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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Speaking of toilet in Kibel... If you go inside a toilet during a stop at station and use toilet without closing the door, you will lose 100 points with "????" as a reason 😅
  2. Had this issue for like a month or 2 now, but after update it just got worse. Whenever i get into any train in mp, frames drop to like 10fps or lower and any mouse movement or interaction just crashes the game completely. Upon restarting and joining the same train game can either function as normal, or do the same stuff as before. Usually it does that whenever there is a weather or scenery change (grass going to winter mode id say). And sometimes game just crashes on its own, without any frames drop or lagging prior to it. Here are 8 log files from todays evening, when i tried driving northbound EC service (and crashed 7 times while driving it). I do want to point, that i have a high graphics preset and got 3070ti, 32gb ram, i5-10600kf and an installed game on an ssd. SimRail_log_2024-01-06_18-04-11.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_18-07-09.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_18-09-40.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_19-13-05.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_19-32-16.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_19-40-37.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_19-48-02.txt SimRail_log_2024-01-06_20-32-24.txt
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