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Everything posted by Howky

  1. Czech group wanted to start cooperation on CZ/SK DLC, but no response from authors yet 馃檪
  2. Hello Would it be possible to improve the environment for the dispatchers and make the game more enjoyable for them? Put blinds, curtains or shades on the windows to prevent glare from the sun. Allow the dispatcher to sit in his chair. These options are also available to train drivers. Thanks 馃檪
  3. The authors of SimRail were offered to work on the Czech line, unfortunately there was no response.
  4. Reading it that way, it would be worth opening up the idea of private servers to the authors again. Why shouldn't the community pay for their own server ?
  5. Ideal would be support from the creators if a communication protocol via IP Address, Port com. Where for example Simrail would send a message at a configurable interval from speed, pressure, voltage, amps etc. And vice versa I could send him a message via arduino for example. For example to change direction I would send a command: Directions0, Directions1,Directions2 Directions0 - Backwars Directions1 - Neutral Directions2 - Fowards But even better would be if I could set in simrail via a configuration file for example. That the Directions element is the letter A and then only send the message A0, A1, A2 I use a similar system with Open Rails and TS22
  6. Greetings to the creator Couldn't we add keyboard shortcuts for the phones? thanks
  7. Is there anyone on the SR team who is working on this and could be interviewed about it ?
  8. I have a plea for the creators. Would it be possible to add a separate option to set a speaker for a call? Usage ? For example for the radio on the locomotive and separate the simulator sounds from the call. Thanks
  9. In Sosnowiec poludniowy station as soon as it starts snowing, the texture of the table changes and PC has anyone experienced ?
  10. We are also waiting for input and output data 馃檪 and mainly we are waiting for the upcoming model of Czech locomotive 163
  11. Well that would make you wonder if the developers are going against themselves. Private servers can bring in more players. But so far from what I hear from others and in discussions. Many players are discouraged or already discouraged by playing SR.
  12. You don't want to go that way why ? Technical problem ? As already written here, it would be nice if each community could have its own server. Check out flight sims, it works beautifully there. They have their own communities, rules. And it's not a problem for a community to pay for their own server independently of the OR team. Otherwise, even the older Open Rails simulator has the ability to create its own server.
  13. But that's not a solution for the player to have to use an SSD is it ? Other games are even more demanding than Simrail and don't need an SSD. This should be solved 馃檪
  14. A great option would be to open a window on a different screen.
  15. By艂oby dobrze, gdyby mo偶na by艂o doda膰 telefon + czat z s膮siedni膮 stacj膮 do innego monitora i wy艣wietla膰 go osobno. Zdecydowanie by艂oby mi艂o, gdyby istnia艂 jaki艣 interfejs, skr贸ty klawiaturowe do tworzenia w艂asnego telefonu.
  16. To by艂oby w porz膮dku, ale w niekt贸rych stacjach nie by艂oby 藕le, gdyby inny gracz m贸g艂 by膰 operatorem. 馃檪
  17. Opoczno Po艂udnie it looks like curtains https://www.bazakolejowa.pl/index.php?dzial=stacje&id=5165&okno=galeria&photoid=12312
  18. For sure, it would be good to add some blinds, shutters, curtains to the game even for the dispatchers. After all, train drivers have this option too.
  19. Isn't it better to use aurdino?
  20. Hi I have a question for the authors. The dispatchers have the option to add labels to the counter or screen in the station. Would it be possible to modify this so that the labels remain there after the player leaves the station or after the game crashes or the server restarts ? It would definitely come in handy occasionally when a player adds a label that might be useful to another player. Thanks Howky
      • 4
      • I agree
  21. communication could also be for the dispatchers. Possibility to create your own phone or station control panel
  22. could you elaborate more on why you're not ready
  23. Nice work 馃檪 Ideally, the creators should create a communication protocol. E.g. for the possibility to communicate via TCP, Serial port with arduino. So that it would be enough for example to send an S2 message and the forward direction would be switched. Or S0 and it would switch the direction backwards, etc. etc.
  24. po艂膮czenie transgraniczne PL - CZ - (Bohum铆n) 馃檪
  25. Witam, Mam specjalne pytanie do autor贸w. Czy nie planujecie z czasem doda膰 do simraila mo偶liwo艣ci komunikacji dla central alarmowych ? SimRail - Arduino Gracz m贸g艂by stworzy膰 w domu panel, np. stacj臋 b臋dzi艅sk膮, i pod艂膮czy膰 j膮 za pomoc膮 arduino do SimRaila. Dzi臋ki za informacj臋: Zdj臋cie pochodzi ze strony: https://trainbrains.eu/
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