alegalga98 said: As already said before, a train movement inside stations, is defined with: Itinerario, instradamento is used for shunting movement, is not the same thing and it can't be used for both shunting and train movement. I Highly suggest to change this in Itinerario del treno as it this for real You're right. Updated. On 1/6/2023 at 11:45 AM, alegalga98 said: The translation for channel is ' canale +, canale - ' The translation string is missing. I could add it when in vocabulary. On 1/6/2023 at 11:45 AM, alegalga98 said: The new term added with the update "use chat window" > Utilizza la finestra della chat Updated.
alegalga98 Posted January 7, 2023 Author Posted January 7, 2023 (edited) Quote "Condotta generale" seems not related to the vocabulary term "Brake hose". Would you mind to change it in "Applicazione freni"? If you translate directly with the translator what brake hose mean, yes, there is no correlation with the 2 terms. But in the professional railway terms the brake hose is called Condotta generale, I add the description quoted from my manual about what condotta generale is CG: E' costituita da una tubazione che si estende per tutta la lunghezza del treno. La tubazione è rigida (metallica) sui veicoli e flessibile (gomma) tra i rotabili. La condotta generale alimenta d'aria le apparecchiature del freno (normalmente a 5 bar), e con le sue variazioni di pressione comanda le azioni frenanti e sfrenanti I add that, this term would be ideal if there was right now a possibility to move the mouse over the manometer in the cab and then you have a description of what each manometers do, and in that case there is no doubt what term should be used, with the interface (which is not a manometer and it works using percentage % but the meaning is the same) there is more room for adjustment with different terms. If you prefer a more universal term then 'applicazione freni' is good Quote The translation string is missing. I could add it when in vocabulary. Yes I remember there are some string missing Edited January 7, 2023 by alegalga98
alegalga98 Posted January 7, 2023 Author Posted January 7, 2023 I noticed 2 synonyms: Tergicristallo ( selector ) is correct Tergivetro ( the button that controls the nozzle ), I'd chenge it using ' lavavetri '
GeeForge Posted January 8, 2023 Posted January 8, 2023 22 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Tergivetro ( the button that controls the nozzle ), I'd chenge it using ' lavavetri ' Updated. 22 hours ago, alegalga98 said: If you translate directly with the translator what brake hose mean, yes, there is no correlation with the 2 terms. But in the professional railway terms the brake hose is called Condotta generale, I add the description quoted from my manual about what condotta generale is CG: E' costituita da una tubazione che si estende per tutta la lunghezza del treno. La tubazione è rigida (metallica) sui veicoli e flessibile (gomma) tra i rotabili. La condotta generale alimenta d'aria le apparecchiature del freno (normalmente a 5 bar), e con le sue variazioni di pressione comanda le azioni frenanti e sfrenanti I add that, this term would be ideal if there was right now a possibility to move the mouse over the manometer in the cab and then you have a description of what each manometers do, and in that case there is no doubt what term should be used, with the interface (which is not a manometer and it works using percentage % but the meaning is the same) there is more room for adjustment with different terms. If you prefer a more universal term then 'applicazione freni' is good The problem is that in the EN76, the brake lever have the shared name with the local brake in the 4EC While, the main brake lever in the 4EC and the E186 have a different name (rubinetto condotta generale) I mind to change the commands as: Applicazione freno (for the GUI) because of a shared gauge for every locomotive Freno diretto (for the EN76 and 4EC) Freno condotta generale (for the 4EC and E186) Suggestions?
alegalga98 Posted January 8, 2023 Author Posted January 8, 2023 (edited) Rubinetto freno continuo was right, rubinetto condotta generale is not right, this term reefer to the actual 'tube', 'freno locale' was right before as 'rubinetto freno diretto' which is the brake that applies only on the traction unit and is not related with condotta generale, because it works by sending a certain amount of air directly from the 'main tank' (serbatoio principale) to the brake cylinders of the locomotive ( and you, the driver, decide the amount of pressure you want using the lever ) Applicazione freno for Gui is good Edited January 8, 2023 by alegalga98
GeeForge Posted January 8, 2023 Posted January 8, 2023 Than for the GUI = Applicazione freno for the 4EC and E186 = Freno continuo "Rubinetto freno locale" would work for the 4EC but on E186 doesn't look like a "rubinetto" (see pictures on the previous post) for the EN76 and 4EC = Freno locale ?
