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Everything posted by PapaCharlie
Gehe auf den Reiter Options und wähle unten die Option aus mit den meissten Achsen/Buttons, die dir zur Verfügung stehen. Dann sollten alle Achsen/Tasten auch die am Schubhebel hinten zur Verfügung stehen und Belegbar sein. Zum Thema Züge und Fahren und Bremsen.... Es gibt eine Tastaturbelegung in Simrail (in TSW, Zusi, TSC usw auch). Dankenswerter Weise sind die Tasten in Simrail immer gleich für jede Lok! Also Leistung Auf/Abschalten sind immer die gleichen Tasten genau so wie Zugbremse, Lokbremse, E-Bremse. Natürlich funktioniert die Tastenbelegung der E-Bremse nicht bei einer Lok, die keine hat, da haben die Kommandos halt einfach keine Funktion. Was ich empfehlen kann ist mal folgendes Grundsetup: Leistung solltest du mit Tasten auf dem Schubhebel links Auf und Abschalten. Nicht mit dem ganzen Hebel selber denn bei manchen Loks wie der TRAXX musst du öfters "doppelt" klicken. Wenn du den Wippschalter hinbekommst im joytokey Setup, dann da drauf die Trafostufen der Altbauloks damit du die auch direkt Schalten kannst. Den Rest vlt für den Anfang so: Damit hast du alle wichtigen Funktionen belegt und kannst fahren! Den 4 Wege Schalter hast du dann noch übrig, die andere Taste am Joystick und ich glaube noch ein paar irgendwo an dem Ding. Dinge wie Scheibenwischer, jede der Lichtstufen usw und Aufstehen oder Hinsetzen habe ich alle nicht belegt in meinem Setup weil sie entweder nicht belegt sind in den Spielen oder auch wenig Sinn machen, da ja im Führerstand selber Schalter vorhanden sind. Ich denke auch, dass nun damit echt sehr viel Hilfestellung gegeben ist um zu fahren. Den Rest und die persönlichen Vorlieben bei der Bedienung bekommst selber hin! Ansonsten gibt es auf Youtube genug Videos. LG
I saw a Post on Facebook with new freight wagons, an update for the beta servers with new fixes, a new EDR on DE 5 for testing.... There is active development going on.
I think you completely misunderstand early access! You did not pay for a full game as for now, nor did you or do you have the right to get constant updates or content you wish for! You paid for an early access version, which is lacking features, has bugs and may be missing exactly what you are looking for! There is no reason or given or written promise that sates that every x days you will get updates! In fact, the steam page says that you will get involved in development and give feedback in development! I read a few of your comments here and most of them are like " game X has this feature, why is it not here", or " it was sold as but this is missing". There is one thing you have to acceppt regardless of your personal opinion and that is the fact that you literally aggreed to the following: Quote from Steam Homepage: Why Early Access? “We want to involve the SimRail community in improving details so that the game can become the best railway simulator that meets the expectations of players from around the world.” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “We estimate SimRail will be in early access phase for 3 to 6 months.” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? “Planned features to be added in the full version: Steam locomotives. Controller support. Shunting operations. Winter weather effects. Adding more playable signal boxes. We are still working on game optimization and thus performance problems might occur during early access.” What is the current state of the Early Access version? “Game currently includes complete scenery that contains nearly 500 km of routes created with the use of real geodetic data: Katowice - Sędziszów and Katowice - Warszawa. Five vehicles are available for players to drive: EU07, ET25 Dragon, E186 Traxx, ED250 Pendolino EMU, EN76/EN96 Elf EMU and four types of passenger and cargo carriages. Singleplayer and multiplayer modes are already available, with possibility of play as train driver or traffic dispatcher. Available features include dynamic weather, realistic physics model and sounds.” Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “Price is not planned to change when game will leave early access.” How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? “Discussion forum is available for players to share their suggestions and report bugs.” Everything written here is exactly what you get plus: Online realtime map and timetables, a great community, and developers who implenmented many features requested by us already! Maybe you should revise your view on the "missing" features a bit 😉 Kind Rgds
Ich benutze JoyToKey. https://joytokey.net/en/ Du kannst alle Tasten belegen mit Tastaturkommandos und die Achsen können ebenfalls Tastendrucke auslösen. Alternativ kannst du ja von Thrustmaster die TARGET Software nutzen, die ist aber wesentlich komplizierter als JoyToKey. EDIT: Habe gerade sehen, dass dein Joystick von der TARGET Software nicht unterstützt wird zum Belegen. Also JoyToKey
Common problem with almost any system where people are in a multiplayer environment. Private Servers or strict control and a good system in place to prevent this are the way to go. With more than 100 hours into the playtest and many of them in front of red signals I will stop driving around till they have a solution for this happening. Thos people are not the only ones and many others rip servers too but because of sheer ignorance and unwillingness to read or learn even the slightest thing before dispatching or driving.
