TSTV_Mark Posted December 19, 2022 Posted December 19, 2022 Similar to many other games I think it would be wise to possibly have an automated way of kicking players who are AFK for more than around 5 minutes, that way people can't just disappear for long periods of time? I applaud the developers for implementing the AI takeover from red signals if a driver doesn't move, that's a really good idea. 1
stronzio Posted December 20, 2022 Posted December 20, 2022 This was discussed in the official discord, but I'll also write it here: I think that the new limits implemented today are not reasonable at all, especially when dispatching. When driving it's even more ridiculous, I was stopped at a red and the AI took over as soon as the signal cleared: I often do other stuff on my second monitor, while keeping an eye to the game, so it was already complaining of having no input and the timer had already started it seems. The bad thing is that I'm penalised anyway even if I still have the situation under control, I know it's more of a "you problem" but it is kinda annoying on its own nonetheless Personally, I'd set it up like this: When dispatching: 5/10' AFK -> warning after a few mins (not at once and not as nagging as it is now), then kicked When driving: if stopped at a red, forfeit the timer, else do the same as above 1' is too restrictive and doesn't really make sense in my opinion, some leeway is needed one way or another. Also, I think that in almost 70h of playtest I encountered AFK people only once or twice tops, so it's quite overkill imo 2
hyzwar Posted December 20, 2022 Posted December 20, 2022 My opinion is like above, an overkill. Gone in 60 seconds 🙂
Gazz292 Posted December 20, 2022 Posted December 20, 2022 They deffo need to do something about it when driving, i've mostly been driving the EU07, and i seem to get the czuwak lights pretty rarely, but every 2Km or so i am responding to the SHP as i approach a signal, what should be the time interval between getting the czuwak lights? Googling shows it to be about 5 minutes, other people say 1 minute (does it differ by loco / EMU type?) I've got no problem resetting the czuwak every minute if that's prototypical for this loco, i was used to the 30 second reset for the SIFA in German trains. But the problem is when stopped waiting at a signal for other train movements before your route is clear, the czuwak is paused in the real train then (it activates when you are driving over about 5Kph i believe) But in the sim, the vigilance timer is running and needing input every minute no matter what. I think we could do with something like the 'are you still alive' message is paused when you are stopped at a signal, as you not being there makes no difference really, you are not blocking a server as you are not permitted to move. When the signal changes to a proceed aspect, a timer starts, if you havent started moving the train when it runs down the AI takes over and drives the train, preventing holdups to other trains. You then have a minute or so to take back control or you are kicked back to the train selection screen on the server (rather than all the way back to the server select screen... giving you chance to take your train back if someone else hasn't taken it over) 4
Skully Posted December 20, 2022 Posted December 20, 2022 When AFK 2 minutes to AI and 10 minutes to kick sounds good to me for drivers. The timer must only run when the signal is non-stop. Dispatching may have a 5 minute AFK kick if the game can determine action is needed. Otherwise 5 minutes vigilance and 10 minute kick. 1
-1PARA-AlexKall Posted December 21, 2022 Posted December 21, 2022 I agree with Stronzio and Skully, right not it removes immersion especially annoying by red lights, I'm not the person that in the game would get out and jump around as a bunny so I constantly get this message even if I'm there and vigilant.
SurvivorSean Posted December 21, 2022 Posted December 21, 2022 Time is not the issue. You need interactive AI dispatchers communicationg with crews and AI crews with towers. Once that is in place for a train not moving on a green or a dispatcher not clearing a train and it's ignored after say 2 repeated requests say 1 minute appart then kick the user. Thanks Sean
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