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I would like to participate in the test. But it is impossible. There is no tutorial so i cant even drive a train.



I am a bit disappointed about this!

  • I disagree 2

Well, get yourself the Demoversion which has Tutorials for 2 Locos. And the Forum here is full with Tutorials and How To´s.. Even on YouTube you find lots of help.

vor 1 Minute schrieb SurvivorSean:

"Impossible" 🙂

How is everyone else running?

we dont.. we just wait at Red Signals and hope they never turn green /s

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Ok. It is totally impossible for me to playtest. I entered a running train. Somehow i stopped it. Then i tried to do what was in the tutorial. Test it all. Some levers could not be turned. And while i was struggling the game just went back to auto. So to no avail.


I might buy it to see if they have implemented some kind of tutorial when it is released, otherwise they just lost a customer.

Gerade eben schrieb Ligator:

I might buy it to see if they have implemented some kind of tutorial when it is released, otherwise they just lost a customer.

There is Tutorials .. And its a Playtest so please dont expect it to be a full Game yet.

Patience is a virtue.

And if you have played Train Sims before you should know at least some things about how to operate a Train

  • I agree 1

Start by reviewing the keyboard commands, they will give an idea of the processes.

But frankly if the OP has never touched a train sim, even something like TSW which does have tutorials, why sign up for a playtest? It's not an arcade game and sitting on a train or in a signalbox in multiplayer with no clue what you're doing, is exactly why we have been getting some of the problems encountered.

  • I agree 2

this is a PLAYTEST... as with all playtests, it's about finding bugs, it's not supposed to be a 'free way to get a go on the game'

With other game playtests you get given a very small part of the map and are asked to play it over and over again finding every way to break it, then you do it again with the fixes until it's as good as possible, then you may get another small section of the map and so on.
Only a beta release do you usually get access to a bigger part of the game.
This playtest you get almost 2 hours of driving time and over 140Km's or track to drive, and multiple signal boxes to control... and it's all done in real time.


Most of us have an interest in trains and have driven in other games that pretend to be simulators,
This is a simulator, it's supposed to be hard.... last night i drove for 40 minutes at 20Kph because of signal failures, something that happens in real life, and it's awesome that this kind of thing can happen as a random event in this sim, how many people would have just rage quit after 3 minutes of that?

If you are totally new to train driving, then play the SimRail prolouge or demo, that is all tutorial.
but it is sounding like this kind of Simulator is not for you, there is a place for games like train sim world, where you can earn medals for pressing the buttons it tells you to and it's all very arcade game like,  this is not what SimRail is.

Sorry to be negative, but shouting on discord that they have lost a customer because the PlayTest is too hard to figure out isn't really helping,
the multiplayer part of this Sim is LIVE, if you faff about stopping a train that you cant work the interlocks to get going again, you are holding up all the other people driving trains in the Sim around you, so wait for the single player part to be released,

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  • I agree 2
Posted (edited)

They could have referred new players to the old demo. The demo was not on the page where the playtest was downloaded. I got a link to it by someone on the discord and he informed me that there will be a singleplayer playtest too.

If there has been problems on the multiplayer due to new people that dont understand the game, it is the DEVELOPERS fault. They should have directed new players to the old demo and told them that there is a singleplayer version coming. And advised all new NOT to play multiplayer at all. 

Then you all would have encountered less problems. Right?!

I will test the demo and the singleplayer test. And i still hope to enter multiplayer when i have learned the stuff.

Edited by Ligator
  • I disagree 1

@Ligator Let me kindly remind you that the store page for the game (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1422130/SimRail__The_Railway_Simulator/) - where the playtest is - has every information you mentioned as missing. There is a roadmap picture which clearly shows multiplayer and singleplayer playtests with dates and if you click 'read more' just under the roadmap there is a steam store link to the prologue. It's been like this for months.

  • I agree 1

I'VE NEVER PLAYED THE OLD DEMO BECAUSE I WATCHED IT ON YOUTUBE!  Is it a big learning curve absolutely.  Honestly there isn't much of a challenge for me right now except some of the engines which I haven't bothered researching.  Lots of youtube videos and tutorials have been posted here.  Could they use more documentation absolutely but they have updates almost every day so I'm not going to complain.  They listen to people's issues.  In fact there is a thread for tutorials that they replied to.  Only other challenges are busy servers were people make mistakes and services are delayed.  

Even the signal boxes that don't have tutorials that I'm aware of I was able to find the info I needed.



Posted (edited)

Well survivorSean. Mp is NOT something for new people. The auto function even stops new people from trying. I am satisfied now when i found out about the demo and upcoming singleplayer test.