Lazy not accepting train (42936)
PapaCharlie replied to TMIX_Dávid's topic in Bug reporting (multiplayer)
The train should not be there in the first place. This is a massive problem since day one of playtest that some dipatchers are unable or unwilling to send the trains to the correct stations via the correct tracks. Your train should have been routed to SOS Poludnie but the human dispatcher was again not able to do that. It is a problem with many people not knowing what they are doing. No offene here as documentantion is still lacking but after many weeks of playtest it is a damn shame that this stuff still happens on a regular basis across all servers. The Moment you ask the people if they knew what to do or if they had a look on the forums prior dispatching they allways say no. For me one more reason for either a strict system in place to control who is doing what or private servers. There is no fun anymore in waiting for hours in front of red Signals because some kids rip a server by not knowing what to do and not willing to learn or read. -
Level decreased from 7 back to 1
PapaCharlie replied to Bescot's topic in Bug reporting (multiplayer)
Same Issue here.... I have more than 100 hours in Simrail and I am still level 1. This morning I finished the Tutorials of the E186 and the EN76 and advanced to level 4. After doing the EU7 tutorial I was back at level 1. Guess there needs to be some work done with the leveling system as very often after completing a servive are no points given. -
Hi there.... I was driving on DE2 Server and saw a huge pile up of trains again southbound in fron ot Lazy. After asking in chat and via voice, dispatchers said thhat AI was aunable to handle trains. So I decided to switch to a driver only server. Guess what? No pile up with dispatchers being AI only. First picture is the englisch drivers only server with all trains running smoothly. Now second is DE with "AI" induced traffic jam. Why is that, that human dispatchers are apparently either unable to coordinate with AI or unable to identify what to do?
Were we really promised? There is a roadmap yes but what if things changed and they wont make it? Exactly, nothing will happen. Earth will continue to spin, christmas will come and when it is ready it is ready. I simply cant understand why people still think the devs owe us something. We are allowed to play multiplayer on a 150+ km track for free and the devs are updating and fixing stuff almost every 2 days, and yet people cant stop demanding stuff. Man, no offense but get yourself together and chill a bit. 😉
Besides the survey some feedback: Most important missing features are manuals for the locos, dispatcher positions. Although there is stuff in the forums, people apparently are not willing to come here and read. So what you still need are very strong advises with links to the place where to find them or ingame tutorials. Furthermore it is absolutely neccessary to implement a rating System for dispatchers and a tutorial prior driving online. Besides that, driving feels awesome and is a lot of fun. You have done a great Job. The lighting is a bit overbright and it would be nice to have a different cabin Sound when opening the windows but besides that the game is just awesome and meanwhile I have already 100 hours in it 😁
It is not worth the time saying it again and again. Many people think because they have many tracks they can send trains on any of them anf often without coordinating with AI. I drove on the "drivers only" servers lately and had zero issues with stuck trains or flooded station. Switching back to Servers with people as dispatchers and in a very short period of time folks start to cause chaos by doing useless stuff. Most dumb thing I have heard was " Hey you wanna do a race? I have 4 tracks, I'll send you all at the same time to Katowice" And guess what it was not repairable by anybody. I get the idea to also test what people are doing during a playtest but in many cases people are unable to read on which track the train has to go. Only thing we can do is to hope they come up with a more restrictive system. I mean reas dispatchers have to learn a lot and during a long period of time to operate that stuff and here, almost all real world functionality is simulated but operated by people and kids completely unwilling to read even the short tutorial of what to do and how. This combination cant work out at all. Besides that, many users have found bugs in the signalling operations stuff that is worth noting and beeing fixed because there are sometimes also bugs. Anyway, if you just follow the timetable and the tracks on which the trains have to go I never found any issues. The moment people start "playing" around is when things brake from time to time.
Due to the current situation with people deadlocking servers my idea: Every train has a built in counter on the server which starts when it comes to a stand still. After a period of maybe 25 minutes it gets removed from the session and deleted from the timetable or being marked as deleted. If however player has occupied the train, then a message should appear if he wants the train getting despawned or continue. Furthermore there should be a function to reset a station and its crossings, directions etc. People route trains on purpose opposite and produce deadlocks. With such a system the next dispatcher, who wants to help, could reset direction of the tracks, all crossings and interchanges to a default and usable state. Last: If 3 or more people report the same person for deadlocking, crashing etc. this person gets banned for 24 hours from Multiplayer.
