I noticed that on your scenario description that it states that E186, ET22, EU07, EP07, EP08,E6ACTa are all playable trains, however on the spawn menu there is only Dragon, EU07 & ET22 to pick from. How do i pick the other trains stated?
Are you able to explain how i could do that? I know how to edit the luas for the default scenarios for the Tunel route as they use 3 preset weathers. I was wondering how i can add different weather events such as i mentioned above.
Hello there.
I was wondering if its possible to still have changing weather in the game at all? I know that we have weather preset codes to change in the mission.lua file.
My request was is there a way to add to the script to have different weather changes, rather than 1. Such as: Scenario starts with sunshine, then changes to overcast & light/heavy rain & then back to overcast.
You used to be able to do this with the JSON files as i edited some before to have this weather. But changed now with the new file setups.
I dont feel its realistic especially when playing long scenarios that you have 2/3 hours of a very heavy torrential rain storm.
Many thanks.
When playing the shunting scenarios with the ET22, ive shut down the first cab & switched cabs, everythings fired up ready to go but for some reason the locomotive wont take any power even though the light is lit up saying there is power. Is there something im missing?
Enjoyed driving these scenarios. So much better they are in several parts when we currently have no savegame feature to continue. The AI traffic seen also helps bring it to life. Will you be doing anymore scenarios? Id love to see a Pendolino scenario with AI traffic.
I was put off playing these scenarios as the scenario is just dead without any other AI traffic to bring the route to life. Also 3 hours of driving with no savegame on a dead map just didnt appeal to me.
Putting these scenarios in my game makes all the maps & scenarios dissapear from the game. I put them in the sceneries folder like i would any other scenario & removing them makes the maps show again.