alegalga98 Posted January 8, 2023 Author Posted January 8, 2023 Rubinetto (both for diretto and continuo) can be of two types, like the ones in the 4E, which is a old type of rubinetto and the newer ones that are basically joystick (like the one in the 186 and elf) but they do the exact same function For en76 / 4E= freno diretto
alegalga98 Posted January 10, 2023 Author Posted January 10, 2023 (edited) Correction update Freno diretto for elfs is not the term to use, I tested it and it is a 'freno continuo', often this kind of materials don't have a separate lever for freno diretto, local brake is integrated with 'controllo trazione' lever, before the emergency position The term to use for that lever is 'rubinetto freno continuo' I also noticed other mistranslations " Sblocca tubi dei freni ", I suggest to change this in 'pulsante di carica del freno' Tieni premuto il pulsante di carica per per ricaricare la condotta generale the terms don't match As a reminder, the word ' controllore ' should be removed from every string, there are many left on the tutorial, proper term ' regolatore di circolazione ' 40665 chiedo il permesso per avvicinarmi al marciapiede. puoi avvicinarti al marciapiede. Assimila freni, I'd change this with "sovraccarico freno" which overcharge the brake pipe until 5.4 bar It should be changed using: Aumenta la potenza Mantieni la potenza / riduci la frenatura elettrica Mantieni la frenatura elettrica / diminuisci potenza Aumenta forza frenatura elettrica Frenatura pneumatica Frenatura di emergenza Edited January 10, 2023 by alegalga98
GeeForge Posted January 11, 2023 Posted January 11, 2023 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Freno diretto for elfs is not the term to use, I tested it and it is a 'freno continuo', often this kind of materials don't have a separate lever for freno diretto, local brake is integrated with 'controllo trazione' lever, before the emergency position The term to use for that lever is 'rubinetto freno continuo' That's why I asked about the correct term. Actually the simulator have only 2 strings about the brakes, shared for 3 locomotives: EN76 or 34WE = only 1 handle "Local brake" 4EC and 4IEC = 2 handles "Service brake" "Local brake" E186 = 2 handles "Service brake" "Local brake" I don't know if DEVS will change the strings in the full release but 'til now, we've only 2 choices, so the translated string would be (correct me if i'm wrong): Service brake => Rubinetto freno continuo Local brake => Rubinetto freno diretto
GeeForge Posted January 11, 2023 Posted January 11, 2023 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: the terms don't match Updated 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Tieni premuto il pulsante di carica per per ricaricare la condotta generale Updated. The button will be called "Ricarica condotta generale" 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: 40665 chiedo il permesso per avvicinarmi al marciapiede. puoi avvicinarti al marciapiede. Updated. 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: Assimila freni, I'd change this with "sovraccarico freno" which overcharge the brake pipe until 5.4 bar You're right, updated. 19 hours ago, alegalga98 said: It should be changed using: Aumenta la potenza Mantieni la potenza / riduci la frenatura elettrica Mantieni la frenatura elettrica / diminuisci potenza Aumenta forza frenatura elettrica Frenatura pneumatica Frenatura di emergenza Updated. "Frena" is a string shared with other locomotives, so I will change the translation in "Pieno servizio" that will also work with the 4EC
alegalga98 Posted January 11, 2023 Author Posted January 11, 2023 3 hours ago, GeeForge said: That's why I asked about the correct term. Actually the simulator have only 2 strings about the brakes, shared for 3 locomotives: EN76 or 34WE = only 1 handle "Local brake" 4EC and 4IEC = 2 handles "Service brake" "Local brake" E186 = 2 handles "Service brake" "Local brake" I don't know if DEVS will change the strings in the full release but 'til now, we've only 2 choices, so the translated string would be (correct me if i'm wrong): Service brake => Rubinetto freno continuo Local brake => Rubinetto freno diretto It is correct
alegalga98 Posted January 11, 2023 Author Posted January 11, 2023 I add a clarification for drive handle in en76/96 Aumenta la potenza Mantieni la potenza / riduci la frenatura combinata Mantieni la frenatura combinata / diminuisci potenza Aumenta forza frenatura combinata Pieno servizio ( maximum brake force in the brake cylinders ) Frenatura di emergenza
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