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Everything posted by Omni

  1. I switched to a larger screen, and now I noticed the HUD items such as the chat boxes in dispatcher mode are quite large. Is there any way to scale those down?
  2. The dispatcher timetable screen shows a certificate error "date invalid". When using the timetable in a browser you can bypass the security and view the timetable, but the ingame computer screen is blank and shows a load error. Edit: Never mind, has been fixed. Please remove this topic
  3. Would be good to add the servers time zone in the server's discription. I think it can guide players to a server that suits them. And hopefully help fill a server instead of having so many servers with just a handful of players
  4. Yea you can see it happening now, players are spreading thin across multiple servers. Lets hope players will group up again soon.
  5. Small request for Olsza/Pilchowice, the tabs in the top left of the dispatcher screens are opposite to the order of the screens. Would be great if the tabs are switched. The tab order in the other combined signal boxes are correct.
      • 1
      • I agree
  6. I agree just some small ajustments could create problems elswhere. I would propose a complete overhaul of the new timetable. In my opinion the new timetable has cut far too many trains, and it -sadly- is a downgrade from the previous version. The last update brought improvements to signal boxes by combining some very simple ones, which is great. But I also looked forward to a bit more challenging events like shunting, or a big signal box like Krakow Glowny. Sadly when I played my favorite Zabkowice again I noticed nothing really happened anymore. The station just sits empty most of the time. Less trains means less (almost)conflicts to solve. The notoriously late 146xxx which was one of the trains I looked forward to, is no more. I just felt bored, while in the previous timetable you were always on alert. And after all, you should be in a level 5 signal box! And ofcourse this cut in the timetable affects all of the main route between Katowice and Warzawa. I just can't hide my disappointment. I certainly hope the Lodz DLC will bring a better timetable for all of the existing routes...
  7. Oh that is actually a great feature! Thanks! Sorry for posting it as a bug.
  8. At Lazy, trains coming from Lc on track 1 cannot be routed to signals H3 and J123, but this should be possible. Because of this, it is not possible to route trains to platform track 3 and the LK160 line. Clicking on entry signal G1, it correctly highlights the 4 possible connecting signals, but routing towards these 2 signals leaves the 'train route' button grey. The 4 possible connections from signal G1: Trying to route to signal J123, it also highlights 2 switches, the same happens if trying to connect to signal H3. The 'train route' button is grey:
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