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Allah macht frei

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Everything posted by Allah macht frei

  1. I was using Numpad Enter for Alerter / Czwiak and Q key for LZB reset, and after playtest i found out that key no more works. Num Enter was good for alerter reset , some trains have it on right handside or as pedal. But more strange, I was amazed who would use it for chat activation 😄
  2. Currently heavy trains haul long consist of hoppers but they are empty, yet they "feel" heavy like filled. Please fill them if they are that heavy, and maybe some of them returning to factory/mine should be empty and less heavy. And the newer freight loco which I mostly see it as solo running should be able to carry some freight, especially containers or similar wagons that are rated for 120 km/h.
  3. YUCK, I really hate retrofit in any simulator vehicle. Even i'd favour it in reallife, still it kinda breaks the original spirit and style of vehicle. ANALOG FOREVER ❤️
  4. As circled in the screenshot, the game is right now not simulating neutral sections of powergrid where the current flow cuts off, therefore especially in older stock the driver needs to cut power off before entering these sections in order not to damage the resistors and convertors. Would be good to have a script where game cuts the power off while pantograph passes through the neutral sections, and turns onto previous setting (if driver has forgotten to notch off, then which might damage the train) when exiting.
  5. Those, and sound of wind with higher speeds, especially when window is open should be added.
  6. Since 2011, OMSI2 is hands-down the most realistic and the best bus simulator in its genre, even it's suffering from 32bit architecture and therefore many performance-wise drawbacks. About 4-5 years ago, two lead developers of OMSI are separated, one of them is working on LOTUS. LOTUS is expected to be the successor of OMSI series, yet it still has long way to go (no patch updates since July 13 though. Early-Access patch 104)
  7. As I have just suggested here, those information might be added to timetable sheet and that menu getting bigger to contain all the information, together with passing points showing mileposts. @stronzio For the braking, I don't know how much it differs as brakepipe flow strength between Pax and Freight , but I felt it ingame that; like supposed to be in some of trains in real, passenger setting applies wagons BUT SIMULTANENOUSLY RELEASES LOCOMOTIVE brakes, whereas in freight it doesn't. This way, passenger wagons don't get jolted by loco, which makes discomfort. I kinda felt that jolting in freight services, but not in passenger. For US locomotives however, it also changes reservoir pressure (Freight-Pax is like 90 - ~120 psi)
  8. Current F1 timetable view is small and can't be scrolled down enough to see upcoming waypoints. When tried, it turns back to current point once mouse button is released. I suggest a much bigger timetable view if not as F1 pop-up, should be seen via gameplay menu maybe: -Train number, type (max. permitted speed) -Total carriage amount, total length, total weight -Waypoints with timings AND approximate kilometrage post if applicable
      • 1
      • I agree
  9. Except EN1 (Beginners only) and 7 (Drivers only) , other ENglish servers are located in North America, far Asia and Oceania. No standart EN server in Europe right now. And other suggestion: Server list should show connected player amount for each server, so that one could know which is more crowded. Maybe even show Drivers / Dispatchers amount.
  10. +1 Just like TSW3 did, after finishing service the game should pop-up info that our service has finished and we can either walk around or quit session via menu. While walking around, if there is any train around player can board into loco's driver cabin when nearby that train it shall ask if player wants to take control of that service and continue, or not. If there is no other service to do around, without leaving session and going to main menu player could teleport to selected service.
  11. How to know which channel to use; is there any route diagram, or/and see via trackside signs showing radio channel? And radiostop, ZEW1-2-3 And is chat limited to radio? I tried to contact dispatch but no response. Even via voicechat, no luck. At Lazy Lc while waiting for signal another driver on regional stopper service stopped, we both left cab and greeted eachother with jump and etc but appearingly he didn't see my "hello", "sup" chat.
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