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  1. Since the last patch have the penality feature about red signals, my suggestion is to add the function that an AI dispatcher have to notify an incoming driver (text message) that the next signal has changed, differently from the timetable, for %reason%. Reasons would be: Occupied track; Delayed departure; Shunting; etc... In case of human dispather, the notification would be via voice/message calls about the problem.
  2. You're right. That's is a suggestion for not implement a screen that shows those informations, but dispatchers (human and AI) have to notify the driver about the state changed for an emergency. Looking about the problem/suggestion: A train on route for Sosnowiec Glowny, have to pass a junction, now controlled by AI (Sosnowiec Gl. pzs R52) which switch trains for 2 routes. Yesterday the Sosnowiec Pludniowy had a problem with 2 tracks interlocked in the same direction and the pzs R52 would not dispatch the traffic. I was coming from Katowice Zawodzie that gave me green signal to proceed and, accordingly the timetable, I would have green signal until Sosnowiec Glowny. With the HUD turned off (G key), you can watch on sight the next signal but if i was running at 120 km/h (not the case of the scenario above), I would have to set emergency brake when I could see the signal red instead of green. Currently, the AI doesn't inform the driver about the change of state of the traffic signal, but an human dispatcher can. In this situation, I advice DEVs to add the feature to notify a driver when a traffic signal change state for a unplanned situation (instead the SCMT on-board display)
  3. Utenti italiani li trovi a sprazzi, considerando che il simulatore è in accesso anticipato e contiene ancora problemi (bugs) e funzionalità incomplete, quindi in questa fase, il contributo che ognuno di noi lascia con le impressioni e consigli, sia qui che eventualmente nella sezione inglese, può essere di grandissimo aiuto per migliorare tutti gli aspetti e le carenze ad oggi presenti.
  4. Scenario example: Your train is routing on green signal, the next station/junction's dispatcher have difficulties with a delayed train that can't pass in time. Accordingly you would have the next signal green, but the dispatcher switched to red. How can you know that signals aren't changed? If you activate the HUD you can see the next signal changed from green to red, but on eye, without the HUD, you can't have time to brake the train 'til you see the signal. That's why Italian train have this SCMT panel in the cabin, that shows the next signal color and speed limit. Also on old trains, they revamped the cabin adding the screen that shows that.
  5. The problem is when the timetable changes for an unplanned event made by a dispatcher. 🤷‍♂️ If a dispatcher change a signal light, you could know that only if the dispatcher notify you (chat or voice), or, using the HUD
  6. Well a better function is to dim monitor brightness if you're aware of the lights
  7. I just wanted to clarify one small thing. I was talking about is the on-board control for train safety which transmits through the on-board sub-systems the automatic repetition of the next signals, such as speed limit, red, yellow or green signals, etc. In EU07 this system probably has not been implemented because the step by step communications happened between dispatchers and drivers. At least in Italy, any commuter/freight that makes simple routes has this safety system which serves the driver. In my opinion, this is a very necessary thing to implement since there is not always communication between stations controlled by hosts, and in any case along the full track between stations there are signals that should (hiding the HUD) be communicated in some way. Instead, the ECTS system, as it has rightly been written, is only inserted on the main line since this device is mounted only on high-speed trains which are very different from the classic commuters where the other system that was explained above, in Italy, called SCMT. We are talking about two different devices with similar functions but inserted on very different routes. The idea is to have a graphical on-board system that show those infos just if anyone want improve the full immersive simulation (hiding the HUD)
  8. The EU07 should have a timetable sheet😅 to be checked from time to time. However thanks for the answer
  9. Per l'appunto, questa sezione di forum è stata contestualizzata per invogliare gli italiani a scrivere qui, pareri, commenti, fraseologie, idee e quant'altro possa portare entusiasmo in questo simulatore. Pubblicizzare il reindirizzamento su un gruppo facebook esterno, può portare ad essere ancor meno, e le idee ed entusiasmi restano dove sono.
  10. I figured that actually the GUI shows the next checkpoint (passing through or stopping at), the speed limit and the next signal. Will those informations be displayed in a panel in the cabin? In italy, trains have the SSC like the picture below. Or the common SCMT panel, always used in Italian trains.
  11. Yes. You can receive something on the TCP tcp://
  12. E186, ET25: they use already corrected terms, nothing to do here EU07/EP07: same as before 34WE, if the term is not used for every rolling stock ( If you change it, the name will be changed for 34WE only ) then the correct term is ' Rubinetto freno continuo ' if this term will also change for the other rolling stock then we have to find another solution because the term is only wrong for 34WE, not for all The purpose of the question is to force, if the case, to add new strings for the correct meaning. Updated.
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