Any chance to trigger a Sever Reset or train removal?
PapaCharlie replied to PapaCharlie's topic in General Discussion
Following idea: More driver only Servers. No dispatcher should be selectable and people are able to test how AI is behaving. New "training servers". There people can train how to operate a selected ammount of dispatcher stations or drive trains with spectator slots where others can explain stuff. More normal Severs but with explicit warnings or need of a certain experience prior selecting trains or dispatcher stations. And furthermore the ability to create own servers either located on the own pc or rentable somewhere. -
Since the todays update and more players with the playtest, it became more and more unplayable. I saw several Servers where kids and people without any interest in reading or understanding smashes random buttons at the dispatchers computer or consoles resulting in endless waiting trains and broken serers again! I am completely unable to test the stuff regarding new AI dispatcher behaviour because there is a constant ammount of dudes sending trains in opposite directions to "make races" or because there is absolutely not the slightest understanding of how railway works!!! This has become annyoing today! That is why I am asking if there is a possibility to either trigger a reset or despawn trains. If there is and will be no such option, we need some serious condiserations of who is playing which dispatcher position!
Hello 🙂 After more than 50 hours of testing at this moment, I'd like to ask if it's possible to provide us with timetables that are either printable or as pdf etc. to look up when what train will depart where and so on. At the moment we only can see this in the screen from the Dispatcher in some sort. What I have in mind could also be a database where people could look up a certain train number, filter for stations or passenger or cargo services and maybe rolling stock. So as example if I want to look up the next drive with the E186 or the next passenger service from Katowice etc. One more thing which would be awesome, is a tracktable with the speed limits, stations etc. along the track according its km signs. So that you can see either as pdf or printed out again at which km along the track the next station will be or the next speed limit. I saw those things printed or running on a laptop in the drivers cab in several videos of polish trains, as in german ones etc. Keep up the great work and rgds, PC
According my Experience the scenario duration is the time left of the train till it reaches its end station/point on the route. Example: The EC trains running from Warsaw to Katowice need aaprox 1:40 h for the current whole route. So the moment the train spawns on the server the duration of the scenario says 1:40 h. If you, however, enter the train later, lets say as it passes Lacy, the duration will only be maybe 40 min or so because it already travelled one hour. If a train has a remaining time of 4 min and the departure time is hours in the past then you can safely assume that it is stuck somewhere. Rgds
Es wird/wurde nicht jeder freigeschaltet, der sich angemeldet hat. Ob noch weitere Spieler zugelassen werden weiß ich nicht. Am besten etwas Geduld haben und bis Januar warten oder ab und zu in Steam gucken ob man den Playtest herunterladen kann. Über das Forum hier wird niemand freigeschaltet.
Das liegt daran, dass nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Spielern zugelassen worden ist. Der Playtest läuft ja auch schon ein paar Tage. Eventuell werden noch mehr Leute zugelassen aber genau weiß ich das nicht. Am besten in Geduld üben bis Januar 😉
Güterzug Annahme Anleitung für Lazy Lc Stellwerk
PapaCharlie replied to Vanrandalos's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Das wäre eine tolle Sache! Leider gibt es zu oft Leute, die trotz aller Versuche, Bedienfehler begehen, die alles zum Stillstand bringen ohne es zu wissen. Ich schließe mich da mit ein^^ Eine grundlegende Einführung, Anleitung und vor allem Tips und Tricks auf den jeweiligen Stellwerken wäre toll und für jeden Pflicht. 🙂 -
Is it or will it be possible to see the length and weight (mass) of the train we are driving? If no, can it be implemented? Rgds,PC
- 7
Does anyone knows if there is a timetable available so that we know when what train will depart from which station? I dont mean the dispatcher timetable ingame but something we could use on a second monitor or print out etc. Idea behind is to know prior a train starts to then drive it from its beginning like the EC trains from the Katowice Warsaw route. Rgds, PC
Sounds familiar 🙂 But yes +1 on this idea. Generally speaking it would be cool to enter the game world as driver, dispatcher or spectator and then staying there to drive trains, dispatch or even stop doing this and become a spectator again walking or driving around.
Finish A Run - Option To Take Over Another Train
PapaCharlie replied to BigVern's topic in Suggestions for improvements
+1 This option would be really cool!!!