Crypter. No it is NOT on the steampage. For example no link to the old demo. And no info about the auto function or advise that new should wait and not play MP


Edited by Ligator
Posted (edited)

The AUTO function is a timer.

If you have not made any input on SimRail for 50 seconds whilst driving... i.e. moved a control, pressed a button, even just hitting any key on the keyboard or clicking with the mouse... you get a warning on the screen saying a bot may take over if you continue to do nothing.

If you have not done anything at all on SimRail by 1 minute and 5 seconds (when driving) the auto pilot takes over.
(I've just tested this on an empty server to get the 1:05 takeover time, BUT when sat at a station with a 7 minute dwell time, i got the same warning at 50 seconds, BUT it was almost 5 minutes before the bot actually took over)

When the train has been taken over and being driven by auto pilot, at anytime you can click at the top where it says 'click here to disable autopilot' just like you did when you loaded into the moving train, and you have control of the train again.

So if this is stopping you operating controls, you are not pressing any keyboard keys or clicking the mouse for over a minute!


I know it's a lot to learn for someone who has never driven a simulated train before, but this multiplayer test is live and in real time, there are other real people connected to the server you are on driving some of the other trains around you, and real people controlling some of the the signal boxes.
A lot of these people have been doing this for the last 10 days, and their goal is to run the simulated railway in a professional manner.


This timer was implemented because some people were taking over trains then ignoring them deliberately, letting them sit idle just to screw things up for others, this caused 'train jams' where the lines were blocked up, with many trains stuck around the train that's not being controlled.
It's not like driving a car, you can't just drive around a stopped train, the line you are blocking may be used both ways and be part of the route for loads of other trains from all directions.

Same with the people running the signal boxes, some people deliberately ignored their tasks to mess things up, but others were trying to control something that's far too complicated for someone new to the sim, you really can't just load in and spam all the buttons to find out what does what here,

This simulator is realistic, so the interlocks in real trains and signal boxes are in place, you can't just apply emergency brakes then accelerate away the second you have stopped, you have to operate the controls as they are done in the real thing.

This is what SimRail is about, and what sets it apart from other train driving  'games' where you can just press one key to go faster, and another to slow down.

Edited by Gazz292
got mouse bit wrong
  • I agree 2
3 hours ago, Ligator said:

I would like to participate in the test. But it is impossible. There is no tutorial so i cant even drive a train.



I am a bit disappointed about this!

Do what i did if you have a mobile phone. Take a series of piccies of the driver manual, posted on this forum.

Then you have a reference point to look at when you decide to come out of autopilot (which is a simple click centre screen top).

I am an old git with a shocking memory due to mental health problems. So i am sure if i can master the controls. With a bit of perseverance, you should be fine.


  • I agree 2

Did you post this in the wrong message?  This was about the tutorial.  Anyways I'll respond anyways.

I agree that somethign needs to be done.  I understand why the timers are in place and driving a train should be perhaps linked to the alerter.  Though the alerter is very quick in placing the brakes on the train.  Regardless there should be no issue with a moving train.  I think the issue was with a stopped train where alerters should not be going off.  However dispatchers should certainly be able to contact the driver and ask what is up.  If they don't respond within a reasonable time period they should get kicked over to AI.  Sitting at a station for 17 minutes (there is at least 1 cargo train that does this at GS I found out recently and never checked page 2 of the schedule) you should not be bugged in those 17 minutes.  You should however be bugged if not responding to the green light in a timely matter.  The alert sound (I assume the same for the signal boxes) should be sufficient to get someone to the computer and get moving.

As for the signal box if no train is scheduled, then it should be ok to remain dormant for however long it takes.  Once trains start coming up to red signals they should be calling the box both players and AI as well.  This is where the timers come into play.  We already know the system tracks signal condition of the signals under your control when a train is present.  This is where a timer should begin and if it's an AI train he can call when he sees the red, and when he has waited for 1 minute with no response.  After the 2nd minute the warning comes on the screen and if the player doesn't respond he gets replaced by AI.

I think this solution is totally prototypical and should not be a burden to anyone.  Of course the team has been very busy with all kinds of things and I wouldn't expect this overnight.  They are doing a great job and I applaud them for their efforts.




Sorry, the OP had posted the same kind of thing in a few different posts and on the discord server, basically saying the train takes over control before they have time to learn anything, and it's going to lose a customer etc.

But for that to happen no input is being made for over a minute.


because the play-test does not have tutorials I tried to play the prologue. I have chosen a freight drive. All went OK, I went off but after say a minute a red light popped up on my screen and somebody started yelling something I understand as tubak? No clues, no solutions. Without a manual this makes the learning curve very steep. Either turn some game features off or provide better help.


It feels rather disappointing. It looked quite good, but I think this simulation needs proper training.

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